Clearly, we have no way to defend ourselves with so few military protections in place.

Who here thinks we’ll be at war with Iran before the next election? If so, who thinks this won’t be politically motivated? If so, who wants to buy this machine I built that turns politician’s hot air into gold?

Each star marks a US military base, but just so we’re all clear: Iran is threatening the US.

Found on reddit

  1. McCullough says:

    I think we are already at war with Iran. If only covertly, at this point.

    That plant didn’t blow itself up.

  2. seetheblacksun says:

    I was under the impression that we were already at war with Iran…

    • deowll says:

      Yup. They declared war on us a long time ago in public and they’ve never undeclared it so your question is few years late.

  3. deowll says:

    By “you” I meant Uncle Dave.

  4. dusanmal says:

    “Who here thinks we’ll be at war with Iran before the next election?” – experimental proof with downed drone that Obama refused to destroy speaks of PC driven coward in chief. Despite all the military ability he behaves as if in charge of Army of Iceland (no offense meant to Iceland or its Army). Hence 100% no war with Iran before elections, even if they openly start it on their own.

    “…who thinks this won’t be politically motivated?” – depending on next President we indeed may end up in war with Iran. Of course for political AND World domination reasons. Where we may differ in viewpoint is that if such war would be waged with clear intent to win and win fast (with no PC or UN guidelines involved) – World may end up way better place for prolonged period. Example of war US have not executed since WWII in Japan but would have such ending at relatively low cost: nuke every large city in Iran, every nuclear facility and every military complex large enough. Use conventional weaponry to destroy every significant piece of infrastructure (bridges, dams, crucial railroad points, refineries and electric/water grid). Demand unconditional surrender and avoid the only Japan-related mistake: make mullahs hang, with short out of sight “trial” in military court for terrorism. Do not try to help them rebuild or form any “new society”, just stay out.
    Than see middle East and Pakistan bend over to kiss US foot.

  5. Watchful Eye says:

    As they say, “keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.”

  6. mannytu says:

    This map is not right; I know Camp Doha closed seven years ago…

    • Dr Spearmint Fur says:

      It’s “kind of” closed, but majority of personal are gone. Kind of light housekeeping duty I guess.

  7. Richard says:

    No problem. Just close those bases.

  8. Skeptic > post # 27,687 ± says:

    Went to a-France, looking for finance
    To bomb bomb Iran, ’cause I thought I’d take a chance
    Bomb Ira-a-an, bomb bomb-bomb Ira-a-an
    You got me rockin’ and a rollin’
    Rockin’ and a reelin’ bomb Iran
    Bomb bomb, bomb-bomb Iran

    (Beach Boys)

  9. powerlust says:

    Before Jan. 1.

  10. NewFormatSux says:

    Weren’t the people at this site predicting war with Iran 4 years ago and more?

  11. Publius says:

    War is a racket.

    For detailed explanation please google for General Smedley Butler and read his 5 chapter free book. Then please read the book War is a Racket.

    Know ye for now simply the definition of the word:

    Traditionally, the word racket is used to describe a business (or syndicate) that is based on the example of the protection racket and indicates a belief that it is engaged in the sale of a solution to a problem that the institution itself creates or perpetuates, with the specific intent to engender continual patronage.

    Source: Wikipedia

  12. Gilgamesh says:

    This is fundamentally moronic. Take the U.S. completely out of that picture, and Iran is still “threatening” all of its neighboring territory. So… Duh! And the fact that we have political and even EXISTENTIAL (oil) interest in the neighboring territories is so old and boring I don’t know what to say. Yes, the location of those bases are “convenient” for a “purpose” (ooh! scary!). But are also clearly the consequence of a long and tried/tired dialog/quasi-dialog with Iran. One, in which, if they wanted a different outcome, EASILY could have had it. That being said, if Obama invades Iraq, you will have, in fact, proved me wrong. I’m telling you, he’s not going to unless Iran does something completely and unambiguously insane.

    Yeah, war is a racket and long live the voice of Smedley, but conspiracy bruhaha is tawdry and otherwise ridiculous.

  13. Dallas says:

    Iran sure has superior, beach front property to protect the American sheeple oil tit.

    I would tell the sheeple that the oil tit is threatened. Therefore, the cost of protecting it will be added to the price of a barrel of oil. Then, we’ll see all electric cars take off.

  14. Somebody says:

    They can win.

    We are totally over-confident.

  15. dittmv says:

    Iran is threatening its neighbors… ha. The one country in the area that has had relatively stable borders for the last few hundred years.

    More like the reverse, a careful read of newspapers over the years tends to reveal subtle details like pick an Arab country and they will have negative views toward the Persian country.

    Interesting footnote… the Saudis are the loudest critics of Iran. The Saudis threw the most money into Afghanistan via Pakistan.

    The Iranians were funding the Northern Alliance who was opposed to the Taliban, which was established with Pakistan’s support. According to the US government, it was bin Laden’s group which was sheltered by the Taliban.

  16. Rick says:

    Iran is a lone Shia state surrounded by hostile Sunni states. If anything, Iran’s biggest worry is them, not Israel.

  17. NewFormatSux says:

    Rick Iraq is a Shia state where Sunnis/Baathists ruled over the majority.

  18. What? Fear fear... says:

    Fear fear.

  19. Thegreygeek says:

    No we are not going to attack Iran! We should NOT be afraid of these whacko’s though. We could wipe them off the planet in a few hours it we wanted to do so, which we do not. Besides Obama baby and his Iranian side kick ‘Valerie’ loves to kiss up to these people. The issue is: When will Iran start a conflict with its neighbors. The Saudi’s and the other mideast countries would like nothing better than to see Iran be attacked by anybody, but it is wholly unlikely that it will be us, at least in the near future.

  20. fred lapides says:

    It is so obvious as to not need stating. We have though a lot of politicians of both parties mouthing off but falling short of saying: Let’s attack them.

  21. Glenn E. says:

    Iran isn’t gonna attack the US. It might attack Israel, some day. And as the US government is very much joined at the hip with Israel. Any threat to Israel is automatically seen as a threat to America. So many of America’s politicians seem to owe some allegiance to the country. More so than they take their oath of office to America, as seriously. But then America doesn’t lobby them as well, as Israel does. So we commit troops and weapons to defending whoever pays our elected representatives off, the most. That’s how it works. Too bad Israel doesn’t also pick up the tab for the cost of the US military budget to look after them. But I’m sure it’s far cheaper to just wine and dine 100 US Senators. Too bad the US didn’t have the balls to come the defense of Tibet, against the China invasion. Buddhism is at least as old as Judaism, if not much older. But again, the Tibetan monks don’t lobby big time.

    Ya know, technically, what the US Congress does amounts to reverse Money Laundering. For a small amount of campaign dollars (or expensive meals) , they legislate millions and billions of tax dollars to aid special interests. It’s “reverse” money laundering, because normally a lot of “dirty” money gets turned into much smaller amounts of “clean” money. But Congress turns tiny amounts of “dirty” lobbying bucks, into vast amounts of “clean” appropriations dollars. And of course it’s all legal and above board, because they do it. You try doing that, and see what happens.

  22. Glenn E. says:

    Ever since the “fall” (or stumble) of the Soviet Union, the US has been finding all these other counties to pick fights with. So much for the “peace dividend” the tax payers never saw. So when it’s not stopping whomever might be bulling Israel now. It’s just a way to keep the defense dollars rolling in. Peace costs the US defense contractors big time. And not to mention few generals get promoted, or promised VP jobs with said contractors. after retiring. It often makes me ill to think of how much so many lower rank soldiers have sacrificed, just to provide huge profits of those politically connected corporations, and their commissioned stooges, and elected puppets. Eisenhower tried to warn us of this. But he really didn’t warn us very hard. Being part of the whole thing, himself. He didn’t want to lose his retirement plan.

  23. Jeff Huber says:


    Can you tell us where you got that map and give us a link, maybe?

  24. Osas says:

    I believe us is taking their care not to rush into war with Iran. Iran is fun of been loud. An empty drum make the loudest noise.


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