Thar’s GOLD in that there grill!

The Rolls-Royce has always had a history of elegance and class – until now. That prestigious reputation has been smashed by the world’s most vulgar makeover of the company’s iconic Ghost model. An Italian fashion design house has created a gold-covered monstrosity costing more than £1 million. The Fenice Milano ‘Diva’ has been spray painted in 24-carat gold and the company is so proud of it they have described the model as a ‘true.masterpiece.’

It is fitted with the same 6-litre twin-turbocharged engine of the Ghost, giving the saloon more than 560bhp and a top speed of 155mph. Fenice Milano believes their Rolls-Royce is a ‘synonym for class, elegance and style’. many would disagree. The interior has biscuit leather and 24-carat gold throughout. The standard Ghost costs £220,000 but the Diva is now for sale at £1.05million.

How long before this gets “keyed”.

  1. NewFormatSux says:

    At least this wasn’t subsidized by the government for hundreds of millions of dollars on top of tax credits for each buyer like the Tesla, a car for idiots according to Audi’s head.

    • Dallas says:

      Why would the government want to subsidize this ?

      • Anonymous says:

        Question: Why would the government want to subsidize this ?

        Answer: To keep their friends and family members employed! Economic subsidization of any company by any government is certainly not for you or me – although that’s what they’ll tell you. It’s for them!

        Funding job growth by subsidizing large companies sounds all good until you realize that the funding almost exclusively goes to the friends and family members of the politicians – if not the politicians themselves.

        I mean, did you really think a professional lawyer/politician didn’t know a thing or two about CRIME?!

        • Dallas says:

          Funding job growth by subsidizing large companies sounds all good until you realize that the funding almost exclusively goes to the friends and family members of the politicians.

          Do you have evidence of this? If this widespread, I would oppose government involvement in helping to create/preserve jobs.

  2. UncDon says:

    Looks like most of the non-distinguished cars from too many manufacturers. Big brawny mechanical battering ram styling.


  3. god says:

    Yup, ayup. Stick with traditional subsidies to coal-fired power plants and no taxes on snake-handlers, their TV hustles and home-schooling courses.

    Lets build another aircraft carrier or two and don’t lower the tab for Pentagon brass who haven’t yet reached fully-vested retirement packages from leading us to glory in the Middle East.

  4. msbpodcast says:

    That’s not a Rolls Royce.

    It’s a lousy photoshop hack job, worthy of a taste-impaired 14 year old with delusion of getting a job at daddy’s workplace, by a magazine/website desperate for traffic.

    Its the fuckin’ Daily Mail for christ’s sake. (Its risk free as far as they’re concerned since they’d never get a Rolls Royce advert.)

    The closest they get to seeing a real Rolls Royce is when their flacks bows down and lets some rich 1%er bastard walk all over them so they don’t muddy their shoes.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Just when did Rolls Royce ever have an attractive vehicle?

    If these things were pumped out like M&M’s (and maybe cost as much too), I seriously doubt anyone would be buying them even then!

    IMO, Rolls Royce’s are UGLY! And the only reason someone would buy one might be to impress others of just how much money they have – NOT that they have any sort of “taste”!

    • Anonymous says:

      …And if you ask me, some of the most beautiful “vehicles” come from Milwaukee!

  6. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    Can you say ‘pimpmobile’?

  7. ABO says:

    For NFL players, ghetto drug creeps, pimps, and, perhaps, Hollywood’s burned out whores.

  8. deowll says:

    Maybe not all that long but the person that does it is going to set new records for being a lack wit. Paying to get that paint job fixed is apt to be rather costly.

  9. TThor says:

    Kitsch! Blah….

  10. NewFormatSux says:

    I didn’t know Rolls were so cheap.

  11. JimD says:

    Should bring back the LUXURY TAX for crap like this !!! Say 10X the sale price !!!

  12. Glenn E. says:

    I can’t help be reminded of the custom made car in the movie “Escape from New York”. You know, the pimp mobile with the candelabras on the fenders. Then there was Nemo’s silver limo in the movie “League of Extraordinary Gentlemen”. But I think the rich are more likely to be investing in armor plated transports, like the one featured in “Damnation Alley”. Because how long will it be before they’re hunted be the hungry hordes, like over fed vermin?

  13. Not sure if anyone deserves a car like that.. There are so many poor people around the world.


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