How dare a citizen do something he wants to do. Dumb f*ck!

  1. Good says:

    Good. Now that white Americans are feeling the disdain of our Boys in Blue, we may get some reform.
    Any other organization that has shown such disrespect for citizens, internal corruption, and general malfeasance would be investigated and disbanded…. But until cops run out of brown people to abuse and start treating middle-class white people with the same disrespect, nothing will change.
    …And why haven’t we heard calls to privatize police departments and fire departments? If privatization is good enough for public schools and the military, it should be good enough for the police.

    • tcc3 says:

      Great you said “privatize.” TeaDud should be here any minute.

    • msbpodcast says:

      privatize police departments and fire departments

      Well we’ve seen a few horror stories of what happens when that’s happened, viz: Firemen who stand around and watch houses turn to ashes because there was some problem with payment.

      Private enterprise is not the best way for lot of things, security being one of them*.

      Do you want me to give you a list of every time its been tried in the past and it actually worked out for the best?

      Its a really short list.

      Ever heard of a concept in mathematics, or set theory, called the NULL set? Its represented in Lisp by “()“, an empty list.

      There are no survivors among civilizations which employed mercenary forces to take care of things where a sense of ownership by the populace was essential.

      Did you get that?


      *) Health care is another one. The Highway system is another one. The power grid is another one. The military is another one.

      • Good says:

        I totally agree… I just think it’s funny how all the talk about privatization applies only in cases where Caucasians will make more money. Once those calling for privatization of schools start calling for privatization of PD’s/FD’s, I’ll take them seriously.

        I won’t agree, but at least I’ll give them credit for being consistant.

  2. Grimmravner says:

    I was hoping this would get posted to your blog.

  3. orchidcup says:

    “…And why haven’t we heard calls to privatize police departments and fire departments? If privatization is good enough for public schools and the military, it should be good enough for the police.”

    We are seeing the privatization of prisons.

    • Christopher says:

      And that is turning out so well where judges are given incentives to lock more people up so the prisons stay full and reap profits for the company that owns them. Not to mention the discount you get on prison labor. Want a manufacturing or customer service job? Get sent to prison.

    • Good says:

      Yep, another example of how privatizing institutions that don’t really affect vast numbers of Caucasians is ok, but privatizing institutions still seen as protecting the (Anglo) status quo is off-limits.

    • msbpodcast says:

      We are seeing the privatization of prisons.

      And the return of slavery, but this time we are using the literally captive labor force to handle call center duties and the assembly of consumer goods.

      Don’t get me wrong, I to feel that finding gainful employment is a noble goal, but this is exploitation on a Shankshaw Redemption model by people, and I use the term loosely, who will incarcerate anyone regardless of guilt or innocence of whatever made up criminal transgressions they choose to apply.

  4. ramuno says:

    Privatization has not been good for the public school or military. We will see even less accountability.

  5. Anonymous says:

    What else is new? Did this really shock you? Do you really expect the cops to come running whenever you need help? Do you expect them to understand the pain and misery they inflict even with that seemingly insignificant traffic ticket for stopping at a red light?! (Where your insurance rates go higher and take food out of your mouth so you can pay it and avoid jail.) Or for their arrogance?! Get real!

    It would seem that a prerequisite to becoming a law enforcement officer in nearly any department is a sadistic arrogant attitude coupled with a certain degree of stupidity. And why shouldn’t it? Law enforcement is part of our GOVERNMENT!

    I often wonder if very many cops even comprehend the words: To Protect and to Serve. It’s written on nearly every one of their vehicles. But apparently that cop thinks it means to protect and serve himself.

    Like I said. It would seem that a cop must have a certain degree of sadistic arrogance coupled with a certain degree of stupidity in order to be a cop. If not, then what else are the bullies of the world going to do?

    So don’t bullshit yourself into thinking that all cops are great people – they’re not! Some (cops) are nice, but the nice ones are vastly overshadowed by guys like that!

    (The difference between a cop and a fireman is obvious: A fireman doesn’t usually want to bust your head open – just your (burning) property!)

  6. PayAttention says:

    Just sayin’… If you value your safety or Life, pay attention to your surroundings! That’s just common sense. Some joggers and cyclists could care less if they’re hit or not, it seems by the way they conduct themselves around vehicles. Some people in cars and trucks don’t really give a flyin’ F*** IF YOUR IN THE ROAD OR NOT! They’re annoyed that you ( jogger/cyclist ) are in their way!
    The fact is that cars and trucks are much larger than a human body! So PAY ATTENTION Dumba**!

  7. Hmeyers says:

    Roads are for cars. Drivers have enough to worry about during rush hour just paying attention to other vehicles.

    If this jogger hadn’t been jogging in the road, he wouldn’t have been hit by the truck. So what if the cops in what they thought was private discussion away from the scene made some sarcastic comments. I would have too.

    You don’t let your kids play in traffic.

    • Good says:

      Was he in the street, or in the pedestrian-friendly crosswalk? I don’t know, since I haven’t checked it out, but I’m betting dollars to donuts you haven’t either.
      I don’t walk in the street, but I do cross using the crosswalk, since it’s FOR PEDESTRIANS!
      I’m betting you haven’t walked further than from your car to the front door of Krispy Kreme for a while…

      • Hmeyers says:

        Congrats on not bothering to check out the video and then proceeding to comment.

        • Good says:

          So it says specifically on the video that he was in the street? Time stamp, please.

        • Good says:

          And I did watch, just heard no mention of the guys location when hit. So find me that time stamp, Smarrty McSmarrtypants.

          • Hmeyers2 says:

            “I was the cyclist behind Tim who saw the incident and called 911. I don’t know exactly what happened, but Tim was crossing against the light and ran into the path of the truck coming off the bridge. I saw him get hit and tossed into the air and land pretty hard – he was unconscious when he landed but came to a few minutes later. Other bikers came up to help almost immediately. The truck driver stopped and came over also and gave a statement to the police. The crossing there has multiple lanes going different directions so maybe Tim got confused as to which way traffic was coming and was looking the wrong way.”

          • Hmeyers2 says:

            Bottom line … he ran into the path of the truck because he was confused. The truck had a green light.

          • Good says:

            Ummmm… This is your source? “But I am just guessing, I didn’t notice him until he got hit.”

            Again, don’t call a random blog poster (especially Matt here) into court.

            I wonder if you would let such statements fly if they went AGAINST what you thought the situation was.

            Consistency, yo.

        • Good says:

          Still no time stamp… Can you post your source, please? Putting quotes around something doesn’t make it so =}

          “I don’t know exactly what happened, but Tim was crossing against the light and ran into the path of the truck coming off the bridge”…

          Which is it? “I don’t know exactly what happened”, or “…but Tim was…”.
          Don’t call that guy as a witness in court =P

    • Dallas says:

      Hey piggy, roads are public way for the passage of vehicles, people and yep, animals.

  8. B. Dog says:

    Well, duh. If he is too dumb to jog, don’t jog.

  9. orchidcup says:

    The injured man in question is West Seattle resident Tim Nelson, who had followed the city of Seattle’s advice during the recent viaduct closure and jogged to work.

    Unfortunately, on the way, he got hit by a semi truck and nearly died, breaking his back, several ribs and fracturing his skull.

    I am touched by the outpouring of sympathy for the injured victim.

    • Badda bing says:

      Oh, he hired a LAWYER to see who was at fault.

      My sympathy level just dropped to zero.

      Exercise, eat right, get hit by a truck.

      • Badda bing says:

        Then sue.

        • orchidcup says:

          Somebody was at fault. The victim has medical bills.

          The victim has a right to investigate the accident and recover damages if he was not at fault.

          Hiring a lawyer is the only logical response to the situation.

          There is no mention of a lawsuit.

          • Badda bing says:

            Hiring a lawyer is only logical if you intend to sue. Any individual has access to the investigation through the use of sunshine laws. No need for a lawyer to investigate as there are only four options, he was at fault, the truck driver was at fault, they were both at fault, or there was no fault.

            I bet he sues the cops for being insensitive and not crying over him like good public servants should. Plus he sues the city for suggesting that he jog instead of driving.I mean come on they should be aware that jogging is dangerous. How dare they put him in that situation.

          • Hmeyers2 says:

            In this particular case, the victim was at fault and ran into the path of the truck in confusion according to witnesses.

            So yeah he needs to a lawyer to try to figure out who to sue because he caused the accident.

            The lawyer is probably going to try to shake down the city over the police comments on the video.

            However, the jogger caused the accident that injured him. He should have been paying attention.

          • msbpodcast says:

            Right, he should have hired an accountant maybe? 😉

  10. Animby says:

    Orchidcup: I am aware of large areas of the southwest that use contracted fire fighters. My home town in Arizona has had a private fire department for. literally, decades. I’d be willing to see how a private police force worked out. The problem might be that a soldier in the US Army makes, what? A thousand or so a month? Maybe a couple thou in combat? While Blackwater mercenaries in the same theater may be earning a five or six hundred bucks PER DAY! Could be afford to raise city cop salaries from $50K to $300K?

    Hmeyers: I gotta partially agree with you. I really don’t care what the cop said to his partner after the work was done. Hell, you wouldn’t believe some of the things that get said in surgery while the patient is unconscious! What I care about is, did the cop do the job professionally and efficiently?

    • orchidcup says:

      There is an assumption that privatization reduces the cost of a service due to organizational efficiencies.

      It is more likely that salaries of cops would decrease.

      The only reason Blackwater was able to pay high rates is because of their government contract. Taxpayer money.

  11. elnicoya says:

    How about telling those cops when they get shot that they maybe shouldn’t have thought about becoming cops.

    Oh, but I’m sure they’ll be all tears when that happens because, according to them, cops put their lives on the line for us. Hey, then don’t become a cop you dumb fuck.

  12. TheOne says:

    It’s Christmas, hard to be angry but since it’s about cops I’ll continue to hate them 🙂

  13. Traaxx says:

    1.) Was dumb fuck wearing a mp3 player?

    2.) This what happens when you let foreign trash into the country.

    3.)This what happens when you let foreign trash drive, most of police blotter names have Hispanic names and/or India trash.

    4.) See whats in a PC world, where reality meats the BS world of out Progressive Globalist Elites, of course this is the ideal to gradually wipe out out culture and country.

    What a bunch of lame losers that can’t see this for what it is, the coming home of decades of Globalist policy. By the way if privatize a civil service you end up with a MA Bell type situation, I’m in private sector and you have remember the bottom line is the bottom line not the the good of the public.


  14. greyangel says:

    I’m not big on cops with power issues and there are way too many of them but I have to agree that when you put yourself out on the road YOU are responsible for your welfare. Simple darwinism to me. I despise helmet and bicycle light laws for their infringement on my civil rights, but when I ride my bike at dark thirty in the morning I stay where the cars can’t get me unless they are actively trying to run me down… and they got to find me first. There are definitely more idiots who think staying alive isn’t their responsibility or their problem than there are bad cops.

  15. alanwrench says:

    More about arrogance from the authority class. I think the police force of today actually screen the applicants for this behavioral trait. Less courtesy means a job with the force.
    I’m sure in the back of the puny minds of these officers they would want everyone to drive.
    More opportunities to cite people for driving violations than their are for walking or running violations.
    I’m sure someone got a ticket from all this.

    • Good says:

      I’m with you. The cops I know and have interacted with have more of a sense of entitlement than any progressive I’ve ever met. If it was such a dangerous job, we’d have reports about dead cops every day. As it is, fewer than 200 were killed in 2010, way more are killed in traffic accidents as opposed to being shot in the line of duty, yet every cop I’ve met treats me (a small man) like I’m about to go Jackie Chan on ’em… And I’m not even Asian!!! Used to be a time when a retired cop would boast that he never had to pull his duty weapon on duty.

      We don’t forgive politicians (unless they’re on our “team”) when they do stupid things out of the public eye, but these cops get a pass?

      Again, until middle-class white people start being treated like brown people (i.e.-sh!itty), excuses will continue to be made for them.

  16. orchidcup says:

    Again, there was no lawsuit mentioned.

    I would guess the lawyer he hired advised him that he could not pursue a lawsuit. Who would know except the jogger?

    Nevertheless, asking the police to apologize for crass remarks is likely the only damages he could ever recover.

    His feelings were hurt. Boo Hoo.

    Dumb F**k.

    • Dr Spearmint Fur says:

      When you were a baby, your Mom dropped you on your head a lot. Right?

    • Badda bing says:

      Is that a mea culpa? Why put it down here, move it up to the post where you could have shown that you have the occasional brief glimmer of sanity and intelligence.

  17. ABO says:

    Fools like joghead should listen to what we news photographers say about idiots like him.

    My guess is that he did not stop at the intersection, or ran up through the crosswalk without looking for traffic. Bicyclists, joggers, skateboarders, and rollerskaters all think they don’t have to obey any traffic laws. Too bad.

    Time to move on, cheesedick.

    And the way the news anchors morally judges the cops is disgusting crap. I imagine every one of them makes fun of the idiots who end up as subjects of the news shows regularly. I know most of the reporters and photographers I know do.

  18. ABO says:

    Oh, and, incidentally, how could one be “fighting for his life” if you are out cold?

  19. Hmeyers2 says:

    I think the Tea Party Dude for once gave you guys a beatdown.

    Seems that lately a lot of the blog articles are almost fodder for “getting it all wrong” … oh well, it does lead to more interesting comments.

    There is a certain level of excitement to watching the first 20 people believe what they are told without thinking and then watch the floor fall from underneath them.

    My stereotype of typical human lowest common denominator behavior is always satisfied here, which is the reason this place is so fun, although sometimes Dallas or Bobbo says something unexpectedly clever.

  20. Glenn E. says:

    Well apparently it’s “them vs us”, in their little minds. So while that act like they want to be treated fairly, as public servants. Their attitude toward the general public is that every hapless victim is a dumbass. Yeah, we should all be so perfect as the cops think they are. And BTW, I’ll bet the state had licensed yet another semi-literate foreigner to drive a truck, and endanger the pedestrians, just because it needs the revenue. It’s the state motor vehicle admin, who’s the dumbass. A drunken monkey could get a license to drive, in some states.

  21. He interrupted the cops donut break.

  22. Lou Minatti says:

    Welcome to Barack Obama’s America.

    • Dr Spearmint Fur says:

      Bite me. This has nothing to with Obama.

      It’s got Hilary’s claws all over it.

  23. Christian says:

    Is this really news? A cop said something insensitive that had absolutely no impact on the guy what-so-ever.

    Was the guy jogging in the street? Maybe he is a dumb f**k.

  24. ABO says:

    The title of this post is reasonable. If the fool can’t figure out what a red light means, he should be taking the bus.


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