For all the yearbook photos of the 2012 candidates click here.

Rick Santorum                  Jon Huntsman              Barrack Obama

  1. Dallas says:

    IMHO…Mitt Romney, Ron Paul and Pres Obama were very attractive and I would have guessed so.

    Noob Gingrich wanted to look smart to impress his teacher. Michele Bachmann clearly sucked alot of cock and likely the missing Charles Manson murderer. Rick Perry must have gotten beat up alot with that hair.

  2. Greg Allen says:

    Santorum has more than a little gay flair going on.

  3. I like the Huntsman mullet!

  4. Jodie Foster says:

    If this is an article about politicians, why are you using all those old mugshots of serial killers. Oh, wait…….

    • msbpodcast says:

      The one on the right is a serial killer.

      The other two are merely mass-murderer wannabes.

      There are grave sites from Anytown, USA to the bottom of the Arabian sea filling with Obama’s victims.

      Granted he is not the one who got us into this mess in the first place*, but we’re still there…

      *) That honor goes to Bush the elder, (remember the first war with Saddam Hussein when he needed to put some boots on the ground in Saudi Arabia, [giving Osama a swift kick in the impetus, {BTW our troops are still on Saud’s land,}]) compounded by Shrub the pithed, with the evil, profligate Cheney, abetted by an occasional kick at the ant’s nest with cruse missiles by Clinton in between Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and wherever weapons are bought or made.

  5. McCullough says:

    Huntsman looks a lot like Curry….jus sayin.

    • Cap'nKangaroo says:

      Huntsman is the most level-headed, reasonable, and accomplished of the lot. What does your comment imply about JCD?

  6. BigBoyBC says:

    Are you sure that’s Obama and not Barry Soetotos?

  7. seetheblacksun says:

    I think I have just gained fresh insight regarding Santorum.

  8. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    Smokin’ Joe Biden is running for President?

  9. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Newt’s photo looks like a Hitler Youth applying for an Argentina passport.

    Joe Biden looks like he’s a regular on “Mad Men”.

    Herman Cain and Barak Obama both look like they took inspiration from “What’s Happening!!”.

    But Rick Santorum looks like the guy in high school you always thought would either join a cult or get caught in a necrophillia scandal.

    • Stevn says:

      Don’t insult the Hitler Youth dammit. At least the Hitler Youth liked and supported their own country. Newt is a goddamn bootlicker for Israel and the international JEW!

    • Dr Spearmint Fur says:

      I’m thinking you’re on to something. I think Santorum has a whole Dexter vibe happening in that picture.

  10. AdmFubar says:

    who the hell is rick santorum???
    and where is dvorak’s pic???

  11. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    I could totally see Michele Bachmman running a car thong on her high school Civic.

  12. Gildersleeve says:

    Ho man – we are so doomed.

  13. orchidcup says:

    Ya’ll shouldn’t laugh until you see your own high school photos.

  14. t0llyb0ng says:

    Herman Cain’s looks like a ’60s morph of Bill Cosby & Herbie Hancock.

    As an early ’70s kid myself, the Santorum photo for me inspires pity & compassion.

  15. Angel H. Wong says:

    Obama must have gotten a lot of pussy in his youth.

  16. Sennheiser says:

    Ron Paul and Biden could have easily been extras on Mad Men.

  17. Lucas says:

    Rick Santorum’s yearbook photo looks like John Oliver from The Daily Show.


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