PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Police say they stole thousands of dollars in cash and goods, and then posed with their loot and posted the photos to a popular social media site. Police say the three suspects, along with another teen, posted the photos on Facebook about an hour after they burglarized Elliott’s Town Market on Chartiers Avenue in the West End. “We received information the day after the burglary that these pictures were posted on Facebook, and if you look at the pictures, you can see that the individuals are holding a large amount of cash,” Sgt. Kevin Gasiorowski, of the Pittsburgh Police, said.

Cripes, who needs the cops when these idiots convict themselves….

  1. TripleHash says:

    Irregardless of the facebooks they were probably gonna get caught anyway.

  2. Breetai says:

    Glad these guys could help. The cops have they’re hands full with all those caarazy protesters. They don’t have time for shit like this.

  3. WmDE says:

    Obviously a violation of privacy. They should sue Facebook.

  4. Mextli: ABO says:

    Share and highlight your most memorable posts, photos and life events on your timeline. Perfect!

  5. JimD, Boston, MA says:

    Oh, I thought this story might be about BANKERS AND BROKERS being PERP-WALKED to the Paddy Wagons !!! No such luck !!!

  6. msbpodcast says:

    Gangstahs steal a little money and hold it up to a camera.

    For that, they’re going to jail for a long, long time.

    Banksters steal more money that they could ever carry and hold up their friends in congress to make their greed disappear.

    For that, they’re going to the Bahamas on private jets to vacation with their other 1%er friends and laugh at the 99%ers.

    Fuck ’em all.

  7. No more chasing and hunting game for the cops. They’re too smart to reveal their identities, too soon. Maybe they’d get overexcited and thought that they are the first thieves in this world and everyone should know about it!!!. Bragging rights! 🙂


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