1031 Indefinite Detainment Bill gives the US Government the right to hold U.S. Citizens without rights to a trial or lawyer, forever.

President Obama has threatened to veto the bill, arguing that the indefinite military detention section is an attempt by the Senate to “micromanage” the work of the Defense Department. Senators opposing the dentition provision appear to have enough votes to reject an override attempt of a veto. Earlier in the week, the Senate rejected an amendment by Sen. Mark Udall [D, CO] to strip the detention language from the bill, but the amendment did secure more than the 34 votes (2/3rds majority) that would be needed to sustain a veto. The full roll call on that amendment can be viewed here.

Ayes: 37 (Democrat: 34; Republican: 2; Other: 1)
Nays: 61 (Democrat: 16; Republican: 44; Other: 1)

If Democrats are traditionally Liberal, then what has happened to the so-called Liberal philosophy? I grew up with the understanding that Liberals supported basic human rights, were anti-war, etc. I was a believer. What changed?

  1. Thegreygeek says:

    Wake up America. This bill gives the Government the right to declare anyone that they (the current/next/whatever, Administration) do not like or agree with a threat and can strip any US citizen of their rights. It is Unconstitutional period!
    We are being governed by idiots!

  2. Nicholas says:

    I am what could be considered a ‘Liberal’, and Obama is most definitely not a liberal. He’s a sellout, and this is just disgusting to me. This is a direct violation of the Constitution, and he’s not going to do anything to stop it.
    I stopped supporting Obama long ago, but he’s going too far.

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