Apparently, this is what they really think about their viewers….har!

Click on pics for larger viewing.

  1. msbpodcast says:

    Fox news sends out X-Mas cards? … Who knew?

    Oh… I get it.

    The cards are shipped wrapped in plastic so all of that vitriol doesn’t leak on the postman.

  2. PALOOKA says:

    “We the sheeple”

  3. What? says:

    Is the media the enemy?

  4. Is That So ? says:

    Is that so
    How do you come up with these conclusions of sheep and foxes
    Aliens from outer space
    The Mayan calendar 2012
    It all amazes me how people jump to immediate conclusions out of seemingly nowhere

  5. orchidcup says:

    What an insult to the American people!

    You know Shep, and Bret, Hannity, and O’Reilly. Hemmer, Jenna, and Megyn, Fox & Friends in the morning.

    And as you recall,
    We have the best anchors of all.
    Fox News is the one you turn to,
    For breaking news we are the source,
    And whenever we’re reporting,
    You know it’s fair and balanced, of course.

    Since when?

    Some of the other networks,
    Tried to beat us with silly games.
    As FNC continued to dominate,
    Their attempts all went down in flames.

    This sounds like juvenile verse.

    Then one starry election night
    The people came to say
    Fox with your journalists so bright,
    Won’t you report our news tonight?

    If the journalists were bright, they wouldn’t be working at Fox News.

    Then all the other networks
    Had come to accept their defeat
    We reported and they decided
    Fox News is the one to beat

    No challenge there. Listen to the No Agenda podcast.

    Allowing the mainstream media to guard our civil liberties is like the fox guarding the henhouse.


  6. Mr Ed says:

    FAUX news viewers are a cancer on the skin of America.

  7. NewFormatSux says:

    The goggles, They do nothing for the eyes!

  8. NewFormatSux says:

    No attacks on fair and balanced after CNN asks Obama are Republicans uninformed, out of touch, or irresponsible?

    • Animby says:

      “Have you stopped beating your wife?” I am so tired of biased reporters, left or right.

  9. orchidcup says:

    It is interesting to note that they are all involved in a race to the bottom.

    Fox News is in the lead.

    The sheeple make all this possible.

    I get it now.


  10. Tiny Tim says:

    To the regulars: Does it feel good to get all that holiday venom out? I hope so.

    Merry Christmas and God bless us ALL, everyone!

    • Animby says:

      Not really being a religious person, I still have no objection when someone wishes me a merry christmas because I take it with the meaning behind it. Though I think the spelling should officially be changed to cri$$ma$…

      Here’s hoping you get just as good as you give this holiday.

  11. Mextli: ABO says:

    Glad this media conspiracy was uncovered. Who knew you could put such sinister symbolism in Christmas cards? Beware of the new year!

  12. LibertyLover says:

    I stopped watching fox news in late 2006 or early 2007 when they didn’t invite Ron Paul to their debate. Also deleted the web link from my computers and deleted the fox channels off my TIVO.

    Then I sent them an email to let them know what I did (not that it would have mattered).

  13. orchidcup says:

    I would like to wish a Merry Christmas to the unemployed and the underemployed.

    Nevada again had the highest state unemployment rate in November: 13 percent. It was followed by California at 11.3 percent.

    Overall, a lot of people are unemployed or underemployed and unable to participate in the giving of gifts.

    Many are able to keep their nose above water, while others have drowned.

    Best Wishes for a Happy Holiday Season.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I kept scratching my head wondering what was meant by, Apparently, this is what they really think about their viewers….har!

    Then it hit me. A race to the bottom! Good one. It would make sense too since CBS would seem to be number one these days, and is closest to the top of the hill. (You might also note that they all are pointed in the wrong direction too.)

    …But who watches TV? There’s never anything good on.

  15. NewFormatSux says:

    The sheep are the journalists and technical crew pulling the sled. Fox News gets lower ratings than ABC, CBS, and NBC.

    If it was as you said, than FOX would be up against HNN, CNN, and MSNBC, and in 2nd place would be Comedy Central which has been beating out MCNBC lately.

  16. Dallas says:

    LOL. Ah yes, the American Sheeple …and you thought I was kidding. I can’t point to better evidence than a Fox direct admission.

    Kudos to Fox for being up front about it.

  17. deowll says:

    Anyone that posts anything from media matters or uses it as a source for anything has lost my respect.

    • McCullough says:

      Neither one of these Christmas cards came from Media matters, they came from Fox News……but even if they did, anyone who shoots the messenger instead of the message loses my respect. You may leave anytime you like.

  18. loopy says:

    more evidence that Fox News is run by the Democrats!

  19. Buzz Mega says:

    Baa. Humbug!

  20. NewFormatSux says:

    >my faith in Fox restored.

    Once Neil Cavuto was reading a letter from a viewer.
    I was watching Fox News, and was wondering where are the ugly people? Fox claims to be fair and balanced, but all I see are hotties. Then I saw your show, and my faith in Fox News was restored.


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