Well, this is different.

I cringe every time I see a patient for a breast lift who is a smoker. I’m deathly afraid that despite my warnings, she will smoke before or after surgery and cause her nipples to turn black and fall off.

Yes. Smokers who undergo breast lifts are at great risk of losing their nipples.

I’ve seen it before.

Found by Mr. Kevin

  1. Rob says:

    This is perfect for those blonde women who cake themselves in 10 gallons of foundation and fake tan. They could go ahead with the surgery, smoke 20 a day and get that classic no-nipples Barbie look.

  2. Publius says:

    There’s already a no-eyebrows look (to my amazement).

    Well, just pencil-in those nipples too!

    The no-eyebrows, no-nipples, no-pubic-hair look: It’s a good thing right?

    • So what says:

      One out of three is good, I like eyebrows and nipples. I prefer to floss after, a meal.

    • msbpodcast says:

      What’s so amazing about a “no eyebrows” look?

      You just draw higher arches with a grease pencil.

      Your “Debby does Dallas” doll can be perpetually surprised at your “huge member“.

  3. Grandpa says:

    If you’re wanting to look like a rubber doll, don’t sweat it. You succeeded.

  4. #5- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    Holy Smokes!!!

  5. Dr Peppermint Fur says:

    I prefer white nipples. And freckles in the oddest places.

    Excuse me, I’ll be back in a few minutes…

  6. Animby says:

    Rob “that classic no-nipples Barbie look.”
    Sorry, Ken. It don’t work that way.

    And nipples ‘falling off’ is hyperbole, too. It’s not like you have the surgery, light up a Camel and .. plop, plop, your nips are on the floor! First they turn blue. Get back to the doc right now and they might be saved. Then they turn purple and then black. When they’re black, you’ve got dead tissue that needs to be surgically removed. Left to nature, you might lose the whole boob and even the attached life form! In any case, you don’t get that smooth Barbie look, you get scars. Bad ones, usually.

    I know a surgeon in Dallas who will not operate on the tits of any woman who won’t swear she hasn’t smoked (tobacco or MJ) in 30 days and promises not to start up again for another month. He said if he got them to sear to a month, they might not smoke for four or five days! BTW, the release form states two weeks before and two weeks after.

    And it’s not just tits, my boys. Almost any plastic surgery puts you at this risk. His partner does reconstructive work – you know, reattaching your ding dong after your missus plays Bobbitt. or after you blithely run your fingers across the table saw. He hates working on smokers but beats them into quitting for a while. A little easier to do since they’ll probably spend several days in the hospital.

  7. #9- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    Animby–what is the nature of this general toxicity? How does it work? What is it similarly doing that just isn’t as noticeable?

    On my own, all I can think of is it captures and locks up hemoglobin perhaps causing chronic conditions related to lack of oxygen. That and while your biology/genetics may not get cancer from smoking ((most don’t)) there is a 100% outcome of emphysema?

    How close am I?

    • So what says:

      I think it relates to vaso constriction due to the nicotine, reducing blood flow in the body. The tissue is damaged during the surgery, so the restriction prevents healing.

  8. Skeptic > post # 27,678 says:

    The nipples turn blue and fall off of recent boob jobs, because they have a chest freezer at home.

  9. The0ne says:

    Where do I start…hold on…burrwaaahhh *vomit*….cough cough…*puke*…nevermind I’m not up for commenting.

  10. Animby says:

    Bobbo, as SoWhat says, nicotine is a powerful vasoconstrictor. Add into that the fact carbon monoxide has something like 200 times the attraction to hemoglobin as oxygen and you’re looking at trouble. Any surgery compromises blood flow and especially that of the skin where you depend on a lot of small blood vessels (capillaries) to provide O2. Nipples, for example, are comprised of erectile tissue that often stand up to attention with the slightest provocation. That’s due to their engorgement with blood. So. restrict that blood flow and replace the O2 in what blood does get through with CO and you’re on the road to the blues…

  11. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    The U.S. Geological Survey recently reported that there are 14.6 squares miles of nipple tissue in the United Sates and when it gets cold it drops to 11.4.

    • Animby says:

      Not sure you can trust them, Sis. Bunch of juvenile nerds playing with their fold out maps. They all grow up to have eruptile dysfunction and delirium tremors…

  12. mobile porn stars says:

    Women who undergo breast enlargements end up looking like porn stars. Sent from my mobile

  13. #17- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    That all makes sense. Thanks guys. You too Sis. Sis?


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