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Executive Producers: Dame Francine Hardaway, Alexander Dimitriyadi, Setevn Wittig, Dame Francine Hardaway
Associate Executive Producers: Jay Kreamer, Scott Morgan
Art By: Sir Nussbaum

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Sites to consider: No Agenda Nation, No Agenda Films, No Agenda Records

  1. Kent says:

    Yeah, Homeland Securty Rock…do it. You’ll make a fortune!

  2. orchidcup says:

    I am pleased to see that the donations are up.

  3. Kent says:

    Hey, I use the Nati Pot every day. Haven’t have the flu in years, or major colds.

  4. msbpodcast says:

    Homeland Security” rock sounds like a jug band tune.

    PS. Kent, my neti pot is sitting right behind me. 🙂 Just use distilled water and you’ll be fine. Its getting on cold and flue season here in Noo Joyzee..,

  5. Someone recently alerted me that my film END:CIV was mentioned on No Agenda. Regardless of your personal opinions, I find it rather humorous and disturbing, that because a leftist film looks “slick” and “professionally done” that it must be part of the Counter Intelligence Program or COINTELPRO. This line of thinking is defeatist, as it imagines the state as an all powerful entity with the ability constantly trick us by producing material that would manipulate us into acting in ways that serves its purposes. This is the same type thinking of the likes of Alex Jones and other conspiracy wingnuts who view any type of successful resistance, or calls for resistance as created by the state as a way to justify its use of force and the creation of draconian laws.

    That’s not to say that COINTELPRO is not real, but it has become the default explanation for anything that goes beyond what is acceptable resistance by the right and sadly by the left as well.

    If not having a wikipedia entry, now makes a person suspect, then guilty as charged. The only suggestion I have is that you google me, or if you like we can arrange a phone or Skype conversation if time permits.

    But just so that you are informed, END:CIV was made for under $20,000, with the majority of the funding coming from small donations by individuals who believe in my work. No corporate or foundation money was used it its production. It took five years to make, was edited on a laptop, most of the footage was borrowed from YouTube and I am proud to have directed a film that looks “slick” as you put it.

    As for who’s in the film, just visit the biographies page of the website ( and you will find that Paul Watson is not an “Alex Jones guy” but a fierce defender of nature and animals, most famously featured on the TV show Whale Wars and the film Sharkwater.

    If you have any further questions or need more clarification feel free to contact me – endciv (AT) submedia DOT tv and you can view more of my work at


    Franklin López

  6. deowll says:

    The world has never been safe. Everybody is going to die. Some of us today and others on some other day.

    I’m environmentally conscious but I’m not a greenie. I do agree that pure corruption is a major problem that is killing western economies. Of course the sense of entitlement that many seem to feel and the love of the nanny/police state is heading down the road to insolvent dictatorships. Things are going to get rough.

  7. Kent says:

    I started watching your video Franklin, and decided it wasn’t for me after the first thirty minutes.


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