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Is that Gingrich or Glen Campbell on the right?
Since when is either “on the right”?
I would hope that Americans are waking up Its been one giant game of marketing in the US political arena
In the landmark book the selling of the president 1966 the writer realized that a non-funny presidential candidate ( Richard Millhouse Nixon) was being sold like soap to a market that wanted a funny person to be president ( which he was not)
It worked all the way since then Yet Americans can only be lied to so much ( or one would hope)
Economic figures are fantasy island to prove government claims Republicans in power are all part of the same industry Americans just look at the real world of your neighborhoods , industries , homes etc etc
Its no vacation out there
The remarkable thing about America is that its a place where given the chance people of all sorts of backgrounds can prosper if they are allowed to Lets hope this in the cards
Its no vacation out there
Wow, those Egyptian elections sound great. Seriously. I love it.
a few years ago there was an April fools joke about a company making a HOME based nuke power plant.
The trick was it was a plausible idea.
1 unit could power a neighborhood..
Why isn’t the ATF one of the three US government departments that Rick Perry thought should be eliminated? I’ll bet the third one, that he couldn’t remember (what he was told to say) , was the EPA. Because Republicans always hate any agency that cramps their environment polluting lifestyle. And special interest buddies.
C. Sodomy (Article 125, UCMJ). Sodomy is the engaging in unnatural carnal copulation either
with another person of the same or opposite sex or with an animal. It is considered unnatural carnal
copulation for a person to take into his or her mouth or anus the sexual organ of another person or of an
animal; or to place his or her sexual organ into the mouth or anus of another person or of an animal; or
to have carnal copulation in any opening of the body, except the sexual parts, with another person; or to
have carnal copulation in any opening of the body of an animal. Part IV, MCM 1984, para 51(c). Note:
consent by the victim is not a defense regardless of the victim’s age.
Talk about bullying. Karen Carpenter was basically bullied by Recording Industry executives, for being too fat. So she starved herself to lose weight, and it eventually lead to her death. A tragic loss of a very talented singer. Just because she wasn’t a super beautiful fashion model, she got treated like dirt by some RIAA a-holes. Who only care about marketing painted ladies who can sing halfway decent. They probably bullied Mama Cass, into an early death. But they never dared tell Barbra Streisand that she has a big ugly nose, get it fixed. Or Judy Garland, that she can’t sing all boozed up, anymore. Oh no! And how is it ok, for Queen Latifah and Oprah to be, well, overweight? But not anyone else, in the entertainment media.