The most expensive car crash ever? Eight Ferraris in supercar pile-up – It could be the most expensive car crash ever. This was the scene after 14 luxury cars – including eight Ferraris – were involved in a pricey pile-up in western Japan. A Lamborghini and two Mercedes were also involved in the smash.

  1. kiwini says:

    And THAT, boys and girls, is why I no longer participate in group rides. 🙂

  2. Max Load says:

    It’s truly sad that we’re focused more on the crumpled remains of the cars than their occupants.

    • msbpodcast says:

      These cars are designed to protect their occupants (as long as they wear their seat belts,) during high-speed crashes so I am not worried about some of that red being blood.

      None of the windshields seemed to be smashed up so I doubt that they were travelling that fast (even the white car which seemed to be wedged under the guard rail seemed to have made it through without the passenger cage being compromised.)

      The cars are write-offs but they are designed to become so through the use of crumple zones and fibre-glass.

      I think that the worst damage is to their respective insurance agents’ hearts.

  3. Dallas says:

    Only saw 3 cars. Where ‘s the rest and is Godzilla still at large?

  4. Avatar says:

    These days the ‘financial elite’ seem to crash whatever they drive.

  5. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    How do you blind an Asian? Put a windshield in front of them.

  6. moss says:

    There are more detailed articles around. The hottest car in the crash isn’t even mentioned in the Mirror article – a Nissan GT-R.

    The total was 8 Ferraris, 3 Mercedes, 1 Lamborghini, the Nissan GT-R – and a Prius. 🙂

  7. Miguel says:

    There was a Prius in there somewhere!!!

  8. Bilik says:

    I used to live in that part of Japan (Yamaguchi/Okayama). The japanese drive like asses about 13 inches off each other bumper thru those exact twisting mountain roads. (the report says 140 to 150 KPH — thats typical)

    For one who has had to deal with them.

    Serves them right. (Sad that 10 people ended up in the hospital)

  9. dcphill says:

    I wonder how the toxic batteries made out in the Prius crash.

  10. Skeptic > post # 27,678 says:

    A Ferrari tsunami.

  11. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    This accident reinforces one of my core beliefs. TIME and SPACE MATTER. Proper following distance gives you a chance to see and react.

    It always scares me in bad winter weather when a long line of cars and trucks form up, closely following each other at reduced speed. They seem to think the one in the lead is experienced and that this is the safest method, never pondering that the one in the lead may be the least experienced and is traveling so slow because he or she is scared sh*tless. All it takes is for one to screw the pooch and most of those following drive right into it!

  12. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I’ll bet they all got out yelling and the lips didn’t match the words.

  13. unclelar says:

    well no wonder they had an accident, they were driving on the wrong side of the road!

  14. Glenn E. says:

    No word on what Auto insurance carrier picked up the tab for this massive joyride wreck. I’d be more worried about seeing a bump in our premiums. What were these idiots up to, reinacting their own Fast and Furious movie scene? Or was this a results of the foreign car fleet coming in, for the Japanese dealerships? And they were just trying out the latest models, pre-sales? Doesn’t seem as likely, that a bunch of actual luxury car owners decided to get organized and burn rubber together. But I could believe a dealership lost its sense of sanity.

  15. diane says:

    oh no. Someone forgot to use their brinker…

  16. JimD says:

    Ferrari-Geddon !!! Could be a video game !!!

  17. Anonymous says:

    It’s only hu-“man” nature.

    Think about the last time someone passed you on the road. Did you like it?

    If you say you don’t usually care that you got passed then could it be that you’re already driving a POS that should be passed? Or could you instead be one of the millions of automatons not paying attention and likely blabbing on a phone or doing something more important other than DRIVE?!

    Now what if you were driving your expensive penis, -er- sports car and someone were trying to get past you. Do you let him/her go on and win some kind of contest? Do you let that poor ugly five-dollar Pinto pass up your $100,000.00 Mercedes?!

    If not then why not?

    Frankly, it surprises me that we don’t have more accidents – sports cars or not. We’re either way too into the driving experience and act like self-appointed cops or think we’re in our living rooms playing video games – not in a life or death situation! Either way you look at it we all seem to act like consummated asses where we seem to think that we each have more of a right to be there than anyone else. So is it any wonder that we don’t have more accidents or that government officials don’t treat us more like the idiots we act like?

    And really. Don’t you get a little chuckle when you see someone getting a traffic ticket? Do you even stop to consider that they may have been trying to get somewhere just a little bit sooner simply because they may need to go pee?! (It’s probably not so funny if it’s you!)


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