found by Paul Baldovin via Twitter

  1. Harry says:

    Not the best example, she did slur a few words but if you had a few yourself I don’t think you would even notice.

  2. msbpodcast says:

    Damn and screw that, if you had to report the news, meaning to put the spin on it that the corporation insisted in, you’d probably be a lush too.

    I suspect that most of the news media is drunk or stoned.

    How else could you do it?

    Oh I know … by being a totally unscrupulous bastard.

  3. Howard Beale says:

    “I’ll drink to that” (said with a Dean Martin voice)

    As a MN. native I can tell you weatherman Mitch sure looks like a local boy.

  4. McCullough says:

    Mush more entertaining than sheeing a shober newshreader….*hic*

  5. TripleHash says:

    It is Minnesota in the winter after all. The only thing to do up there is drink or drive onto lakes or both.

    • Cap'nKangaroo says:

      Snowmobiles were invented so you could get to the bar despite 2 ft of snow.

  6. AdmFubar says:

    i think someone had a little too much punch at the office xmas party

  7. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Well, at least she didn’t fart or burp like a man.

  8. t0llyb0ng says:

    One was expecting
    projectile vomiting

  9. eDRoaCH says:

    Can we take up a collection of old LCD monitors for that poor weatherman?

  10. Hairy German says:

    I did not notice anything. That is just how people up north speak, aye.

  11. jarry says:

    I just enjoy the fake smiles at the end of the broadcast.

  12. Henry the G says:

    Did it ever occur to any of you she may be diabetic, or be experiencing a multiplesclorosis episode? People who slur their words are not always inebriated, intoxicated by alcohol or other substances. Sometimes they are having ill health. Geez!


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