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Art By: Thoren

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  1. orchidcup says:

    As of July 2009, DreamWorks SKG was negotiating for the rights to develop View-Master into a feature film.

  2. deowll says:

    My sister had one. I got to look at the slide shows…I enjoyed the 3D. How the heck somebody is supposed to make that into a movie escapes me.

  3. fishfry says:

    I remember those! But I’m 8000 years old.

  4. Radar says:

    What an amazing job of editing. I don’t think anyone realizes the effort it take to produce something like this.
    Congratulation to JCD for all the hard work.
    Just amazing.

  5. EstCstCrkPt says:

    I caught the last 20 mins when it was broadcasted., I was laughing out loud on the couch. My nephew tried to listen but He doesnt know all the jokes so he was puzzled how I could be laughing at some lady saying jobs four times, in a row and was equally confused with my “yeaahhhhh!”.

    LOL donations, advertising whatever you want to call it.

    It reminds me of the Church Of The Subgenius Hour of slack
    “PR News” which are NPR news cut and pasted together to be hilarious.

  6. tom says:

    wow! fantastic! great edit! almost two hours! chapeau jcd

  7. RODEDOG says:

    Great fill in for your Xmas show.
    I admire the commitment you two have shown to always finding a way to get together show days, so it was easy to forgive not doing a Christmas day show…till I heard the clip show!!!
    “No Agenda… all clips all the time”
    Now might be a good time to start working on the “primmer” for next year”s day off :]

  8. EstCstCrkPt says:

    This show fails all SOPA compliancy tests. Eff the System!!!


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