He was on the TV show, “Celebrity Apprentice” I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here! Well, he’s outta here now!

Rod Blagojevich, the ousted Illinois governor whose three-year battle against criminal charges became a national spectacle, was sentenced to 14 years in prison Wednesday, one of the stiffest penalties imposed for corruption in a state with a history of crooked politics.

Blagojevich’s 18 convictions included allegations of trying to leverage his power to appoint someone to President Barack Obama’s vacated Senate seat to raise campaign cash or land a high-paying job.

The twice-elected Democrat is now the second former Illinois governor in a row to be sentenced to prison, and the fourth Illinois governor in the last four decades. His Republican predecessor, George Ryan, currently is serving a sentence of 6 1/2 years, also for corruption.

What other politicians do you think should be tried and sent to prison?

  1. Pierre says:

    Probably half of the rest!

  2. /T. says:

    Let’s try for a shorter list …

    What politicians do you think should NOT be tried and sent to prison?

  3. msbpodcast says:

    We’ve become a government
    OF the thousandaires (the 99%)
    BY the millionaires (the 1%)
    FOR the billionaires (the 12,400 individuals identified by the IRS as the people who count (though they don’t really count as they hire some thousandaires to run machines to do that.)

    The first thing we do is change from an elected to a selected form of government.

    Pick names out an eligible citizen pool and they’re stuck with doing the job for one, and only one, four year term.

    There should be no such thing as a career in politics. (The only thing worse than getting stuck with somebody who didn’t want the job is getting stuck with some idiot who did, figuring it was going to lift him a few rungs up the social/economic ladder [Blaggo’s problem is that he got caught.])

    Swap the 1% of American overlords with the 1% of the American non-violent offenders and we’ll pocket the difference in what it costs in health care.

  4. Publius says:

    By contrast, US presidents get away with murder, routinely.

    It’s good to be the king of the political party

    Do anything illegal and violent as president, and well, it’s just a matter of opinion by your rival party.

  5. mainecat says:

    He’ll probably be cleaning toilets. The other inmates will help by simply turning him upside down and applying a twisting motion. Toilets will be dirtier afterwards.

  6. ubiquitous talking head says:

    Don’t underestimate this guy’s ability to manipulate other people. It’s entirely possible that he will do very well in prison with the other sociopaths.

  7. jpfitz says:

    “What other politicians do you think should be tried and sent to prison?”

    Too many to list. Let’s start with Cheney who learned as United States Secretary of Defense how to screw America out of billions.
    Add all in the Senate who voted yea for S. 1867.

    • LibertyLover says:

      > S. 1867.

      Did you expect anything less?

      • jpfitz says:

        Expecting our government representatives to uphold the Constitution and the oath taken, yes.

        Maybe I’m yearning for a reality a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

  8. ABO says:

    Chicago. Hmmm.
    A craphole of corruption in politics.

    Who do I know that is a prominent politician and came from Chicago?


    • ubiquitous talking head says:

      How should we know? You probably hang out with a lot of deviant types.

  9. ABO says:

    Do you think he will have to shave his forehead in prison?

    • msbpodcast says:

      I got some dog clippers I’d like to volunteer for that, but only if I get to video the performance.

      I’ll bet he can get somebody a shave his ass, shortly before Baggo fins out he is a gay cock-smoking little girl.

  10. deowll says:

    Obama, Reed, Nancy P.

    Sure there are plenty of Repubs that deserve the same fate but none of them have done more than a fraction of the damage these three have though Dodd and Frank do deserve to be on the list now that I think of it.

    • Name some specific things they have done.

    • msbpodcast says:

      They are all millionaires who like to boss us around while they try to get richer off of our dime.

      The US has become a government
      OF the thousandaires (the 99%)
      BY the millionaires (the 1%)
      FOR the billionaires (the 12,400 individuals identified by the IRS as the people who count (though they don’t really count as they hire some thousandaires to run machines to do that.)

    • McCullough says:

      So….Not Bush, Cheney, McCain, Gingrich, Anderson, Powell, Rice? Just to name a few.

      Then you have a very short memory.

  11. jescott418 says:

    As a Illinois native I was glade to see him get 14 years. I know he may only see half that but it feels good that he is going to jail!

    • msbpodcast says:

      Maybe he’ll see a whole lot less than that.

      As it is he’s likely to become a bloody smear on the ground of the prison yard.

      There’s nothing that prisoners like more than making a rep for themselves by being the bad-ass who shanked <insert name here> at little risk to themselves.

      Blaggo’s weak, little and fallen, with a goofy haircut and a pretty mouth. He a natural mark for any lifer who’s had enough of being somebody else’s bitch…

  12. xBase says:

    Correction: his wife was on “I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here!”. He was on Celebrity Apprentice.

    • McCullough says:

      His wife was a celebrity..really? Wow, I guess that’s why I don’t watch this crap. Maybe they should rename it, “I am a celebrity Ho, get me out of here!”

      • xBase says:

        He was supposed to be on the show, but the Feds wouldn’t let him leave the country, so he sent the wife.

  13. Animby says:

    jescott418 “he may only see half”
    It’s a Federal sentence. No parole and must serve 85% of the term before being considered for an early release. Of course, there will be further appeals so he may get a reduced sentence. More likely, his buddy in the WH will grant him a pardon next Christmas.

    msbpodcast “He a natural mark for any lifer”
    Don’t be a silly Canadian! He’ll be assigned to a minimum security prison where there are no “lifers” or anyone convicted of a violent crime.

    Unc Dave: To your question, anyone who makes a career (ie more than two terms) and any pol who’s net worth doubles while in office. Oh, wait: There would be no one left to rule, I mean, govern.

  14. orchidcup says:

    A dope smoker would get a longer sentence.

  15. TK says:


    Comment on your sentence sir:
    “I am biting my tongue on this one.”

  16. orchidcup says:

    Google “In Pictures: America’s 10 Cushiest Prisons” and read all about Club Fed prisons ……

    Spending time in federal prison feels like anything but a vacation at “Club Fed,” according to people who’ve had the dubious distinction of experiencing extended says. Still, some federal facilities are distinctly less unpleasant than others. As the latest market crash paves the way for a new generation of white-collar fraudsters, we present the nation’s 10 cushiest prisons. Minimum-security prison camps, which fill the top spots on our list, are the facilities that have garnered the Club Fed moniker. But cons need a sentence of less than 10 years to even have a chance of getting in one. Nevertheless, scammers with far longer sentences, like Bernard Madoff, can still improve their lot by getting assigned to a facility with no high-security inmates, a clutch location and a relative abundance of amenities like e-mail access or a pleasant outdoor place to visit with loved ones. Reports say Madoff is headed for the Federal Correctional Complex at Butner, N.C.–No. 9 on our list.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Maybe it’s me. But in that photo it seems like he’s trying to show his contempt by sticking is tongue out. Or is he just living up to his reptilian nature? I mean, last time I looked only snakes do that tongue thing. (I’m just surprised it’s not forked.)

    But really, how did he find Donald Trump’s toupee?!

  18. Lou Minatti says:

    Barack Obama, President of Wall Street and the 1%.

    “But I think President Obama, if he were here in the room, the question I would ask him is why are they your number one contributors? Why are you taking this money?” – Michael Moore


    • msbpodcast says:

      Now you’re starting to get it.

      End result is the same for the 99%.

      Altria, Apple, Exxon, GM, IBM, Microsoft, Obama, Romney, it doesn’t matter which 1%er is up there as the sock puppet.

      The 12,400 have their hands up its butt, controlling every motion of the invisible hand as it goes through our pockets.

      Adam Smith would be so pissed at how they’ve perverted the ideals of fairness in the market place and put their thumb on the scale of economic balance.

      (Strangely enough, there does not seem to be a monopoly in the casket and burial urn market place, though they are down from over 700 in the US alone in the 1700s to only about 450 establishments world-wide as of 2003. [I guess that religious influence does not extend to stealing pennies from the dead person’s eyes. {That’s pure profit, that is!}])

      • Lou Minatti says:

        “The 12,400 have their hands up its butt, controlling every motion of the invisible hand as it goes through our pockets.”

        There is no invisible hand. It’s out in the open. Obama is proudly owned by the Wall Street banksters and big government labor unions. Those are his core constituencies. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. Even Michael Moore has finally glomed on to that fact after 3 years of denial.

        Since Obama represents the 1%, why are the protesters avoiding the White House? Why do they not mention Obama? I think I know why.

        • msbpodcast says:

          Obama has control of the military and they are rightly scared.

        • Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

          Lou…IMO they don’t mention Obama so much (they do if you listen) because the alternatives have been too damned scary. Morons and nincompoops, so far. Seriously, the GOP candidates are a decrepit bunch.

          You may make a case that Obama doesn’t fit your politics, and that his advisors are idiots, that’s fine. But he’s a smart guy, at least, and he’s not bound to sky fairies or or any extreme views at all. Hell, he’s too damned moderate for all of us, Moore included.

          Look at the alternatives, and think about a dumber version of Bush.


          • Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

            Fine, but what hallucinogenic cocktail makes you think any of the current alternatives would be even fractionally better?

    • msbpodcast says:

      To Michael Moore I would suggest that the puppet 1%ers would reply the same thing that Emperor Titus Flavius Caesar Vespasianus Augustus did almost exactly 2,000 years ago: Pecunia non olet (“Money has no odor”).

      Our soit disant ruling class will root around the midden filtering the bilge looking to dredge up the sesterce from our pockets and capture some for themselves before giving the lot to the dredge owners.

  19. Kent says:

    Is this a trick question? All of them, except Ron Paul and maybe Dennis Kucinich (maybe not, he destroyed Cleveland as the “boy mayor”).

  20. Lou Minatti says:

    Ronpaul and Dennis the Menace are creepy. But I must say that Kucinich has the hottest congressional wife. By a wide margin. Holy moly, how did an ugly dwarf like him wind up with such a babe? It’s up there with Billy Joel/Christy Brinkley.

  21. sargasso_c says:

    Out in 3.

  22. #60- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    Well the sentence is interesting. 14 years when murderers and rapers get less? Course–guilty on 18 charges including lying under investigation and on the stand ((that would be an extra though)).

    How does one impose “a higher standard” on those who seek political office? Seek a political office to feather one’s own nest? One after another?

    There are pro’s and con’s but a certain justice in really slapping down someone who when caught tries to lie to get out of it.

    charming character though===always the highest potential for good and bad.

    I’d say 14 years is about right. How many people did his office murder and rape in one metaphor or another?

  23. HUGSaLOT says:

    Forget trials.. just throw them in jail. So they know what it’s like when they peel away our rights and freedoms.

  24. JMagee says:

    Blago is the tip of the IL-DemGOP political/economic machine.

    It would be nice if Blago could start singing and catch the big tunas. If he actually knew something, the Feds would have had him bait those hooks without arresting him.

  25. Bob73 says:

    That’s a rhetorical question, right? A better question might be, “Do you know of ANY politicians that shouldn’t be tried and sent to prison?”

  26. NewFormatSux says:

    Any chance you can get rid of his scheme where all Illinois residents and some out of state ones sign up to have their cars tracked by the state, and are penalized with double tolls if they do not?

  27. NewFormatSux says:

    I’m confused. Blago was reelected, and has been out of office for 2 years now. How is his predecessor not finished his 6 1/2 year sentence yet?

  28. Glenn E. says:

    Not that he doesn’t deserve his punishment. But it seems to me that the system always over does it, on one small fry offender. While letting so many other bigger offending fish, go free. Like how the Watergate guys got jail time, while Nixon got a pardon, post haste. Plus the sentencing comes out now, which can only be about blackening Obama’s involvement in Illinois politics, indirectly. Would they have so publicly gone after anyone selling a Republican seat, in office? Do you think this hasn’t happened before?

    • JMagee says:

      It is impossible for anyone to explain IL politics and economic practices.
      Be thankful you are watching the IL-Ride at the carnival instead of being on it (i.e. those of who live in IL).

  29. Micromike says:

    Put all the congressmen and senators who voted for the patriot act in prison for treason for a start. You can’t protect the Constitution by passing legislation that says it supersedes something that cannot be superseded. The Constitution says it is the Supreme Law of the Land but it has never been upheld as such, and the Patriot Act directly denies that truth.

    Next put all who signed for the bailout of the banks and war profiteers in prison and convene a Constitutional Convention to reorganize this nest of criminal snakes, who live and breed in Washington D.C., that we call a government.

    • B. Dog says:

      Yeah, do the first paragraph stuff, but the second part is going down a bad road.

  30. klaatu says:

    He’ll only do a year in some country club then Obama will pardon him


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