To me and call me crazy, but nothing says Feliz Navidad better than a posing with a leopard chewing on an antelopes neck. Ah the memories are all flooding back.
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Trivia note: This is the Mayor of San Juan Puerto Rico and Family.
Taxidermy, interesting hobby. How did he make the family so life like?
Latin’s don’t seem to give a damn about panty waist white European bullshit like “animal rights”. Good for them.
Gotta love the little girl with the come hither look.
Uh, pedobear, oops, I mean Alfonse, I think she just looks pleased that she just farted and everybody’s expressions are about to change.
To me and call me crazy, but nothing says Feliz Navidad better than a posing with a leopard chewing on an antelopes neck. Ah the memories are all flooding back.
Chuck Testa.
Merry Christmas…???
This fall on Fox- watch the hilarious new sitcom “So I Married A Mexican”.
If you value your balls, never call a Puerto Rican a Mexican!
I know that. We all know that. š
Is well known among latins that ‘Ricans are the rednecks of Latin America. All the bad taste and lack of culture come from them.
La Navidad es por un lado una celebraciĆ³n religiosa, pero tambiĆ©n es la Ć©poca del aƱo, en que dejamos un poco de lado las preocupaciones cotidianas, para reavivar el espĆritu de solidaridad, de renacer en las buenas acciones, y hacer llegar a nuestros amigos, familiares y conocidos, nuestros mejores deseos.
Another photoshop. big whoop.
Actually no, it’s not ‘shopped.
The lesser known nativity sub plot, “leopard devoureth the horned antelope”.
Despite this unfortunate incident, Santa and his seven reindeer will be back next year.
A man and his trophies..
this ‘card’ is also accompanied by music when you open it..
“Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer”
Charlie Brown, this is what Black Friday is all about.
She’s proud that she was able to achieve a 90 twist to face the camera without breaking her own neck. Raul Julia, Jr. (upper right) concurs.
Hey guys- might it be time to create a new meme here? Say, “Proud Girl” or “Self-satisfied Girl” or some such.
I dunno – maybe that antelope is enjoying it?
1 out of 10 antelopes like that kind thing.
Since it is written in some foreign language, it’s difficult to know what is going on.
I think it conveys the full meaning of Christmas.