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Kim Jong-il, the reclusive North Korean leader who has been battling ill health following a reported stroke in 2008, has died, the North’s official news media reported on Monday.

“Our great leader Comrade Kim Jong-il passed away at 8:30 a.m. on Dec. 17,” Korean Central TV reported.

  1. PMitchell says:

    Couldn’t happen to a nicer man

  2. Semantics says:

    Rest in Peace.

  3. orchidcup says:

    “Great ideology creates great times.” — Kim Jong Il

    According to North Korean historical literature, Kim Jong Il was born in a log cabin inside a secret base on Korea’s most sacred mountain, Mt. Paekdu. At the moment of his birth, a bright star lit up the sky, the seasons spontaneously changed from winter to spring, and rainbows appeared.

    This contradicts way less interesting Western accounts of his birth, which state the dictator was born in a guerilla camp in Russia, while his father was on the run from the Japanese.

    “President Bush said today we should be patient with North Korea and use diplomacy and not rush into any kind of military actions. You know what that means? No oil over there.” — Jay Leno

  4. jpfitz says:

    Stocks in Hennessy will drop, but my spirits have risen.

  5. Post #5- bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    I thought he was playing night golf near the DMZ just last week? Did the special light wave lights prove to be this effective?

    Yaaaaah for Science and the technology that keeps the lights pointed in the right direction. Thats generally “North” be your location South Korea or the USA?

  6. Dallas says:

    President Obama strikes again.
    Smothered that midget. Fidel, you’re next.

  7. god says:

    As is my habit on a Sunday night, I was watching the week’s opening markets in Asia when the news from North Korea was released.

    Uniformly – surprisingly uniformly – the reaction from Asian government spokesmen interviewed, the reaction from market analysts (Western & Eastern), the reaction from economists and journalists with the most experience in Asia – was (1) we hope the government of South Korea doesn’t do something stupid – and (2) we hope the government of the United States doesn’t do something stupid.

    • Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

      Those are but two of my Christmas wishes. I’m also wishing for a miraculous healing of my portfolio, but I’ll settle for the first two.

  8. tech_support says:

    so…I guess Clapton is off the hook then…

  9. NewFormatSux says:

    I hope you’re right Dallas. Castro I don’t care much about at this point, since it appears that’s already Mission Accomplished. But Chavez, and maybe Ahmadenijad and the rest of the mullahs.
    Assad alone would be a good block on Iran creating a stepping stone for freeing Lebanon.

    With the virus and other covert actions in Iran, is it possible that all of these enemies will be dealt with swiftly?

    Should Putin be careful?

    I hope you weren’t one of the people on this site criticizing Pat Robertson for suggesting assassinations.

  10. honeyman says:

    Which one of him died?

  11. howard beale says:

    so ends reign of the 2nd ruler of one of the worst dictatorships in contemporary history

    lets hope for the 3rd times a charm for both the people of North Korea and the world

  12. orchidcup says:

    The official North Korean news agency KCNA reported that Kim “suffered an advanced acute myocardial infarction, complicated by serious heart shock, on a train on December 17.”

    The report said that he had been under “great mental and physical strain caused by his uninterrupted field guidance tour for the building of a thriving nation.”

    • Badda bing says:

      of “physical and mental over-work” on a train on his way to give field guidance was the hooker(s) asian or european?

  13. Gildersleeve says:

    Good. Bye.

  14. NewFormatSux says:

    I think Chavez has surpassed his puppeteers.

    • Cursor_ says:

      Not communism.

      They never made it to there. No country has.

      There are no communist countries and never will be. They cannot get past the small central government phase of the project. They always sink back into a totalitarian oligarchy.


  15. Glenn E. says:

    So now what third world dictator are they gonna use for the next terrible James Bond movie? They’ve skipped doing dictators for a few of them. Stalling with the old chestnut of rich megalomaniacs, who want to start WW3, or something.

    • Uncle Dave says:

      A gang of bankers headed by Mr. Gold M. N. Sax who want to use Adam Curry’s favorites — HARP and the earthquake machine — to force the world into having one world government and one world currency which they alone get to control.

      • Cap'nKangaroo says:

        It was my understanding Mr. Sax already has all the control he desires. Any more just makes him look so nouveau riche.

  16. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Oh Kim, we hardly knew ye.

    • Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

      So true! I was hoping we’d get to see him next season on “Dancing With the Stars.” I always thought he might have a flair for dancing, but as you say, we just didn’t know him well enough.

  17. Anonymous says:

    First was Sadam. Then came Osama. Kadahfi got his and now ‘Ol Crazy Kim is finally worm food too. Good!

    Too bad for the worms though. (That’s a terrible way to treat worms.)

  18. sho off says:

    Ding dong the bully is dead.

    Please, we are afraid of the poorest, most backward countries in Asia. North Korea, Af-Pak, look out Bangladesh. We need a new wimp to bully.

    If we are so tough why not square up against China…..oh wait, they have all our money and manufacturing. If we fight China, wal-mart would close. Wal Mart and Apple, are China’s biggest lobbyist.

    If the next country we pick on has a Navy, a standard of living above feudal, a refined Nuclear and Aerospace program then we are talking.

    US isolating and attacking Af-Pak, North Korea, and Iraq is similar to your high school son coming home and saying he just beat up the toughest 1st grader. So proud.

    The reason to beat him up is when he turns 18 he might be able to buy a gun. Imagine if other countries flew drones over DC or NY we would go effing nuts about it.

    We are bullies…the worst kind. Let’s starve them out that would be fun.

    • orchidcup says:

      There is a fake Disneyland in China that is abandoned because it failed.

      Now I hear they are working on a fake United States.

  19. Dallas says:

    Most narcissistic and egotistical top slots are now open. Gallup Poll 12/19/2011

    Biggest Ego:
    Gingrich 67%
    Trump 22%
    Other 11%

    Most Narcissist:
    Trump 90%
    Gingrich 5%
    Other 5%

  20. Skeptic: post #unknown ± says:

    No surprise to me that he died. He’s always been -il.

  21. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    Who’s in charge? Same as always, no one knows.

    All right, party on.

  22. Post #51- bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Only gay boys talk about “the gay.” Cut off hetero’s talk about their conquests. Women avoid this forum like a social disease. (Sorry Lynn==you are a fine and exceptional woman!) Dallas is a free range champion of his self actualization. All else are posers.

    Do not confuse my concern for Pedro’s Donkey as displaced concern for Pedro. Sad PedoBear. He has a donkey, but is more interested in sheeple.

    Gay, straight, or twisted–its the hooman curse never to be happy with what we have. Always want more or different.

    Yea, verily.

    • Dallas says:

      Here here !! You are a wise man.

      Also… Gay, straight, or twisted–its the hooman curse never to be happy with what we have. Always want more or different.

      This where I see Buddism as a ‘religion’ (philosophy) I respect. In Buddhism, desire and ignorance lie at the root of suffering.

  23. nilum says:

    Way to go Obama!

  24. Post #55- bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    #53–Dallas==as my nom de flame suggests, I too am interested in the religion. How can I be against it if I don’t know it to some threshhold.

    You said: “In Buddhism, desire and ignorance lie at the root of suffering.” ===and thats not exactly accurate:


    1. All is suffering (dukkha).
    2. Suffering is caused by desire/attachment.
    3. If one can eliminate desire/attachment, one can eliminate suffering.
    4. The Noble Eight-fold Path can eliminate desire. Extremes of excessive self-indulgence (hedonism) and excessive self-mortification should be avoided.

    So, we see Buddhism has something to teach us about our hooman sojourn. Not as dogma to live up to/conform, but as a touching point to keep in view and be reminded of from time to time.

    Rather than ignorance its “attachment.” What is attachment?

    Here is a short read:

    I read it twice–like the face of Jebus in cheese toasts, I can see what attachment is and then lose it and go back and forth. So–can I want my computer, hdtv, car, stand mixer, oven, mandolin or not? If attachment is to the universe and not to nothing how come all the buddhists walk around with nothing? Course by definition they have not achieved nirvana. So is wanting the latest wifi tablet NOT being a good buddhist while actually having that wifi tablet is?

    Like every religion I have ever looked at, when you push it, it doesn’t make any sense. Thats why I like science. You don’t have to believe anything/understand anything. When you “do” x you either get y or not. Immediate feedback and confirmation. Truth is like that.

  25. Post #59- bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    #58–jp==that was great. Always enjoy seeing something for the first time: something new. How long before they can spell messages out?

    In the side bar was this most excellent video: Can boys and girls be friends? Funny expected result and the girls are all babes. Thats always nice. Maybe I need another degree?

    • jpfitz says:

      Thanks bobbo for the reply video, funny how all guys know we can’t just be friends with women, sex always trumps friendship. We’re all dogs, at the least I know I am. Woof.

      • Post #64- bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

        Yeah–there’s an interesting Darwinian Evolutionary interpretation of that: Men are out to spread their genes with only a secondary concern to anything else while women are concerned about their own survivial and that of their kiddies===ie==good to have as many “friends” on the line as possible.

        Its a very “nasty” idea, but I think it plays. I’ve outlined several book ideas with that central theme but I can’t get a happy ending beyond becoming Buddhist. Very unsatisfying.

        If you’re happy and you know it===clap your hands.

  26. Dallas says:

    Teapublican leader, Sarah Palin had this to say about this. Pretty pathetic.

  27. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Did Adam Curry ever set JCD up with Kim Jong-il for the wine tasting?

  28. ± says:

    Awesome Uncle Dave — don’t know how you did it, but that funny vid elicited all kinds of repressed responses, barely a one of them even tangentially connected to it.

    Here is my non sequitur. Most of the respondents above will vote in the next national election to continue the destruction of the country by pulling handles for Ds or Rs.


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