1. uncle larr says:

    I’ll be home Christmas, Christmas 2021!

    • msbpodcast says:

      Then again, if I cant beat the rap for strapping a belt full of C4 onto a bankster and blowing it up just before he hits the ground, I may be out sooner.

      Yo ho ho, you ho…

      Wanna get a hand job from mah bitch… Check out the arms on her.

      And you can cum of her tits. Man, those tits are like sofa bolsters…

  2. McCullough says:

    Heartwarming, nothing says Merry Christmas like flashing a gang sign in your Xmas card.

  3. Tom says:

    The postings here are getting more and more elitist and classist every day. Is this how you make yourself feel better?

    • Uncle Dave says:

      Yeah, you’re right. We never attack or make fun of wealthy politicians or bankers who think they are better than everyone else, or police who think they can do anything they want, or …

      We do seem to have a lot of posts about those of the moranic persuasion. Yes, it is unfair of us to make fun of those who aren’t smart enough to realize they are idiots.

      Thank you for showing us the light.

      • Tom says:

        It is one thing to satire and parody those that have the time, money, clout, education, worldliness, development of the social graces, de riguer training in the expectations placed on an elevated member of society that abuses their position and takes advantage of what they have been given, and the simple, juvenile, ignorant action of holding up those who have none of the above to laugh at and smack around like a whipping boy of your own lower status that helps you remember that at least you’re better than somebody.

        • MIB says:

          I’d like to understand what you just wrote without reading it 20 times. Can we use sentences next time?

  4. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Christmas in jail.

  5. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I’m dreaming of a Dee-wyte Christmas…

  6. WmDE says:

    If Mr. J is doing 30 days with the county this is stupid.

    If Mr. J has been in 5 years it may be kind of impressive.

    How long would your spouse hang in there?

    (Marriage may be easier if it has visiting days.)

  7. George says:

    A Negro in jail. That’s funny.

  8. #16--bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    #9–Tom==Well thats a tempest in a teacup you are trying to brew there. All that is posted is a picture of a couples Xmas Card. No comment, no Caption to one political persuasion or another. YOU projected everything you comment on.

    I looked at it and just had very minor feelings of “some people have shitty lives but still make the most of it.”

    Evidently Our Good Uncle Dave was thinking much the same way you were, or maybe he just got dragged into your position?

    I would like to know more about this couple before opening my next can of umbrage. Assumptions. Always fun. What is it you assume about this couple that makes them subject proof? Why don’t you list them for us? What makes you think they aren’t elevated members of society?

    Certainly a racist comment.

    I’m shocked and dismayed at such stereotyping.

  9. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    Wow. Just wow. This is what happens when we let drunk old white men near our computers.


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