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Executive Producer: Sir Richard Scott Bagwell
Associate Executive Producers: Kenneth Alexander, Noel Malenosky, Squire Snuffles, Fredric Gagnon, David Yeagly, Carrie Schön
Art By: Brad Connell

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  1. orchidcup says:

    Outstanding episode.

    The PR stunt by Alec Baldwin was so transparent it was laughable.

    There is so much phony bologna swirling around the mass media that it is downright entertaining.

    I would rather spend two hours listening to you guys assassinate the media and recap the bullcrap from the past week than spend one minute watching the television.

  2. msbpodcast says:

    Mark Maron has a podcast that’s introduced with the phrase “Lock the gates!

    I don’t know why but that seemed an appropriate thing to shout today.

  3. msbpodcast says:

    The media is stepping up the weaponry in the attack on the populace.

    Now its no longer fire extinguishers full of pepper spray at a bunch of protesters just sitting on the ground. (Like shooting fish in a barrel, right Lt. Pike?)

    That bitch with the shades is holding a shot/long gun.

    Must be fun to shoot somebody when there’s real blood spurting out, eh?

  4. Publius says:

    The problem is that police in USA are in business to serve and protect themselves, unfortunately, but it wasn’t always this way.

    If you don’t believe me, simply go ask a cop if the armor and the multiple lethal and less-lethal weapons they are wearing is for your protection, or theirs.

    Go over their heads, way over.

    Ask your two senators (google for contact info) to earn your vote next November by supporting the National Criminal Justice Commission Act of 2011.

  5. Cliff says:

    Has anyone noticed that the female cop is holding the shotgun in a left handed hold, but her pistol is on her right hip. I know one person who shoots shotguns/rifles left handed but is right handed and shoots pistols as such. It’s not that it doesn’t happen but it’s pretty rare. This seems more like the type of Hollywood gun goof that actors make when they aren’t totally familiar with firearms; left handed actor, but the gun belt prop is right handed. It would seem that a trained police officer wouldn’t fall into this category.

  6. Cliff says:

    Ok, one more. As I look closer her thumb is wrapping up over the barrel. Anyone who shoots regularly, which I assume a cop does, knows that the barrel of a gun rapidly gets hot and can really burn you. Holding a gun in this fashion is a habit that gets broken your first time at the range. Is this a trained a police officer with her pistol on her right hip but holding her shotgun left handed and her thumb resting on the barrel or is this an actor, or just and untrained cop.

  7. ECA says:

    Gun violence?

    they treat the WHOLE country as if it was ALL a big city.
    THAT is the states problem NOT a national one.

  8. plumbing says:

    The hardest lesson I’ve had to learn over the years as an Emergency Mobile Locksmith, who does his share of lock picking jobs, is to accept the simple fact that I’m not always going to be successful at picking, and that it’s nothing to take personally.


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