How many more lies can you swallow before you say ENOUGH ALREADY? Have you learned anything from the broken promises and campaign bullshit of the Bush and Obama years? I promise you I will leave this country if Gingrich becomes President or if Obama is re-elected. That is IF I will be allowed to leave.

  1. GregAllen says:

    The problem I have with Ron Paul, is that he wants to sell our commons to multinational corporations — at fire sale prices.

    Paul hasn’t figured-out yet that multinational corporations are the new fascists.

    • GregAllen says:

      My second big problem with Paul is that he’s “pro freedom” but anti-choice.

      Huge inconsistency there.

      • Dallas says:

        Good points. He was doing so well with me and then he fumbles at the 20 yard line. Same with Huntsman.

        It doesn’t matter anyway because the sheeple are not trained to follow neither of them.

        It’s a race Teapublican race between the Mormon and the Arrogant Ass to face Obama.

      • InDaMorning says:

        But Ron Paul is the only one with the least illogical thoughts among the a**holes!

      • dusanmal says:

        Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness… “Pro/Anti choice” is not matter of latter two but the first: matter of Scientific opinion – when does human life become fully protected human person? Support for abortion is only there for Leftist social engineering purpose, there is nothing fundamental in it related to the freedom. Constitutional right to liberty and pursuit of happiness does not allow one to kill another or remove personal responsibility for the life created. Social engineering for ideology does not trump Constitution. “What is life” is trivial to answer and fertilized egg qualifies by every strictly scientific standard.

        • LibertyLover says:

          What gets me is the “Pro-Choice” people are willing to let strangers decide their healthcare choices but when a man who has been an obstetrician his entire life says that a fertilized egg is a life they call him a liar.

          Now THAT is hypocrisy. If someone is going to let a stranger decide their healthcare, why is this person disputing another stranger — do they have some scientific evidence to the contrary?

          Pro-Choice adherents are constantly talking about scientific proof. Well, here is a scientist and he is saying it is LIFE they are destroying. Where are their bleeding hearts?

      • bignumber says:

        The fact you and other morons in the U.S. let stupid bullshit opinions on abortion mean anything allow dipshits to become prez. And RP wants to sell out to the corps.? Please.

      • McCullough says:

        Paul is for states to decide…don’t like it…talk to your governor. The way it should be.

      • Somebody says:

        “My second big problem with Paul is that he’s “pro freedom” but anti-choice.

        Huge inconsistency there.”

        Not really, you have to be alive to enjoy freedom.

        You’ll get what he’s saying if you can look at the world from a slightly less self-centered point of view.

    • Somebody says:

      You are demonstrating a familiar phenomenon.

      Most of the criticism of Ron Paul is based on misinformed opinion.

      If Dr. Paul ever mentions the Federal Government selling off unneeded assets – like, say 80% of the land in New Mexico – it is in the context of getting out of debt without unfairly putting the burden on taxpayers.

      To think of much of that land as “our commons” is a bit misguided, as neither you nor I have permission to go onto it.

      As to your assertion that “Paul hasn’t figured-out yet that multinational corporations are the new fascists.”,
      that just proves you are getting your ideas about Ron Paul second-hand.

      Since Ron Paul has written more books than the rest of his GOP rivals put together, why don’t you read one of them so that you won’t inadvertently mischaracterize his positions on things?

  2. Zybch says:

    So, when you leave make sure you send us a postcard.

  3. jbenson2 says:

    Newt doesn’t even come close to the Romney flip flops.

  4. Likes2LOL says:

    Isn’t a newt a member of the chameleon family?

    • kiwini says:

      A newt is an amphibian, a chameleon is a reptile.

      -You’re another fine example of what the publik skool cystem is producing, and the capabilities that you graduated with so.

      Twice the cost per student seat in school, less than half the previous generation’s product quality. Hmmmmm…

      Same-same, but not same-same, hoser!.

      Yet I bet they still let you vote.

      • scandihoovian says:

        Blame China for your product quality old man. Griping about the difference between amphibians and reptiles sure sounds like a meaningful way to determine one’s political capacity to vote on a level headed scale, or was that a webbed foot?

  5. msbpodcast says:

    Bah… Another bastard trying to line his own pocket by making us pay for broken promises and selling us out.

    He’s just a 1%er millionaire wanting to lord it over the 99%er thousandaires for the benefit of the 12,400 billionaires who he kowtows, pull his forelock, bows and scrapes to.

    Screw ’em all.

    I don’t trust one of them not to try to profit from selling my organs while I’m still using them.

  6. JS says:

    Don’t let the border smack you in the ass when you leave…

  7. dan says:

    gasp! Gingrich is a douchebag?? Really?

  8. Semantics says:

    Dont let the door hit you on the way out.

  9. deowll says:

    They will let you leave. Getting out with all your money is something else. There are laws against that. Of course Congress has a habit of building in loopholes in all the laws for whoever bought them off. I’m sure someone knows a way to do it legally.

  10. White dog says:

    Just another smiling duch sucking milk from the taxpayer’s teat.
    Took millions in “consulting” fees. I’m not voting anymore. It’s become a ruse to make you take sides and feel good or bad depending on the election outcome. I will try to stop dancing for the puppet masters but there influence is everywhere. We now have a government by special interests, for big money, of wealthy politicians.

    • msbpodcast says:

      We now have a government

      of the thousandaires, (the 99%ers [that’s us, {aka the lumpenproleteriat}])

      by the millionaires (the 1%ers [aka the administrative class {you will never see Sasha or Maliah walking to a job at McDonald’s sporting a black eye cause their lazy-ass, good-for-nothing, niggah-thug boyfriend got wasted and hit them upside the head.}])

      for the benefit of the billionaires (the 12,400 individuals who really count in this country, [they don’t actually count, they have accountants to do that for ’em.])

  11. ArchtMig says:

    You don’t have to worry about Newt becoming president – he’ll never win the nomination. Neither will Ron Paul. Less than 5% of the overall electorate support Ron Paul, and the Republican Party bosses know it. And Newt has too much baggage waiting to be spilled all over the tarmac if he even gets close to the general election.

    The republican nominee for president who will run against Obama next November is Mitt Romney. Get used to it. Accept it.

  12. PMitchell says:

    hey McCullough pull your head out of your liberal ass and try reporting on something relevant like this .

    I thought this was supposed to be a tech blog not a liberal circle jerk like digg

    • Uh, I run this blog..and when was it EVER a tech blog??? Where does it even imply that it is a tech blog? Also, of all the editors on here McCullough is not the liberal.

    • Dallas says:

      Not a Tech Blog but a Tick Blog. Note the huge tick, Teabagger dude.

  13. Grandpa says:

    You might as well get your bags packed. Obama will win because the Repubs are all worse than Obama!

    I’m not voting for Obama, I’m voting for Social Security!

    • Dallas says:

      Hypocrit! Like all Teapublicans, you’ll vote for anything you need when the time comes.

  14. Norm says:

    And that’s why he will be Americas next president.


  15. The0ne says:

    “I promise you I will leave this country if Gingrich becomes President or if Obama is re-elected.”

    Pretty much an empty statement imo. I’ve traveled quite often and I know enough to love this country no matter how bad we think it is.

    So you’re saying no to Obama and no to Gingrich but yes to the rest of the the Rep gang?

    • McCullough says:

      I left the country for 13 years, I came back because I love it too, it’s the criminals who run it that bug me. I won’t live in a police state, no matter how aesthetically pleasing it is.

      And the only Libertarian I support is RP. Barely a republican.

      • The0ne says:

        Seems we share the same view on these points. Every time I think I’m fed up with US and travel for vacation I come back feeling like the luckiest person in the world to be able to live here. I get so upset when I travel because I tend to get so personally involved in people’s lives. Some of the members here already know my anger on child abuse abroad. In any case, don’t give up on US yet. It looks bad now, really bad, but we’ll come out of it.

        As Jon Steward said, RP seems like the best of the bunch but he’s not going anywhere running in a republican debate 😀 He’s lucky enough to get mob!

  16. The ticket is Romney-Perry…and you can take that to the bank.

    • dittmv says:

      How do Romney and Perry sell that to the voters next year?

      I would be more inclined to believe that the governor of North Dakota would stand a better chance than Perry.

      North Dakota has a surplus where other states are running of defeicits. The surplus is the product of the inflation created by the oil boom, but the voters will not notice that, they will see boom and equate that to success. (Obama saber rattling over offshore drilling probably also helped this scenario.)

    • Dallas says:

      Agree! Mitt has the least baggage and wins the Northeast. Perry brings in money, the Christian Taliban and Texas.

      It’s a winning (whining) ticket the sheeple will see on Fox.

      Having said that, Don’t discount the Soul Train.

    • Somebody says:

      “The ticket is Romney-Perry…and you can take that to the bank.”

      You mean take that BACK to the bank.

      That’s where it would have come from.

  17. Likes2LOL says:

    Overheard in a bar: “Why, that {Newt | Romney}, he’s so two-faced, he borders on being three-faced!”

  18. Cursor_ says:

    The candidate that can get one side of the fence and the centrists is going to win.

    Right now the only republican that could have any chance of pulling that off is Romney.

    None of the others have a chance/


  19. ECA says:

    IF less then 50% of the USA votes…is it a REAL election?
    Does it matter that the OTHER 300 elected idiots are still there?
    What happened to retirement age?? for Gov/ people, in high places??
    16% of US is repub, another 16% demo..we need another 20% to over ride, BOTH PARTIES.

    • msbpodcast says:

      If we want a representative government, we’ll have to create it.

      The first thing we do is change from an elected to a selected form of government.

      Pick names out an eligible citizen pool and they’re stuck with doing the job for one, and only one, four year term.

      There is no such thing as a career in politics. (The only thing worse than getting stuck with somebody who didn’t want the job is getting stuck with some idiot who did, figuring it was going to lift him a few rungs up the social/economic ladder.)

      Eligibility requirements are:
      • were you born here or are you a naturalized citizen?
      • are you a permanent resident in a village, town or city within our borders?
      • are you above the age of 25?
      • are you healthy enough? (you don’t suffer from any clinical health issue(s) or mental impairment(s) which would prevent you from fulfilling your duties?)
      • have you NEVER served on the government before?
      • have you NEVER been found guilty of a violent crime?
      • have you NEVER been found to be clinically insane?

      Answer yes to all of these questions, you’re eligible for selection.

      Don’t want to be bothered?

      Go live elsewhere!

      That would get rid of all PACs, K Street lobbyists, a lot of graft, waste and expense that WE’RE all paying for.

      • Somebody says:

        There is little point in tinkering with ideas about representative systems in which the public is not, in fact, represented.

        I think it is time to subject all legislation, regulation, executive orders and supreme court “rulings” to direct public ratification via the internet.

        This would provide the adult supervision that DC so desperately needs without being overly disruptive or confusing.

        To prevent such a system from instantly creating hell on earth, it would be necessary to insist that any vote affecting changes to the constitution to pass by 90%. War and taxation by 80%. And laws that affect certain groups differently – say like a graduated tax rate – must also be ratified by at least 80% of the targeted minority in addition to the ratification by the general public.

        There should also be a sunset law for everything to insure that each generation gets a couple of shots at everything. That is to say, nothing is in force if it hasn’t been (re)ratified in the last 7 years.

        In fact, “We the People” should probably just go ahead and set up the web site for it, get the bugs out, run it for a while and then make not supporting it a deal breaker for all candidates.

        • tcc3 says:

          There are merits to this, after all representative government exists mostly due to the impracticality of a large number of people voting directly.

          How would you solve the voter fraud issue? Even with our small scale representative elections we have trouble with the trustworthyness of the voting system. Websites are hacked every minute. How do we prevent being ruled by whoever controlls the vote counting?

          Sometimes the intransigent nature of our system is to our advantage: its helps even out the fads / mob rule. How do we prevent the oppression of a minority or the rise of a religious dictatorship? Sometimes representation vs direct majority rule protects us.

  20. ggore says:

    Very good ad about Gingrich, but I would leave the country if either he or Paul got elected. Gingrich is pure evil and Paul is a loon.

  21. steve says:

    Imagine if he had referred to the “English” embassy. We’d be making fun of him for weeks.

  22. mike says:

    Leave now.
    1. The aggregate IQ of America will increase
    2. We will not miss your puerile tripe
    3. You can find out what it is like in some vermin-infested craphole of a pseudo country without the right to vomit online as you are wont to do
    Just leave, loser.

  23. Scott says:

    Do you really think that the POTUS is really the one in power?
    Do you really think that it matters who the current figurehead is?
    Do you really think that your vote matters any more at all?
    Do you REALLY think?

    You should be pissed off at those that are REALLY in power, not the talking heads that you see on the television that help the media owners sell more crap to you.

    • msbpodcast says:

      The POTUS is another 1%er millionaire trying to get richer at the expense of the 99%er thousandaires while shoveling money at the 12,400 billionaires.

      The political system in the United States is an example of a systemantic failure compounding a host of other systemantic failures.

      Everything is now opposing its own function in so many ways that its a miracle that anything happens at all.

      Basically, we’ve so fucked ourselves by taking the small view of things

      To any that follow in our footsteps, keep your eyes on the prize or accept your fate.

  24. tomdennis says:

    I like a lot taxes, A lot of roads, a lot of WIFI and the Preamble which makes me part of the Federal Government. So that gets Ron and Rand out of my line of sight. Small government is for dictates.
    I like big government and a lot of folks working and paying taxes.
    Besides Rand wants to deregulate the Mine Safety Laws in Kentucky.
    Nice Campaign Video.

  25. Animby says:

    Hey, McCullough- I got a spare room here in Thailand. Just don’t give Mike the address…

  26. Somebody says:

    “A sure sign of a genius is that all of the dunces are in a confederacy against him.” – Frank Lloyd Wright

    Or, in the case of Ron Paul a sure sign of patriotism is that all the plutocracy’s minions are in league against him.

    You have two choices.

    Get Ron Paul elected president or regret it for the rest of your short miserable existence as a slave and pauper.

    Unless, of course, you are too big to fail and too big to jail.

  27. JimD says:

    Don’t think the Newt-Hole has a SNOW-BALL’S CHANCE IN HELL of becoming President !!! Remember, the media is focusing on polls of Repukes and Baggers to see who “Leads” in the Repuke primary race. The Repukes are only 20 % of the Electorate, and the Baggers are only 20% of the Repukes or .04 % of the Electorate, so the glare of publicity is really on an EXTREME, LUNATIC FRINGE of the Country at large !!! So for now, don’t get your shorts in an uproar over these PIN-HEADS who think they are going to be President – it AIN’T HAPPENIN’ !!! The GENERAL ELECTION CAMPAIGN WILL TURN THE REPUKES INTO GROUND MEAT (OR FAT, AS THE CASE MAY BE) !!!

  28. AdmFubar says:

    ron paul campaign, the other loonies of the “political” scene..
    yeah ron aint no loon, he just wants to dump all regulations and departments. lets de-reg everything, look at how the country is doing with fewer regulations…

    • Somebody says:

      When a regulation is written, who in that process represents you?

      At least when congress passes a law, they have to think about the possibility of outraging the public.

      Lawmaking should be left to the legislative branch, they should not be able to pass the buck by having the bureaucracy write the rules.

      But I’m guessing you’ve never really thought that part through.

      Dr. Paul simply wants the Government to comply with the rules under which it was set up.

      Otherwise, you get things like NARCs machine-gunning to death 90-yrs-old ladies in their homes.

      You shouldn’t hate and fear freedom so much.

  29. Somebody says:

    Newt is doing the usual GOP two-step.

    He’s going to fight like the Devil to take the nomination from Ron Paul.

    After that, he’ll phone it in.

    And why not?

    He wasn’t much of a critic with Bush and Obama is doing what Bush would have done anyway.

  30. #78- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    McCullough–what’s your beef with Obama? Do you really think you know with such certainty what kind of Pres Romney might be?

    What could reasonably be done by ANYONE following BUSHtheRetard? That was an incredible DITCH the Pukes drove our Bus into. I would have done about 5-6 things right off the bat that Obaman is still only promising to get around to. How come I am only dissatisfied rather than upset?

    Hope for Change. There must be “reasons” why it doesn’t happen? Reasons that seduce even a half black constitutional law harvard professor community organizer? Thats some powerful Mojo there.

    • Somebody says:

      Jesus! you’re slow to catch on!

      Obama never meant any of it.

    • McCullough says:

      …at what point have I ever endorsed the Ken doll?

      Almost 4 years later, do you see your President moving on his promises…any step in the right direction…other than the golf course?

      • #83- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

        That doesn’t answer the question. Not even a good dodge. More like a fiat?

        Ain’t reality a bitch?

      • tcc3 says:

        Healthcare reform was the right direction even if it was a shitty way of doing it. He’d have never gotten anywhere with a public option though. If you cant even get a republican HC reform plan through, what chance was there for anything else?

        Throwing support behind DADT repeal

        Signed a new START treaty after years of Bush antagonizing the Russians

        Getting out of Iraq.

        Check out

        There’s a lot hes done and hasn’t done I don’t agree with. Far too many carryovers from Bush era policies. Far too much Justice Dept defenses of the continuation of Bush era policies.

        Lets not throw out the baby with the bathwater.


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