1. LibertyLover says:

    Bunch of damned Libertarians wanting nothing to do with the government.

    How dare they!

  2. Kent says:

    They’ll all be back. They’re using the land to put up FEMA Camps.

  3. sargasso_c says:

    In my circle it’s called “flushing the hippies”.

    • dadeo says:

      But flushing them from what/where? There’s nothing there – no neighbors for miles..nothing. Follow the money..see who the big property owners are in Antelope Valley and ask what motivates them to own more? If there are plans for development, new roads, etc..you got your answer. It’s ALWAYS the money..always.

  4. andycatus says:

    I see nothing but a white space. Tis Criminal.

  5. tcc3 says:

    I don’t buy the development theory. Why be sneaky? Wouldn’t they just imminent domain their property and build the road or runway anyhow?

    Hell since the Supreme court decision, they can even do it for private use, and long as they can argue the new developer will be good for the economy.

    • CrankyGeeksFan says:

      A few years ago in Florida there were trailer park residents being offered a million dollars to leave there trailers in the housing boom.

      Maybe some party feels that they would be paying too much for the land if the owners were on it.
      Someone needs to find out who is the new owner of the land that is being seized. They might sell it to the end party at bargain basement prices.

  6. dusanmal says:

    You let Government to be Big and regulate everything and anything “for general good” – you inevitably get this. Only answer is small, limited and weak Government able just to serve fundamental functions. I’d bet many people opposed to this particular situation LOVE when EPA blocks oil drilling in TX because of some invented endangered lizard or Administration blocks things like a new pipeline “for more environmental studies”. But those are all expressions of the same underlying affliction: Progressivism. So, if you don’t want some Progressive Nazi choking you for his cause, please do not elect another Progressive for anything even if he wants to choke people for your pet cause. Not worth it.

    • msbpodcast says:

      This has nothing to do with government and everything to do with somebody misusing authority to abuse people because he can.

      You don’t need to be in government to be a bully.

  7. NewFormatSux says:

    That is one slow video.

  8. McCullough says:

    Thanks for serving the country veteran, now get the fuck off your land or we’ll kill you.


  9. Hairy German says:

    Hello California.

  10. msbpodcast says:

    He needs a bulldozer, not to level his home, but to build up sand berms up to 8 feet high surrounding the inside of his property. Nobody can claim he has cause damage to any other property raising these berms.

    It would help him if he built them topped with wire fences surrounding them posting neat plastic plaques saying “Private Property Trespassers will be Saved. and the name of his church.” every 8 feet and held them properly up, not with junk but with zinc posts every 32 feet.

    That would take care of the complaints of unsightliness as he would be out of sight.

    He could stay off of the grid that way as an energy self-sufficiency model and hold regularly scheduled tours of the facility, and make in coincide with the services at his church. (Donations are mandatory. No pay. No pray. 🙂 )

  11. atmusky says:

    Nothing new, in NY State local municipalities have been enforcing zoning laws and building codes for decades.

    While they will rarely force a person out of their own house by pulling the Certificate of Occupancy, they will prevent you from building anything not to code and will force landlords to comply with codes or they will pull the C of O and not allow anyone to live on the property. Same for having an approved septic system and water source.

    Heck in the next village over they will give you a parking ticket if you let even on wheel of your own car go off the driveway onto your own lawn (they have a no parking on lawns ordnance with no exceptions).

    Plus in NY State you get to pay very high property taxes so it becomes highly unlikely that anyone could keep property that doesn’t have a decent income.

    The reality is we have zoned, coded, and taxed low income people out of property/home ownership.

  12. dan says:

    Why don’t they just give them blankets infected with smallpox? It worked before.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I don’t know why these people don’t just move to Mexico. You can pretty much make condo’s out of paper, build full sized homes out of tires / mud / tin cans / straw/ poop! – or even live in a cave if you want. And you hardly even need a Mexican property deed either. Seems Mexico is more “free” than the U.S.! Maybe that’s why they all want to come here too – for the same reason we keep voting bastard lawyers into office: no one want’s to live in a free country any more. Except maybe those people.

    But what I want to know is why a county commissioner has a “press secretary”? WTF? Why do any of these highway robbers (pardon the pun) have press secretaries or other “support staff” other than actual secretaries? I mean, they all scream about being under funded and not being able to do their jobs without more money. So why do they squander it? Why hire friends or family members to do non-sense jobs like press secretary? And why do they build palatial (extravagant) public building that they almost always rent just to meet in maybe 10 times a year too?! I think these reporters missed the real story. dadeo said it best: follow the money!

    Oh. Wait a minute. I think I know why. The mostly “progressive” press might see stories like this as going against their liberal agenda. Therefore, they will almost all turn a blind eye when their own agenda seems to be wrong. And maybe that’s why you read about (or watch) this stuff on a blog!

  14. fpp2002 says:

    Jesus, that voiceover was horrible, amateurish, and taints the entire video.

  15. bajabiz says:

    Reason number 435 that I moved to Mexico 20 years ago and my decision looks better every year. Yes there are problems but life is infinitely less stressful and much less Goverment meddling here.

  16. bajabiz says:

    The Government doesn’t meddle ether.

  17. Jim G says:

    This is why we have the Second Amendment folks

  18. ECA says:

    This happened alot in the past…40’s thru the 70’s..
    HOW the country TAKEs land away.
    If you aint there, it belongs tot he county..IF there are NO improvements you can only sell it at a BASIC price..
    Every improvement adds $10,000 to the price.cost.

  19. ECA says:

    A warning on this..
    Have at least 1 person, sitting in the town meetings…And with a letter that they can VOTE for each of those persons, ONLY to keep their land.
    If there is no representation, they can Burn a Bill threw and do ANYTHING they wish.

  20. fishguy says:

    Obvious “lone wolves”. What?! No child porn??

    Once they take these guys out, you and I are next. Get ready.

  21. t0llyb0ng says:

    Somebody can live off the grid & grow their own food for 20 years?  Wow!  I admire that.  & this is their reward.  BFD goon squads show up & push them around.

    Can I ask some naive questions?  Isn’t LA County too big?  Should it not encompass generally the city & surrounding environs, within reason?  Why do they have authority over remote areas with no connection to LA proper?

    Here is a transcription of a portion of the narrative.  Sounds like a spokesman for the powers that be speaking:

    “Anything not covered in the Area Plan is covered by the county-wide General Plan.  If the General Plan is like a house with all the basic rooms, an Area Plan is like an addition to a house.”

    Does that make any sense?

    They can call their “plans” anything they want, but it’s all lawyered-up bullshit & they’ll keep throwing their weight around as long as they can get away with it.

  22. Animby says:

    Don’t we have the right to know who our accusers are? If a “neighbor” has filed a complaint then the name of that neighbor should be public and how the nuisance they object to has affected them. Seems like a good case for the ACLU.

    • LibertyLover says:

      Open Records laws do permit that. In Texas (and I suspect all other states) all they have to do is go down to the clerk with a written statement saying what they want. It can be written on a napkin and be legal and doesn’t even have to specify “exactly” what they want. They can write, “I want all records pertaining to land deals for Antelope Valley.” You ask for that and certain people may get a little nervous.

      They have 10 days to respond and if not, the state AG get’s involved. If the county wishes it kept secret, they have to submit to the AG why they don’t have to disclose that information and he has 30 days to respond. The only reason it should be rejected is if the county is in negotiations with somebody about it and would ruin their stance.

      It won’t get them off the hook for the violations but it might stop the harassment if somebody is in danger of being publicly embarrassed.

      This same exact thing happened here in my town. They tried to run a guy off his land because a neighboring development wanted the land for a library (promised by the real estate agents selling them the houses, if you can believe). The town started harassing him over code violations, they went to court, and he won.

      “If you don’t know the rights, you don’t have any.”


      They guys need a lawyer with some balls.

  23. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    Narrator: “… unsightly structures on his property.”

    There are high voltage transmission towers visible from Mr. Gallo’s property at 2:11. Why doesn’t the county do something about that?

    “If you don’t know the rights, you don’t have any.”
    – Great quote at 3:56

  24. memesis says:

    How disgusting is this? I remember when I first moved out west from the south east I never even heard of a HOA. I thought people living in one were idiots plus they payed for that right. Now it looks like I may be forced to live in one by my government were ever I may be. I am so sick of this country of mine. Tell me what to do with my property. F**k You!

  25. orchidcup says:

    When I lived outside the jurisdiction of the city, in an unincorporated rural area of the county, I never had to deal with any code enforcement people or even law enforcement people.

    I built my house to code. I had a clean and orderly piece of property. I never had to lock my doors. The ranchers out there would keep an eye on my property and I would keep an eye on their property. I saw the county sheriff drive by one time in eight years.

    Those were the good old days.

    Now the ranchers have retired and sold off their land to developers. There are subdivisions surrounding my former property. The city folks moved in and brought their codes and ordinances and property owner’s association rules and regulations.

    You can’t do this. You can’t do that. You must do this. You must do that. Your shrubs can’t be more than three feet high. Your trash can must be no more than three feet from the curb. Your fence must be a chain-link type no more than four feet high. Your house must be a certain color. You can’t drill a well. You can’t shoot fireworks on the Fourth of July. You must have security lights that blind all your neighbors. You can’t park your truck in your yard. You can’t carry guns in your gun rack. You can’t leave your keys in your vehicle.

    City folks are insane.

  26. TThor says:

    Big Brother Nazis on their way. You don’t conform willingly, we’ll make sure to conform you. Our way. And laws for protecting individual rights and property rights? Eminent domain, heard about that? You’re done. Get out of the way. The public good and the Ministry of Truth will provide you all safety.

  27. orchidcup says:

    I moved to a tiny little town by a lake when I sold my property in the country.

    I built a small and energy-efficient home with plans to add solar heat and electricity later.

    I decided to make a large garden on my tiny little half-acre parcel.

    I was a good little sheep and checked the ordinances to see if I could get permission to build a game fence to keep the deer out of my garden. The answer is no fence more than four feet high.

    So I will tilt my four-foot fence outward at a 30-degree angle. The deer will not try to jump over a tilted fence.

    Problem solved. The ordinance does not say I cannot tilt my fences. Before long, the ordinance will be modified to prohibit tilted fences because I outsmarted the city.

    Then I will get a grandfathered exception to the modified ordinance.

    This is what I have to do so I can have a garden.

    Total horseshit.

  28. moebeans says:

    What about status of limitations? Where I live if you put up an illegal structure and they don’t come after you for 10 years it is grandfathered. It has to conform to land use regulations (you can’t build a factory in a subdivision) but the structure itself is now considered legal.

  29. John E. Quantum says:

    “Forget it Jake, it’s Chinatown”

    I was issued a parking ticket for parking off of my driveway at 2:15 AM by the local county revenue authority- it was left on my windshield sealed in a plastic bag during a night of monsoon like rain. I took it to court to find out why the county would be out at that hour issuing parking tickets. Lucky for me the judge agreed that it was nonsense and dismissed the $100.00 fine although I was forced to miss a couple of hours of work. Sometimes it does make a difference to stand up for your rights, but if the gov’t has you in their sights it might already be a lost cause.


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