Hours after Saturday’s presidential debate in Des Moines, Iowa, GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry continued his string of memorable campaign gaffes. CNN Political Ticker reports that Perry campaigned in the Hawkeye State, stopping in Ames. He focused on energy, taking shots at the Obama administration’s handling of government spending. “No greater example of it than this administration sending millions of dollars into the solar industry, and we lost that money,” Perry said. “I want to say it was over $500 million that went to the country Solynda.” Perry was on target with his loan estimate, as the Department Of Energy issued a $535 million guarantee back in 2009. The only problem with his remark: the funding went to an energy company named Solyndra.

I believe JCD is predicting a Romney-Perry ticket, I just don’t see it. Unless of course the Republicans are purposely taking a dive. That I might believe.

  1. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    I’m going with the dive theory. It’s pathetic.

  2. Dallas says:

    It’s pretty clear that God wants Obama to win a second term. Why do the Teapublicans go against God’s wishes?

  3. Anonymous says:

    FYI: Once upon a time Rick Perry was a DEMOCRAT! And not all that long ago either.

    It’s FACT! Look it up.

    • Dallas says:

      That was a quarter century ago. Give it up.
      I dated girls a quarter century ago too.

  4. ABO says:

    The posters here NEVER post ANYTHING about Obama, or his administration. That’s because he is a perfect President, and SOOO much better than ANY nasty Republican.

    It’s sickening to have only leftists comment on politics. Reminds me of the tv reporter for our station who covered politics. She was literally always kissing and hugging the Democrats she interviewed. It was disgusting.

    • spsffan says:

      That’s because the Republicans only want to kiss and hug little boys. 🙂

      Oh, and I’m no Democrat, bye the way. A pox on both your parties!

    • tcc3 says:

      Can you fix my spam flagged comment, McCullough?


    • Dallas says:

      The other day Michele Obama went on vacation and took a different flight. Oh the humanity!

    • msbpodcast says:

      Bullshit. Obama’s a millionaire water carrier for the billionaires who actually own this country.

      Between him and whoever the repukes finally hold their noses and name, it makes no fucking difference. As long as there a party, the citizens are the losers.

      I’m disgusted with you for even thinking that.

      Its just that them dem.s don’t have their bloody hands stuck quite as far up our rectums as the repukes, so they look good by comparison.

      Fuck ’em ALL where they breathe.

  5. spsffan says:

    The Republicans obviously took a dive in 2008 after messing the entire world up. It is apparently taking longer than 4 years for the stench to clear. So, yes, they may be intentionally taking another dive. Or they’re just stupid.

  6. Rocket J Squirrel says:

    Rick Perry is just George W. Bush lite.

  7. #9- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    I do hesitate to repeat myself, but its so on point: I think Perry demonstrates early onset Alzheimers. Either that or indeed he was too dumb to remain a Democrat and he was kicked out of the party–or thought the Republicans looked good. It was Texas afterall. Not that much book reading going on at NiggerHead Camp after all.

    Much like Perry’s Strong anti-Homo/Constitutional Rights Video: the telling issue really is just how dumb he thinks the voting public is. That or his handlers.

    He lost to Ann Richards right? She was a sharp Lady.=======================Alzheimer’s I tells ya!

  8. #10- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    Did I say it was Alzheimers?

    Anyway, the last “anti-Obama” post was 8 days ago:


    Seems this forum criticizes Obama quite regularly especially on the issues of his financial/Wallstreet mismanagement and his failure to confront the Republicans.

    Do you know there is a Republican Primary Process going on RIGHT NOW!!!!! Kinda sucks up all the oxygen==just as it should until Obama signs that unlimited detention thing. Then we’re all going out to protest on the streets. Right Repubs?

  9. Kent says:

    Guess you don’t remember Dan Quayle?

  10. The0ne says:

    One cool poster btw. Reminds me of NL Vacation and Evil Dead 😀

  11. Hmeyers says:

    I’m not really interested in gaffes. It is what kind of decisions they would make.

    I’m not pro-Perry or anything, but Texas does seem to be run very well compared to most of the other states. Still, that is not necessarily creditable to the governor (not that I claim to know much about Texas politics, I don’t) but it is true he isn’t screwing up the state of Texas.

    If he ends up as the nominee, he has less baggage than Newt and less baggage than Hermit Cain did.

    And Republicans are afraid of people with “funny” religions like Romney. Ron Paul is too bit of a crazy old guy with “strange” ideas by conventional sheep standards of modern America.

    Hard to tell exactly how someone will end up winning the Republican nomination … will be an interesting sight for sure …

  12. Hmeyers says:

    Btw … Newt has to be in it for the money.

    I think he has to know there is no way in hell that someone who has had affairs on 2 wives is gonna win the Republican nomination.

    So he must be raising funds to do the payola thing where candidates get wealthier merely by running for president — hiring cronies and friends and fellow lobbists and paying them handsomely with those funds.

  13. ding, ding, ding

    You Americans seem to forget that the president is just a figurehead. It don’t matter how smart (s)he is. Obama proved that.

    • orchidcup says:

      Obama is smart. He is simply powerless against the entrenched bureaucracy of the Pentagon, the Fed, and all the other agencies that will never die.

      The same is true for any president.

  14. Animby says:

    Meyers and even Bobbo (a little) bring a little sanity to this post. Who cares if he slipped up and said “country” instead of “company”? Remember “corpsman” with a heavy P or visiting 57 states or a dozen others? Hell, my tongue slips all the time, doesn’t mean I’m stoopid. I don’t like the incumbent and haven’t found a challenger I like, either, but when you hear an attack from my keyboard it will be on their policies or abilities not that some sleep-deprived campaigner who’s been in 27 cities in 15 days mispronounces a word or forgets number three on his list.

    • McCullough says:

      I get that. I wouldn’t attack someone for a minor slip of lip, or two, or even three. But this guy is a professional pol and a disaster waiting to happen…so go ahead, look at his policies and get back to me.

      You can start with his forced vaccination policy/flip flop. Go from there.

      But hey, I could be wrong, maybe he is the ONE, maybe I just don’t see it.

      At this point, I think he is just stoopid.

      • orchidcup says:

        Take it from somebody that is a Texan.

        Rick Perry is one of the elite. Why, his family traces their heritage back before the founding of the Republic!

        He started out as a Democrat and ended up as a Republican.

        He sold out our toll roads to multinational corporations. The major stockholder of one of those corporations is the King of Spain.

        You already know about the vaccination thing.

        Our toll roads will never be paid for. They are a profit-taking enterprise in perpetuity.

        If you accidentally use any portion of a usually unmarked tollway, a photo is taken of your license plate and you are sent a ridiculously high toll bill.

        I once received an automatic toll bill for using one quarter-mile section of toll road without even knowing it. The bill was $5.28. There is no way to fight it without hiring an attorney.

  15. orchidcup says:

    Republicans are famous for one thing:

    If the facts don’t fit the theory, then change the facts.

    Oh wait, Democrats are also famous for that.

    • msbpodcast says:

      If the facts are inconvenient (make you look like an ignorant ass-hole,) yell louder.

      It has always worked in American politics.

      It is based on the erroneous principle that truth is what get heard over the din.

  16. orchidcup says:

    How to become President:

    1. Suck up to the corporations.

    2. Suck up to the fundamentalist religious fanatics.

    3. Suck up to the oil industry.

    4. Suck up to the financial industry.

    5. Suck up to the female voters with smooth hair and smoother pin-stripe suits.

    6. Look like a football jock for the men.

    7. Smile a lot, and wave to imaginary people in the crowd.

    8. Kiss babies. Lots of babies.

    10. Repeat all of the above often.

    Once you are elected, flip-flop like a fish out of water.

    • orchidcup says:


      I left out number 9.

      9. Tell everyone what you think they want to hear.

    • msbpodcast says:

      Have a couple of hundred million bucks and shut the fuck up…

      The rest takes care of itself.

      Anything can be spun any which way.

      Your own mother thinks that you’re an arrogant prick.

      Then you can be marketed as an independent and fiercely proud American.

      All it takes is money and the ability to shut the fuck up.

  17. #36- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    #35–Orchid==the problem is they don’t flip on the issues you have identified, they only remain totally flopped.

    What they flip on is stopping wars, stopping waste fraud and abuse, bringing transparency to government, stopping the revolving door from government to lobbyists to crony corporations, stopping pork spending, etc==all too tedious to go into.

    But not your list.

    • orchidcup says:

      Presidents don’t stop wars nowdays.

      They start them. Unilaterally.

      Pork Barrel spending occurs in the House and Senate.

      Short of vetoing every bill with pork, a President does not control those bodies of lawmakers.

      That is why line-item vetoes will never fly.

      Campaign finance reform will never happen either.

      The entire system is corrupted from top to bottom.

      The President is a figurehead they throw in your face so you can pretend that somebody is in charge.

  18. Wow! What a great poster. Perry might win the box office if he stars in a Sci-Fi movie battling against the muscles of Schwarzenegger and Van Damme. Haha.

  19. NewFormatSux says:

    Is Perry from one of the 57 states where they speak Austrian?

    Oh wait, that’s two Obama statements. Is this the dumbest president ever?

    Let’s not forget his statement that his policies are working, and that he had no idea it would be this bad. According to his predictions, his policies would create 5 million green jobs, the stimulus millions more, etc. So which is it, Mr DUmb PResident?

    • orchidcup says:

      Dubya Bush is still my favorite dumbass.

      My favorite flubs:

      “I couldn’t imagine somebody like Osama bin Laden understanding the joy of Hanukkah.” –at a White House menorah lighting ceremony, Washington, D.C., Dec. 10, 2001

      “Oh, no, we’re not going to have any casualties.” –discussing the Iraq war with Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson in 2003, as quoted by Robertson

      “You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror.” –interview with CBS News’ Katie Couric, Sept. 6, 2006

      “This is an impressive crowd — the haves and the have mores. Some people call you the elite — I call you my base.” –at the 2000 Al Smith dinner

      “See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.” –Greece, N.Y., May 24, 2005

      “The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him.” –Washington, D.C., Sept. 13, 2001

      “I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.” –Washington, D.C., March 13, 2002

      And my all-time favorite:

      “I trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldn’t do my job.” –to a group of Amish he met with privately, July 9, 2004

  20. Ah_Yea says:

    Back to the question.

    Who will Romney pick? He has already answered that question.

    Kelly Ayotte. Look her up.

    • orchidcup says:

      Here is something to chew on:


      Many prominent GOP figures went to New Hampshire to help Ayotte in her 2010 campaign, including John McCain, Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, Haley Barbour, and Rick Santorum. According to one senior GOP aide, “The addition of a Republican woman from New England who’s young, who’s a mom … all of these things broaden the Republican party’s appeal and say to different segments of the population, ‘This party has folks in it that are just like you.’”

      Well I’ll be a hog-tied ring-tailed cat!

      This lady is just ordinary folks, just like me!

  21. KMFIX says:

    This is why the term… “Close enough for Government work,” exists.

  22. NewFormatSux says:

    Funny how liberals bash Perry for being dumb about a comment like this, when the real dumb action was in giving hundreds of millions of dollars to a campaign donor, thinking it would lead to green jobs.

    • orchidcup says:

      I agree, Rick Perry is not dumb. He is smart.

      Who else would think of selling our native toll roads to foreign corporations, where money can be sucked out of the local economy and passed around the world?

      I can’t help but wonder if there was any quid pro quo involved with that transaction.

      Naw, couldn’t be.

  23. orchidcup says:

    Rick Perry For President?

    Meet 24 Billionaires Who’ve Backed Him

    Harold Simmons
    Net worth: $5.7 billion; Source: investments
    Donated: $600,000

    Kenny Troutt
    Net worth: $1.2 billion; Source: Excel Communications
    Donated: $300,000

    Thomas Friedkin
    Net worth: $1.5 billion; Source: Toyota dealerships
    Donated: $298,003

    Jeffrey Hildebrand
    Net worth: $1.9 billion; Source: oil
    Donated: $285,000

    T Boone Pickens
    Net worth: $1.4 billion; Source: oil
    Donated: $200,000

    Lee Bass
    Net worth: $2 billion; Source: oil
    Donated: $159,760

    Trevor Rees-Jones
    Net worth: $3.3 billion; Source: oil
    Donated: $150,000

    Robert Rowling
    Net worth: $4.2 billion; Source: investments
    Donated: $129,271

    Robert McNair
    Net worth: $1.4 billion; Source: energy
    Donated: $125,000

    H Ross Perot Jr
    Net worth: $1.4 billion; Source: computer services
    Donated: $110,000

    Ray Davis
    Net worth: $1.4 billion; Source: pipelines
    Donated: $101,000

    Sid Bass
    Net worth: $2 billion; Source: oil
    Donated: $100,000

    Darwin Deason
    Net worth: $1 billion; Source: Xerox
    Donated: $100,000

    Charles Butt
    Net worth: $5.3 billion; Source: supermarkets
    Donated: $75,000

    Drayton McLane
    Net worth: $1.5 billion; Source: Walmart
    Donated: $50,500

    Gerald J Ford
    Net worth: $1.4 billion; Source: banking
    Donated: $50,000

    David Koch
    Net worth: $22 billion; Source: diversified
    Donated: $25,000

    Alice Walton
    Net worth: $21.2 billion; Source: Walmart
    Donated: $25,000

    Richard Kinder
    Net worth: $7.4 billion; Source: pipelines
    Donated: $25,000

    Andrew Beal
    Net worth: $6.6 billion; Source: banking
    Donated: $25,000

    Kelcy Warren
    Net worth: $2 billion; Source: pipelines
    Donated: $20,000

    John Paul DeJoria
    Net worth: $4.2 billion; Source: hair products, tequila
    Donated: $10,000

    Winemaker Jess Jackson and pipeline tycoon Dan Duncan, both deceased, were also billionaire Perry donors.

    Yep, Rick Perry is ordinary folks, just like me.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      LOL, you don’t think Obama has billionaires supporting his campaign? Why he has more donations from Romney’s company Bain Capital than Romney himself.

      • jescott418 says:

        Nothing wrong with slips. We all do it. I know what he meant to say which is all that matters.

      • Dallas says:

        NFS, wins today’s “neener neener, you’re party does it too” award.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          I don’t agree with the idea that you should only take donations from people with less money.

    • ABO says:

      You are quite naive. I imagine you are still buying that “Hope and Change” bullshit.

  24. NewFormatSux says:

    It’s standard practice for liberals to label whoever gets nominated by the Republicans as their ticket as evil and dumb. They just do it time after time, and liberals in lockstep echo the comments. Watch, it will happen again.

    • tcc3 says:

      No one’s calling Paul, Gingrich or Romney dumb. They are abhorrent for other reasons.

      If you don’t like the criticism maybe the GOP should field better candidates.

  25. What? Fear fear... says:

    Taxed, your nihilism is astounding.

  26. Eric Phillips says:

    Perry is not really wrong. Some multi-national corporations make far more profit than the GDP of many third world countries combined. They are becoming what William Gibson predicted: Megacorps. These are corporations so big, rich and powerful eventually they will be above any national laws, and may even become the governments in some areas.

    Don’t laugh. Megacorps have existed in the past. Take the British East India company. It was the government in India. It had so much control economically, it basically called the shots in Parliament.

    To misquote Timbuk 3: The Future’s So Bleak, I Gotta Wear Shades

  27. jescott418 says:

    Hate to inform those Liberals but they have just as stupid candidates on their side. Part of the reason Government is so indecisive and without reason. American’s need to stop focussing on one party to blame and realize the people we elect to serve this Country are dumb.

    • Dallas says:

      They’re generally not ‘dumb’ but generally talk without thinking through what comes out of their Pie Hole.

      Obama, Ron Paul and Noob Gingrich are by far the most articulate and have seemingly good wiring between their brain and their PH.

      IMHO, for better or for worse, it is our divided government system that is problematic. But by far, the biggest problem is the voting sheeple get to pick who runs government based on religion and bias. Both of which are influenced by TV and radio ads bought by the top 3%.

  28. Cursor_ says:

    No hate to say this, but both the liberals and the conservatives are to blame for the state we are in. Due to their radical viewpoints and inability to work together for the common need of the nation we are in the shit.

    Both sides need to be deported with their families three generations deep and three houses out.


  29. JimD says:

    The Repuke “Candidates” have shown themselves to be DUMB AND DUMBER !!! And they think they can “Lead” the Country ??? NO ONE should vote Repuke or Bagger – it is a formula for a NATIONAL DISASTER !!!

  30. orchidcup says:

    The simple point to make here is that the billionaires run this country whether you like it or not.

    Whether Republican or Democrat, the politicians are beholden to their constituency, the billionaires.

    There is no representation for the Middle Class.

    There is no populist political party.


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