Global warming is the most significant scientific and political issue of recent decades. Manchester United is the most significant soccer club of recent decades. Could the two be linked?

I examined this one afternoon, by looking at global temperatures and Manchester United’s FA cup appearances since 1881. I averaged the data over 11 years, to mitigate the impact of the solar cycle.

The results are remarkable. Each Manchester United FA Cup appearance in an 11-year period raised global temperatures by 0.1º Celsius.

A plot of global temperatures and the Manchester United Climate Model reveals that half of global warming is the result of Manchester United.

As if I needed another reason to hate The Red Scum.

  1. J says:

    I don’t get it. Sir Ferguson has accomplished something quite impressive since he took over ManU as head coach. Futhermore, he is never scared top try young talents and let them have lots of playing time. A lesson most other clubs are not learning from. So why the hate towards ManU?

    • honeyman says:

      No good reason. Apart from being a Spurs supporter :). I also shared a house with a Man City supporter for a few years. This might be more relevant to my position.

  2. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    The first nerd who starts talking about how correlation doesn’t imply causality will be kicked in the groin by the angry boot of god.

    • Guyver says:

      Because correlation doesn’t imply causality is so obviously true for science-minded folk. Makes sense for the Dvorak crowd.

      That said, Climategate 2.0:

      Strange how the mainstream media doesn’t seem interested in this.

      • Skeptic > post # 27,683 ± says:

        “Three themes are emerging from the newly released emails: (1) prominent scientists central to the global warming debate are taking measures to conceal rather than disseminate underlying data and discussions; (2) these scientists view global warming as a political “cause” rather than a balanced scientific inquiry and (3) many of these scientists frankly admit to each other that much of the science is weak and dependent on deliberate manipulation of facts and data.”

        Yeah, that’s old news.

        • Guyver says:

          In the big picture, yes its old news. This second “controversy” is a little over 2 weeks old.

          You’d think a second controversy is worthy of a report (especially how liberals tried rationalizing the first ClimateGate).

          • Skeptic > post # 27,683 ± says:

            Guyver, sorry about that… what I meant was that global alarmist scientists are behaving like they always have. Instead, I should have said, “It’s not surprising.”

            Sad, but if it did get more media attention, they would just hand the matter over to another ‘neutral’ certified AGW apostle to claim that the meanings of the emails were misconstrued.

  3. There is a magazine / journal of record named “The Journal of Irreporoducible Results” which takes a similar tak showing how the scientific method can be drawn out and extended to prove anything you wish
    They took data from women’s magazines over a historical time line to make the point that economic conditions could be correlated to the time women toilet trained their kids
    Guess this shows you too that global warming is full of …….

  4. #5- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    #3–Fur==not to put too fine a point on that boot, but wouldn’t that be you?

  5. LibertyLover says:

    I saw a comedian on TV once who said the number of the deaths in the world was rising at the same rate as the temperature.

    Thus, we should all strive to live longer.

  6. Tenaya says:

    “Figures don’t lie, but liars figure.”
    -Mark Twain

  7. msbpodcast says:

    Is global warming the effect, or is it the cause?

    Maybe Manchester United will continue to get better as the planet continues to warm?

    Of course there are limits to growth, as MU players burst into flames as the Earth’s temperature assumes that of Venus…

  8. #10- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    #9–pod==that is certainly the more cogent interpretation of the data. After all: why did only mamals and birds evolve endothermic biology? Against all other life forms we are “active” when it is cold. Why wouldn’t MU just be extra demonstrative of this unique evolutionary condition?

    New Scientist just posted an article about this. It may have evolved to ward of fungus. I wonder what the athletes foot rate is among the MU?

    If you aren’t yet, doesn’t take long to register and have access to all their (current) articles:

    ain’t that science stuff bitchin?

  9. Dallas says:

    This couldn’t be more lame.

    Oh wait. A jesus sighting

    • #13- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

      Jebus always looks more like Charlie Manson to me. Probably for the same reasons?

      Helter Skelter!!!

    • orchidcup says:

      There are no known portraits or drawings of Jesus, other than those paintings or drawings that are the product of an artist’s imagination.

      Therefore, nobody knows what Jesus would look like, if indeed he ever existed.

      There is no empirical or archaeological evidence that suggests that Jesus ever existed.

      That is why Christianity is considered a faith, not a fact.

      • Guyver says:

        Therefore, nobody knows what Jesus would look like, if indeed he ever existed.

        If you want to be historically accurate, he wouldn’t be a white guy nor a black guy. Ethnically speaking, the closest example would be someone like Osama Bin Laden.

        • #19- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

          The bible clearly says we were made in his image. THATS a FACT!!! I don’t think god is some half breed mix. He’s pure breed like all of us–you know, as in before the Fall of Babel and the unbelievers fornicated with jungle animals.

          I wish you idiots would read the bible. Its all there.

          • Guyver says:

            I see no reason why an agnostic needs to read the Bible.

          • So what says:

            Do what I do as an atheist. Read it for the entertainment value. Once you get past the inconsistencies, drinking, rape, incest, and murder its a pretty good fantasy book.

        • orchidcup says:

          Ethnically speaking, nobody knows what people looked like 2,000 years ago in the middle east.

          All we have are the skeletons, with no skin.

          Jesus may have looked like a black Pee Wee Herman, for all we really know.

          • Guyver says:

            Ethnically speaking, nobody knows what people looked like 2,000 years ago in the middle east.

            You’re probably right. The Middle East was probably full of white people as the Roman Catholic Church would have you believe. Heck Blacks were probably in China before the Chinese. The first Native Americans? More than likely European.

          • deowll says:

            Actually the scientific method can’t be used to prove anything you want. If order to do that you have to lie and falsify data which is what many alarmist were and maybe still are doing.

            The problem is what happens when others are allowed to check your claims and test them against the evidence or even reproduce your experiments. If they come up with snake eyes smart people are going to stop listening to you.

            On the topic of knowing what people looked like in the middle east. Extract genes, read genes, match genes against phenotype.

      • Dallas says:

        Jesus looked just like Roger Daltrey from The Who. I totally worshiped him.

      • deegee says:

        “There is no empirical or archaeological evidence that suggests that Jesus ever existed.”

        Please do some research.
        Even if the Bible were not counted as a source.
        You can start with the writings of Flavius Josephus.
        There is sufficient proof to believe that Jesus did exist. Whether you believe he was the messiah or not is another discussion.

        • So what says:

          There is also sufficient historic information to believe in dragons. some how I continue to doubt their existence.

          • deegee says:

            There is a big difference between the accepted writings of a historian (Josephus), and fables (the atypical fire-breathing dragon), although komodo dragons do exist.
            Apparently you must also believe that the holocaust was faked along with the moon landings.

        • So what says:

          Nope just the jesus thing.

  10. Hook, line, and sinker says:

    Like palm reading and astrology, a lot of the general population believe this stuff. It looks so scientific.

    Politicians and the media know this and are true statistical magicians when it comes to fooling the public.

    So please… help stamp out statistical abuse in our lifetime!

    • #14- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

      Let’s stop wasting our time on symptoms and attack the disease: stamp out politicians!!

      • Skeptic > post # 27,682 ± says:

        For their next graph they will show the correlation between the increase in politicians and global warming…

        Billions of tons of hot air added to our atmosphere has to have some effect!

  11. Tippis says:

    Pish. Everyone knows it’s due to the lack of carribean-style pirates.

  12. sargasso_c says:

    Ignore statistical correlation as causality and you might as well pull the plug on CERN right now.

  13. ABO says:

    Thank you for showing us all how fake the global warming bullshit is.

  14. NewFormatSux says:

    The model does a good job of catching the flattening of world temperatures at the end. If this chart were done by a climate scientist, they would have adjusted and maybe scaled the vertical to make the match at the end look better.

    Don’t forget what’s been posted at this site before. Global warming is caused by an increase in US stamp prices. Having trouble finding the link, which was originally at

  15. Glenn E. says:

    Whatever is going on, one thing is always cited as a certainty. And that’s that it’s America’s fault. It’s even America’s fault that Red China is forced to cause more pollution, than any other country. Because obviously, if Americans weren’t demanding some many cheaply made goods from the Chinese, their factories wouldn’t be belching smoke 24/7. Of course it’s actually the international bankers, who insist on only funding industry in China, because American labor cost to much to make a killer profit off the very same goods made in the USA. Thus it is demonstrated, that the big banks, and high rollers of Wall Street, are the one’s responsible for China’s massive air pollution output. And the greedy 1%ers are responsible for Global Warming, if anyone is. Donald Trump is a environment killing bastard. QED.

    You got that I was being sarcastic, didn’t you?

  16. Glenn E. says:

    Oops, I forgot to prove a link to the last posting of mine. Here it is.

  17. First it was global warming / kyoto
    then it was cows burping
    Then the former vice president with a con documentary
    What about China burning all the coal in the world , and are the goods they are producing carbon credit tax credit what ever
    What a con-job
    I would prefer to sit in a dentist chair and have my teeth pulled out than listen to this left wing hocus pocus liberal religion stuff
    Stop the world i want to get off

  18. NewFormatSux says:

    Durban Conference is a total failure. This was predictable, for everyone except liberals. China is not willing to agree to cuts, and without China, there is no stopping global warming.


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