Song “lyrics” are definitely NSFW,
depending on where you work.

  1. Post #1- bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    “Wait till the wimens see me do this!” //// Actually, it was the music track that made the video. I might be turning gangsta?

  2. deowll says:

    I like the people that are being mocked.

    • Howard Beal says:

      Are you sure they are being mocked?
      I think they think these folks are having fun

  3. Anonymous says:

    Truly, “drive-by” surfing. I couldn’t look away! It’s like seeing a car accident on the highway.

    I blame Irish jig dancers and Corey Flatly for this.

    Please excuse me while I go dig out my eyes.

    (Not really.)

    • Post #4- bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Just add snakes and you got a religion!

    • msbpodcast says:

      Its Michael Flatley. 🙂

      I refer you to the excellent “Another Irish Drinking Song off the album “Brontosaurus” by “Da Vinci’s Notebook“.

      Gather ’round ye lads and lasses, set ye for a while,
      and harken to me mournful tale about the Emerald Isle.
      Let’s all raise our glasses high to friends and family gone,
      and lift our voices in another Irish drinkin’ song.

      Consumption took me mother and me father got the pox,
      me brother drank the whiskey ’till he wound up in a box.
      Me other brother in the troubles met with his demise,
      me sister has forever closed her smilin’ Irish eyes.


      Now everybody’s died, so until our tears are dried,
      we’ll drink and drink and drink and drink and then we’ll drink some more.
      We’ll dance and sing and fight until the early mornin’ light,
      then we’ll throw up, pass out, wake up and then go drinkin’ once again.

      Ken was killed in Kilkenny and Claire she died in Clare,
      Tip from Tipperary died out in the Derry air.
      Shannon jumped into the river Shannon back in June,
      Ernie fell into the Erne and Tom is in the Toome.

      “Cleanliness is godliness,” me Uncle Pat would sing,
      he broke his neck a-slippin’ on a bar of Irish Spring.
      O’Grady he was eighty, ‘tho his bride was just a pup,
      he died upon the honeymoon when she got his Irish up (OI!).

      Now everybody’s died, so until our tears are dried,
      we’ll drink and drink and drink and drink and then we’ll drink some more.
      We’ll dance and sing and fight until the early mornin’ light,
      then we’ll throw up, pass out, wake up and then go drinkin’ once again.

      Joe Murphy fought with Reilly near the cliffs of Alderney,
      he took out his shillelagh and he stabbed him in the spleen.
      Crazy Uncle Mike thought he was a leprechaun,
      but in fact he’s just a leper and his arms and legs are gone.

      When Timmy Johnson broke his neck it was a cryin’ shame,
      he wasn’t really Irish, but he went to Notre Dame.
      MacNamara crossed the street and by a bus was hit,
      but he was just a Scotsman so nobody gave a shit (OCH!).


      Now everybody’s died, so until our tears are dried,
      we’ll drink and drink and drink and drink and then we’ll drink some more.
      We’ll dance and sing and fight until the early mornin’ light,
      then we’ll throw up, pass out, wake up and then go drinkin’ once again.


      Drunken Uncle Brendan tried to drive home from the bar,
      the road rose up to meet when he fell out of his car.
      Irony was what befell me Great Grand Uncle Sam,
      He choked upon the very last potato in the land.

      Connor lived in Ulster town, he used to smuggle arms,
      until the British killed him and cut off his lucky charms.
      And dear old Father Flanagan who left the Lord’s employ,
      drunk on sacramental wine beneath the altar boy (HEY!).


      Now everybody’s died, so until our tears are dried,
      we’ll drink and drink and drink and drink and then we’ll drink some more.
      We’ll dance and sing and fight until the early mornin’ light,
      then we’ll throw up, pass out, wake up and then go drinkin’ once again.

      Someday soon I’ll leave this world of pain and toil and sin,
      the Lord will take me by the hand to join all of me kin.
      Me only wish is when the Savior comes for me and you,
      He kills the cast of Riverdance and Michael Flatley too.


      Now everybody’s died, so until our tears are Dried,
      we’ll drink and drink and drink and drink and then we’ll drink some more.
      We’ll dance and sing and fight until the early mornin’ light,
      then we’ll throw up, pass out, wake up and then go drinkin’ once again,
      then we’ll throw up, pass out, wake up and then go drinkin’ once again,
      then we’ll throw up, pass out, wake up and then go drinkin’ once again.

  4. Silenus says:

    They aren’t on Dancing with the Stars because they don’t need “stars.” Flat foot and clog dancing are remnants of how people used to entertain themselves before mass media turned most of us into couch potatoes. I have long been and advocate for what might be called the green/simplicity analog for the arts. That is, we are more entertained and healthier when we sing, dance, or play music ourselves than when others, however “talented” do it for us.

    While one may take this video as mocking either Appalachian or Hip Hop culture, what it really does is show the universality of music and dance. Dancing and making music is what is important, not the genre. Oh, and this dancing might not have all come from the British Isles. Some people think Indian dances influenced these styles, and it is possible there is African influence as well.

    • msbpodcast says:

      That’s going to become more popular as most of can’t afford to pay the utility bills. (There will be no need to extend the wireless network beyond urban centers either.[Though the US military will come to the rescue once again with the deployment of self-organizing ad-hoc networks of solar powered devices.])

      When the only way to entertain yourself is to dance around, making a gull durned fool of your’n self, some people become most excellent fools. (That and sex. 🙂 )

      Eventually, the 1%ers become the .1%ers as more and more people fall out of the economy, and they swell the 99%ers by joining them as they weren’t required anymore by the billionaire everything owners.

      I hope I will not live to see the day, but my grand-nephew might. Go, you clog-dancing Texan fool…

  5. observer says:

    I was watching for Jesco White.

  6. Grandpa says:

    Who says white guys can’t dance?

  7. Animby says:

    Why Haven’t These People Been On Dancing With The Stars?

    Because they’re too good…

  8. Joe says:

    It’s amazing how similar some of the older dance styles are to modern hip-hop dance, which makes these mashups so revealing and entertaining. The best I can remember is the “Walk it Out” video that showed a Bob Fosse choreographed dance from the 70’s dubbed with UNK’s rap song.

  9. Likes2LOL says:

    Fancy footwork, but no crotch-grabbing?
    This won’t sell well in the urban market…

  10. dadeo says:

    Looked a little silly, but not a fat one in the bunch. hmm..

    • msbpodcast says:

      That because most of the videos were from before the ’70.

      The obesity epidemic only started when Earl Butz came up with a corn based agriculture policy at Nixon’s behest.

      I took a few years for all the girls to develop “muffin top” belt lines and for all of the children to become behemoth monstrosities.

      Now its commonplace for people to have legs, just their legs, which weigh more than their entire grandparents used to.

      Of course granny and grand-pappy died of diabetes in the intervening years.

  11. donno says:

    Tap dancing = krunking for white people who do not know how to dance with their arms

  12. Git Down says:

    “Play That Funky Music, White Boy”…

  13. Rick says:

    Clogging mystifies me….I just don’t get it. Must be a white people thing.

  14. GregAllen says:

    >> Silenus says:
    >> While one may take this video as mocking either Appalachian or Hip Hop culture, what it really does is show the universality of music and dance.

    No mocking here. I think its awesome. I just love those pure, authentic expressions of culture. It seems like it is getting rarer and rarer these days.

  15. CountSmackula says:

    I didn’t see many “fingers up”, therefore they must “give a ƒµ¢k.”

  16. nunyac says:

    No Jesco, but several clips were of his papy. A well respected step dancer in his time. Here is a Jesco link FYI.

    • DogEars says:

      His pappy being the legendary D Ray White.
      The documentary “The wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia” is a MUST SEE for anyone trying to get some insight to this culture. Exec producer was Johnny Knoxville.


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