“MVRDV regrets deeply any connotations The Cloud projects evokes regarding 9/11. It was not our intention to create an image resembling the attacks nor did we see the resemblance during the design process. The design inspiration of The Cloud is visualised in the first image on our website, a cloud covering the centre of the Sky scraper.”

  1. UncDon says:

    What’s wrong with Terrorism Art?

  2. Dallas says:

    I agree that’s offensive but disagree they didn’t know what they were doing.

  3. scandihoovian says:

    They look like trees with massive fungus rot.

    • msbpodcast says:

      I was there and I agree with scandihoovian.

      Its in bloody Korea and the “clouds” are grey concrete, not roiling red flames with debris falling through them.

      Get a grip…

  4. Scott Ashley says:

    We are being a bit overly sensitive aren’t we?

  5. Skeptic > post # 27,685 ± says:

    They look like buildings poking up through clouds. If they wanted to represent 911, the clouds would have been black.

    Oh damn… I just said black, I must be a racist!

  6. Alexander says:

    I’m tired of the over the top sensitivity to the matter. There are hundreds of movies depicting the wars the USA fought. I don’t see any sensitivity about the other countries’ dead people. On the other hand, the twin towers where banned from media because “it would cause distress”……

    • msbpodcast says:

      That’s because the media thinks we’re a country of wusses.

      You know what I think?

      Big media can get a pair of scissors and cut the bunch out of its panties.

      I dont see a memorial erected to the thousands of people who die every year of traffic accidents.

      We shovel up the victims, haul away the wreckage and go over the spot with the road crews’ equivalent to a Zamboni so it looks like nothing ever happened.

      Maybe we should do like the Italians, Greeks, Mexicans and South Americans are put up white crosses on every spot on the road where somebody snuffed it. The authorities tend to take care of the road PDQ and drivers tend to be more careful over spots where there are lots of crosses.

  7. NewFormatSux says:

    They admitted they knew it in Dutch media. Not only that, the developer they are working with was the guy who designed Ground Zero reconstruction, and their original design is very similar.

  8. #9- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    Its a big “so what?” Does the design work for its intended purpose? I was shocked to learn that Frank Lloyd Wright didn’t care if his roof’s leaked or not. CRAP!!! Thats the very purpose of a roof: not to leak.

    I assume the given design helps with air flow thru the towers, harmonic dampening, and no top heavy balance issues? And the ROOFS DON’T FRICKIN’ LEAK?

    Thats all that matters beyond cost per square foot.

  9. mike says:

    I am more concerned about the building on the left in the image that is about to fall over.

    • Skeptic > post # 27,687 ± says:

      Mike, they stole that idea from the leaning Tower of Pisa.

  10. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    The middle section of the building that connects the two towers and forms the cloud looks especially cool in the architectural renderings. It’s the highlight of the design, and breaks up what would otherwise be a rather nondescript and boring exterior. The firm has a nice Flash slideshow on their website:


    Minus the sensitivity issue, it looks pretty good.

    • Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

      Strange thing with that link I posted above… both Chrome and IE9 seem to have trouble making the connection unless it includes the “www” at the beginning, which would have caused a whole different problem here on dvorak.org. Firefox handles it fine either way.

  11. WmDE says:

    Either the picture is a bad attempt at forced perspective or the girl is looking at The Cloud 7.

  12. NewFormatSux says:

    I don’t know if I’d want to be living in an apartment in the cloud section. I’d be too afraid that part would fall down.

  13. jealousmonk says:

    I would “like” it if I had a facebook account.

  14. seetheblacksun says:

    Let’s fly remotely-controlled planes into those too!

  15. ABO says:

    Hill Air E US

  16. memesis says:

    I like it. I think its cool looking. I don’t see the big deal. As a matter of fact I think it would be a good building to put were the twin towers once stood. I think what there building at ground zero to be very bland and unimaginative. A lot like america is becoming.

  17. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    I like how they used Minecraft to design the building.

  18. deowll says:

    Tall buildings tend to sway in the wind often badly and require fancy hardware to fight it. This isn’t the only time two skyscrapers have been tied together structurally to reduce that. This time they just got a little fancy and wanted to play around with the cloud idea while getting more floor space inside the building.

    If the Koreans had seen a connection with the Twin Towers they’d have dropped the design like a red hot iron because they are superstitious and any connection to a destroyed building would have been seen as very inauspicious.

    I’d say shut up and leave them alone.

  19. Tippis says:

    Wahey! It’s the HHGTG offices!

    I agree, it’s a bit insensitive to all the Ursa Minor Betans who died in the bombing (and subsequent uprooting) of that building.

  20. Scott M. says:

    Another moist musing (wet dream) from the design department to be dumped on the engineering department’s desk after a period of “reaction” from higher-ups, out-of-touch senior exectutives, real estate asshats and potential financial backers.

    When reality sets in, the expense of connecting two large towers so they are forced to work as one will be over-ruled as “too costly” (read “impractical”). All praise and reward for their innovative thinking will go to the design department. The engineering department will have coal in their stocking…since those reality-based people with their calculations *always* ruin an interesting concept.

    • Hairy German says:

      Correct! Plus I am not sure if I would have even made the connection if I was not told.

  21. Animby says:

    To all the firemen in NYC –
    Ir’s been a decade.
    Don’t forget – never forget.
    But move on.

    Japan Airlines fly into Hawaii.
    You don’t hear all the sailors at Pearl Harbor crying about it.

  22. RODEDOG says:


  23. Gildersleeve says:

    Never mind the superficial resemblance to the tt’s. Not only do I see things like plumbing problems, water runoff issues and the like, but if those middle units were apartments, I see privacy issues.

    Looks like Escher hiccuped.

  24. sargasso_c says:

    This clearly was not a misunderstanding but a deliberate affront to the thousands who died in New York. I for one, would like a military retailation.

  25. orchidcup says:

    If you cross your eyes a little bit and make your vision blurry and dim the lights, it does kind of resemble the exploding Twin Towers.

    Or it could be twin towers designed to appear to be reaching up through the clouds.

  26. orchidcup says:

    Place one thumb over each tower and stare for a little while at the cloud between the two towers.

    It takes a little bit of practice, but eventually you see the face of Jesus.

  27. AdmFubar says:


  28. B. Dog says:

    You are supposed to pan away from the explosive charges being set off — even people across the sea should know this by now.

  29. duh365 says:

    Why do we have to be so FULL of ourselves to point this out to foreign nations? We are NOT the center of the universe as much as we continually think so.

  30. Bluesawyer says:

    911 was Americas tragedy, and isn’t necessarily front of mind for anyone else. Get over yourselves.


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