He was on the TV show, “Celebrity Apprentice” I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here! Well, he’s outta here now!

Rod Blagojevich, the ousted Illinois governor whose three-year battle against criminal charges became a national spectacle, was sentenced to 14 years in prison Wednesday, one of the stiffest penalties imposed for corruption in a state with a history of crooked politics.

Blagojevich’s 18 convictions included allegations of trying to leverage his power to appoint someone to President Barack Obama’s vacated Senate seat to raise campaign cash or land a high-paying job.

The twice-elected Democrat is now the second former Illinois governor in a row to be sentenced to prison, and the fourth Illinois governor in the last four decades. His Republican predecessor, George Ryan, currently is serving a sentence of 6 1/2 years, also for corruption.

What other politicians do you think should be tried and sent to prison?

  1. NewFormatSux says:

    When are they going to arrest Eric Holder? He got $300,000 from Blago to investigate a corruption charge against Blago, and found that nothing existed. The gaming board member in question was a business partner of Tony Rezko as well. Eric Holder managed to leave this connection to Blago off his answers to the Senate Judiciary Committee, answers he submitted just days after Blago’s arrest.


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