The Republican Jewish Coalition will host the entire Republican presidential field – minus one – at a forum on Wednesday.

The coalition decided not to invite Texas Representative Ron Paul because the group disagrees with his views on Israel, a decision that has angered Paul’s supporters…

The day-long $500-a-head event will give the Republican candidates a chance to make their case to 800 influential Jewish voters and donors from around the country. The group does not endorse in GOP primaries.

Paul opposes sanctions and the use of force to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon – an issue important to Israel, which would be the nation most threatened by a nuclear Iran. Paul has advocated eliminating foreign aid to all countries, including Israel. He has said he believes Israel is hurt by its dependence on money from the United States, and the United States should not interfere with Israel’s domestic affairs, including its peace treaties. He has compared Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza to a concentration camp.

Why do we have this automatic commitment that we’re going to send our kids and send our money endlessly to Israel?” Paul said in a Nov. 22 Republican presidential debate, sponsored by CNN. “I think they’re quite capable of taking care of themselves.”

Paul’s stance is diametrically opposed to the positions of virtually all the other Republican candidates, who have strongly emphasized the need to stand with Israel and continue sending foreign aid. Israel has long been seen as America’s strongest democratic ally in the Middle East, and as a strategic ally in areas from trade to fighting terrorism. Aid to Israel is an important issue for many Jewish voters of both parties…

Anyone think Republicans should have the same right as anyone else to differ with the government on policies in the Middle East?

  1. McCullough says:

    The nice thing about a free society is that they can invite anyone they want to their function.

    And it’s my right to say fuck em.

  2. Dallas says:

    Republican Jewish Coalition? This group is likely to be as goofed up in the head as the Republican Log Cabin.

    • Somebody says:

      What? Just because they want to trigger Armageddon so Jesus will come back?

      • Dallas says:

        I don’t get why he comes by only when things are in the shitter. The Milky Way isn’t THAT big.
        He can also send a lower level and we’ll never know. Ughh, this is so confusing!

  3. LibertyLover says:

    This almost sounds like foreign intervention in our political process.

    “If you don’t send us money, we won’t invite you to our fund raisers.”

    If it’s any consolation, one of my neighbors is Jewish. She thinks the US meddles too much in Israel’s affairs and is a Ron Paul supporter.

    She also has a sense of humor. She hangs lighted Stars of David from her front yard trees during Christmas. She told me she didn’t want to be the only house on the block without Christmas decorations up.

  4. brm says:

    Which is funny because Ron Paul’s stance on Israel is: “let ’em bomb Iran, but we’re not getting involved” whereas everyone else’s policy is: “Israel is only allowed to do what we tell them to.”

    • Somebody says:

      I think on closer examination, you’ll see that for everybody else it’s: “we will do anything AIPAC tells us to do.”

      Where Ron Paul is: “I won’t do anything that’s not constitutional or in America’s interest.”

  5. seetheblacksun says:

    Screw ’em. Just brings Paul more attention.

  6. Joe says:

    Isn’t it ironic considering none of the other candidates have the same views about Jesus that they do? By that logic, they shouldn’t be inviting anyone?

  7. Somebody says:


    Just because he’s against foreign aid.

    They shouldn’t hold that against him considering the US is mostly subsidizing Israel’s most self-destructive behavior.

    Not to mention the crimes against humanity that inspire blow-back.

    They really should hear him out.

    As well as the anti-aparthied opinion inside Israel.

    • shooff says:

      Interesting link.

      While our real estate market collapses, we send 8 million dollars a day in Military Aid to protect Israel’s Real Estate market.

      Make Sense? Hardly.

      Get a job…..and quit taxing my A** Israeli.

  8. sargasso_c says:

    The “jewish vote” is not remotely controlled from Israel.

  9. #11- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    #9–Somebody==what is Israel’s most destructive behavior? Your link doesn’t say.

    What should Israel be doing otherwise?

    In my own mind, reflecting on the Manifest Destiny/Final Solution of our own American Founders: the most destructive behavior of Israel was in not killing every single Palestinian they could find and every Arab that looked crosseyed while they did.

    How else are Nations formed?

    Ha, ha. Its Israel’s own misplaced Jewish Charity that is doing them in==all while shit on by the good christians around them.

    Stoopid Hoomans.

    • What? The Ends Justify the Means? says:


    • Somebody says:

      Yes, we had slavery in this country, and yes, we practiced genocide against the native American population.

      But the thing is, we know better now.

      It behooves us not to subsidize such things especially since we still preach against it incessantly.

      As for the Israelis, since their mystique is partly based on their “final solution” victim-hood, they aren’t really in a position to claim that they don’t know what it is like to be on the receiving end of their racial policies.

      So, we both should change our ways.

      They should stop committing crimes against humanity, and we should stop providing the money for it.

      And yes, Palestinians are human.

      We can’t really afford it since we have to borrow 40 cents for every dollar we give them, and if you can believe the first guy who tried to blow up the World Trade Center, subsidizing Israels “policy” makes people want to hurt us – real bad.

  10. Animby says:

    I think if I were a prez candidate, I’d use this opportunity to say “no thanks” and skip the event. But, I’m the anti-discrimination candidate.

    I wonder why all them born again christians and morons … err …. morMONS care about them naughty jebus killers, anyway?

    Romney ain’t afeared of no jew. He’s got his magic underwear to protect him…

    Hmmm. If I’d had a couple more cups of coffee this morning, I might work up some lyrics to the tune of Puff The Magic Dragon:
    Mitt and his magic panties… etc.

    Coffee, must have coffee.
    Or beer.

  11. John E. Quantum says:

    Ron Paul violated the 11th commandment of American politics- “Thou shalt not speak out against Israel”

  12. Hmeyers says:

    No need to repeat but Ron Paul’s stance against foreign aid and the idea of letting regions deal with their own regional affairs is why they do not like Ron Paul.

    I don’t see why we should be the world’s police.

    I thought Obama saw things that way initially, and really I think he did but most presidents do not appear have to have the stamina to enact “change”.

  13. Hmeyers says:

    Btw, #1 for the win

  14. Lou Minatti says:

    “No need to repeat but Ron Paul’s stance against foreign aid and the idea of letting regions deal with their own regional affairs is why they do not like Ron Paul.”

    I think the reason most people dislike Ron Paul is he gives off a creepy Dr. Strangelove vibe. That, and his written record. Per CNN:

    “The controversial newsletters include rants against the Israeli lobby, gays, AIDS victims and Martin Luther King Jr. — described as a “pro-Communist philanderer.” One newsletter, from June 1992, right after the LA riots, says “order was only restored in L.A. when it came time for the blacks to pick up their welfare checks.””

  15. Hmeyers says:


    Ron Paul is too old to be president, but he does bring some different ideas to the table. And I think our political system is sorely lacking that department.

    I can’t speak to your information about the man himself (I know little of his history), I’m not really interested in him but more a couple of his ideas. Ron Paul is not and has never been a credible candidate for the presidency.

    Obama was probably our once in a lifetime chance for a stealth president — someone who took office without having to bow to his/her own political machine — and aggravatingly he hasn’t done anything bold.

    I would have settled for something meager like normalizing relations with Cuba (50 years of isolating them hasn’t done a thing — stupid to keep up that non-working policy).

    I’m not “disappointed” with politics, my expectations have been rather low for quite some time.

  16. Animby says:

    Hmeyers said: “…someone who took office without having to bow to his/her own political machine — and aggravatingly he hasn’t done anything bold.”

    I disagree. He has BOLDLY bowed to the political machine that elected him. Everything he’s done has been in line with the typical Chicago political machine. He’s curried favor from the unions at the expense of the nation. He’s put the agenda of minorities ahead of the interests of the nation just to win votes.

    He is the consummate Illinois Democrat. If he is ever to lead the nation, it will have to be in that little bit of time he squeezes in between vacations and golf games and campaigning..

  17. TThor says:

    Sad that people does not want to get educated and hear. To listen to what the Man has to say and why does not need you to agree. But to ban knowledge, that is pretty – stupid!

  18. blatherer says:

    I hope Mr. Paul is on the ballot so I don’t have to write him in.

  19. Damian says:

    Your one more moron who try’s to slander and mislead people about the one person who has fought for every Americans bill of rights more than anyone , he’s the only one speaking against the middle east bombing,torturing and detaining of brown people aka true fascism !!that article even states he didn’t write it!! You are one more moronwho doesn’t realize the rest are trying to steal your every right, they are trying to pass more laws to take brown people to Guantanamo, I mean how stupid could anyone be to think the one person who actually cares about the people would be rascist? Look at everyone else especially barrack Obama they are all willing to detain brown people without trial , and bomb children as well as destroy families and lives for what?

  20. Glenn E. says:

    So it’s always Ok for the Jews to discriminate. Just don’t dare discriminate them from anything. Or all hell will break loose in the press. Speaking of which, said press didn’t say anything about this snub. I guess they dare not. So politics isn’t a rigged game, eh?

  21. NewFormatSux says:

    The Jewish groups have now decided to put Democratic party politics ahead of Israeli security. They are insisting that all Jews vote for Obama, and in now way consider that Obama has been anything other than an absolute friend of Israel. They did not give the same courtesy to George Bush Sr. in 1992. Bush’s Secretary of State said ‘F the Jews’, and they were chummy with Saudi Arabia, and encouraged secret peace deals with the PLO, but they did nothing like what Obama is doing now.

  22. orchidcup says:

    Friendship is but another name for an alliance with the follies and the misfortunes of others. Our own share of miseries is sufficient: why enter then as volunteers into those of another?

    Thomas Jefferson

  23. Dallas says:

    Who ended up winning the Jewish ass kissing contest?


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