1. Troublemaker says:

    This is what all those conspiracy theorists, that have been ridiculed for years, have been warning about.

    The groundwork for a one world currency, and eventually a one world government, is being laid down with these manipulated events.

    You’ll see…

    • Opperdienaar says:

      I’m afraid you are right. Never let a good crisis go to waste.
      Here in the Netherlands the top dog requested 17 billion euro on a piece of paper slipped to the Parliament just 20 minutes before the debate. That is 1000 euro per man woman and child, just in a flick of an eye.
      Our rulers will pillage us and most serfs absolutely insist they need to be ruled, because tax slaves are stupid and need wise men to rule over them and coerce them.
      Stupid brain bug.

  2. jpfitz says:

    The banks in the EU zone will have a run on them. I have pity for all who thought the Euro was going to work and disdain for the bankers who planned this fiasco to fail.

  3. McCullough says:

    Glad it’s them and not us *phew*.

    *Note to self….go to bank, close accounts today. Dump retirement accounts take the penalty.

    • msbpodcast says:

      Funny, I’m doing the same thing on Monday morning, but for unrelated reasons. A bank branch closed and its no longer convenient. Maybe the entire retirement thing needs revisiting…

      Maybe its my good karma acting up again.

      I quit one job and the following week the WTC fell and my ex-workplace went from the 83rd floor of tower 1 to below ground level in about 14 seconds.

      Then I sold off my IPO shares in one outfit because I was leaving them because the client was dropping my project, and the 2007 financial market collapse happened right after that.

      My health and job prospects went south but my disability pension kicked in about when my unemployment ran out.

    • Servalan says:

      The US banks could be impacted greatly by the collapse of the euro if they are heavily vested there. MF Global was basically taken down in an instant due to their Italian hedge funds and those very same investments were later sold to JP Morgan at a great discount (after MF Global filed for bankruptcy protection, which is probably illegal). I suspect the US banks will be moderately impacted by what’s going on in Europe and the US government will have to wheel and deal to consolidate debt, banks, and float another massive bailout package to financial institutions.

    • The0ne says:

      I did this last year and never looked backed. I’m glad I did as most of my investment had been overseas since our own wasn’t doing too well. As soon as I realized they were going to crash I just told myself f*ck it and took everything out. It beast losing money every month, that’s my reason.

  4. noneofyourbusiness says:

    Living outside of your means, leads to disaster? Shocking.

    :roll eyes:

  5. Kent says:

    If not banks, where do you put your money for security?

    • jpfitz says:

      Property with potable water well. Just one idea.

      • Has to get better says:

        Gold! GOLD!!! Just ask Glen Beck!

        But seriously – I like your answer @jpfitz. Just look for something not near any frakking, and maybe with wooded area for heating needs.

        • Kent says:

          Thanks for the replies. I did find a property with decent soil, would probably be able to drill a well, and its about 12 acres, but the guy next door has about eight hunting blinds running along the property and it freaks me a bit (I have a handicapped daughter I don’t want getting shot). I was really excite when the agent showed the place until I saw those blinds.

          • Richard says:

            Buy guns. They’re a good investment.

          • ± says:

            OMFG! The dude is a hunter. He is almost certainly a nutcase that shoots at anything that looks like a mammal.

            It’s too bad for the rest of us that people like you can amass enough money to consider purchasing a property next to normal people.

          • Kent says:

            First off, your an idiot. Did you bother to read what I said? My six year old autistic daughter isn’t going to know better to stay out of range of a bunch of hunters on the neighbouring property. FYI: I sponsored a gun rally fifteen years ago to stop the Canadian gun registry. I’m neither anti-hunting or anti-guns.

            To Richard, I like the idea of getting guns, but its a challenge getting them in this country.

  6. Still Confused says:

    Did I just watch a 15-minute commercial for hedge fund BlueCrest Capital?

    Did you see the girl hug him in the last few seconds of the video? She apparently adores him.

  7. deowll says:

    Try to line things up where you will have safe water, food, clothing and shelter and some method to cook with and heat your abode if your local requires such.

  8. AdmFubar says:

    ooohhh baby the eu can go down on me..

    oh wait it isnt that kinda “go down on”

    well no matter it all sucks..

  9. AdmFubar says:

    also a lot of flash isnt working on your site john,you need to look into this.. i’m having trouble with this flash video…

  10. Billabong says:

    At this point, anyone that is not even in the waking stages of what’s happening….is lost. I’m just trying to help my friends and family protect their money. And they (unfortunately) aren’t paying attention. They’re in denial.

    Who will take care of them?

  11. msbpodcast says:

    Actually, if we’d have had TV and recording devices back in the 15th century, we’d have a show remarkably similar about:

    • the collapse of the Spanish economy after the successful attempt to buy the papacy had bankrupted the treasury,
    • the English desk would have been reporting problems with the economies of both England and France which were still trying to recover from the disastrous 100 years war,
    • the mainland desk would have said that the Prussians were in a mess with intercine warfare between the various baronies and duchies,
    • the Italian city states were a mess of intrigue,
    • the Russians were a highway for invading Mongol hordes, and something should be done about this,
    • the Greek city states were sliding back into the dark ages,
    • the Romanisch were continuing their long trek to look for a homeland after being turned out of the Indus valley, and being chased out of everywhere since,
    • the health desk would have been busy reporting the occasional outbreaks of plague, cholera, aigue and mal aria(lit: bad air)
    • the weather desk would have been covering the strange evening glows and the freakishly cool cloudy days and the unseasonable icy storms, (entire mountains in the far east had been reduced to ash clouds and made for some brilliant sunsets for months,)
    • the home and architecture desk would have reported on the development of the glazier trade and about the innovation of windows for your hovel, uh, home.

    Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.

  12. t0llyb0ng says:

    When the utilities are shut off, would you rather have pure water or gasoline?

    How you gonna clean your dirty butt when you don’t even have drinking water? In winter.

    Gonna dig an outhouse in the back yard? There’s no way to flush the pot.

    Gets mighty dark at night. Flick the switch & it won’t work.

    Where you gonna get toothpaste or bread or vegetables when the truck don’t come to the grocery store no mo’

    There’s no detergent & the washing machine don’t work.

    You can have my stuff. Sono finito.

  13. orchidcup says:


    (words by Paul Simon music by JS Bach)

    Many’s the time I’ve been mistaken, and many times confused
    And I’ve often felt forsaken, and certainly misused.
    But it’s all right, it’s all right, I’m just weary to my bones
    Still, you don’t expect to be bright and Bon Vivant
    So far away from home, so far away from home.

    I don’t know a soul who’s not been battered
    Don’t have a friend who feels at ease
    Don’t know a dream that’s not been shattered
    Or driven to it’s knees.
    But it’s all right, all right, We’ve lived so well so long
    Still, when I think of the road we’re traveling on,
    I wonder what went wrong, I can’t help it
    I wonder what went wrong.

    And I dreamed I was flying. I dreamed my soul rose
    unexpectedly, and looking back down on me, smiled
    reassuringly, and I dreamed I was dying.
    And far above, my eyes could clearly see
    The Statue of Liberty, drifting away to sea
    And I dreamed I was flying.

    We come on a ship we call the Mayflower,
    We come on a ship that sailed the moon
    We come at the age’s most uncertain hour
    And sing the American tune

    But it’s all right, it’s all right
    You can’t be forever blessed
    Still, tomorrow’s gonna be another working day
    And I’m trying to get some rest,
    That’s all, I’m trying to get some rest.

  14. orchidcup says:

    Fortunately for me, I don’t have any money to lose.


  15. This whole euro thing just goes on and on’ their does not seem to be an end in sight. Their have been attempts to resolve the debt issues but none of them are working.


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