How many more lies can you swallow before you say ENOUGH ALREADY? Have you learned anything from the broken promises and campaign bullshit of the Bush and Obama years? I promise you I will leave this country if Gingrich becomes President or if Obama is re-elected. That is IF I will be allowed to leave.
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#80–Somebody==know one “knows” the mind of another person. What I notice is that all our Presnedents kinda act the same once in office regardless of what they campaigned on. Your position that they all thought the same thing doesn’t strike me as likely. Those daily briefing might involve hypnosis?
Lets see. What is “my” biggest beef with Obama?
1. Failure to Re-regulate Wallstreet.
2. Failure to pass universal healthcare or some closer variant than what we got.
3. Failure to bring our troops home IMMEDIATELY.
Those are three big ones. But who would have?
And therein lies the rub.
I know this has never happened before, but could it be that Obama slightly misrepresented himself during the campaign?
May I anticipate your reply?
No! No! I LOVE Obama! He would never lie! It’s those evil Republicans! They are forcing him to be just like Bush! Never mind the filibuster – proof majority the Democrats had! Those evil Republicans tied his hands!
Those Bastards!
They had a supermajority for a very limited time, and even then it was thwarted by conservative Blue Dog types like Lieberman.
Actually he delivered on all points. Not your precise specifications of timing and/or completeness but come on. Given the Teapublican occupation of Congress, it’s a freakn miracle he accomplished any, much less all of it.
His biggest fault is that he’s a consensus driven manager (ie community organizer background). He didn’t realize the pukes wanted no part of consensus, they want revenge.
It took him 3 yrs to figure that out. He should have steamrolled them from the get go !
I was trying to anticipate and mock Bobo’s response but OK.
Obama today is more of what I wanted from the beginning. In retrospect, consensus with the dysfunctional, election seeking Congress was a waste of time despite the good intentions.
Shoulda done Executive orders where possible and go on TV every week on Dancing with the Stars commercials and educate the sheeple on key decisions and why Boner is a speed bump to recovery.
You would agree the legislative branch of government is and has been broken. They work on whatever gets publicity (ie. Planned Parenthood and shit), NOT about jobs.
Please, sheeple don’t have a clue about restarting an economy but Congress should know better and be leaders.
Obama’s second term will be much better. I would vote for a Ron Paul only but that option isn’t going to happen.
As wealth accumulates in fewer and fewer hands, the political whores have less room to maneuver to differentiate themselves from each other as they serve a smaller and smaller class of masters.
This is the answer to the mystery why the man who based his campaign on the idea that he was not Bush was so much like Bush as to make no serious difference.
Thus I have given a clue.
A word to the wise (and only to the wise) is sufficient.
Again, the odd man out, the outsider, is Ron Paul.
I won’t hold my breath until that sinks in.
Somebody—you were trying to mock me? Ha, ha. given you made yourself look like an idiot, I missed that completely. but the word play did get confusing what with you posting the obvious and not stating explicitly what was not obvious.
Is that obvious or not obvious?
I was struck by the old adage: “Its ok to talk to yourself, but you should never argue.” When mocking someone, you should use their name, otherwise you look like you are talking to yourself. And on a blog, that “is” what you are doing. More than simple courtesy.
But lets see if I can help you manufacture any relevance at all?…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………I do love the “Being There” mock insight of being totally vague. No, if any insight there be, you’ll have to state it. I won’t hold my breath either as I doubt your have anything beyond a half desire to be relevant.
Um, who’s monitoring your meds?
You need to calm down a bit.
Here’s something else that is not obvious – to you:
If a reply is nested under your post, it is a reply to you even if it doesn’t start with “Hey Douche-bag!”
Ron Paul—Odd Man>>>>>[B]OUT![/B]
I already have him pegged as being for low taxes and free market solutions to every issue: a few exponentially worse philosophical grounding than the similar philosophies that have brought us the morass we are in now. And I knew he is against a womans right to control her own body. But I didn’t know before that he was against the theory of evolution. He could be more silly a man than one nekkid in the middle of the street doing the monkey dance. — With plastic coconuts. Very telling he can make a cogent comment now and then–telling about the crowd he runs with.
So, coding only works in the Cagematch? Eds==little help as you may deem?
Alfie==that was a good one. Haven’t seen you post that 15 times before. When did Rush say that?
HEY DVORAK: There have been 2-3 new posts to this thread. HOW is anyone supposed to find them?
How about a list of the most recent comments===you know, for anyone actually interested in your forum? Should be just a checkmark in a drop down menu somewhere?
Yea. sure. You will leave. Just like that idiot actor Alec Baldwin.
Anybody but Obama. This current President is an embarrassment, and I don’t like ANY of his policies. He is too far left, and scares me. But since I have everything I need, I will be ok. It’s the people who come after me that are screwed.
I believe he is going to be a one term president, and that’s why the left keeps smearing the top Republican, knowing that is the favorite to be the next leader.
Cain? A jerk who should never have been in the race, considering his background. Asshole. A credit to his race, certainly.
ABO–other than taking a step towards Socialized Medicine in order to stop the double digit inflation caused by the waste and fraud of for profit medicine==what do you find so unacceptably lefty with Obama?
I am disgusted by Obama because as all rational people have discovered, he is but Bush light. But then Bush is now too moderate for the Republican Wing of the BatShitCrazy Teapot Party.
Top 3? Stretch Yourself. Don’t start babbling.
None of the candidates focus on the important.
The basic truth of existence is that if Americans aren’t able to freely drive 4x4s and live in big houses kept at 72 year round, the ENTIRE UNIVERSE serves no purpose and might as well be destroyed. If you base all decisions and priorities off that INARGUABLE fact, you will go down the right path.
So get over it already…
Newt is no more or less full of shizit than Obama or any of the other Republican “contenders”.
I think it is kind of sad that Newt might really be the best the Republican Party has to offer. This is a guy who had an affair during the Clinton impeachment time period and has taken over a $1 M in consulting fees from disgusting Freddie or Fannie grotesque Government Mortgage Bailout entities … which means the taxpayer. Anyone in the Tea Party should balk at that.
And it is a joke that Hermit Cain was ever considered a serious candidate after the sexual harassment allegations with that super-strong denial “And if there was a settlement, I wasn’t involved in it.”
Lovely political system we have where the “best this country has to offer” is this lame.
You know … if those Occupy Whatever people and the Tea Party actually started to think — instead of both entities being puppets — they might notice they have the same goals.
The smell is everywhere. It is the smell of a government in bed with corporations playing off divided citizens like fools.
They may have similar criticisms, not the same goals.
The tea party believes Government is the problem. Occupy sees unchecked corporate power as the problem.
Opposite answers to the same problem.
Newt Gingrich is just the sort of candidate both parties really want. Someone so disagreeable to the public that they’ll register in droves to vote against him. Thus insuring the survival of the sham that is the American system of elected representation. That gets voted into office by the many, only to represent the richest few. The more who vote, only manage to sustain the sham. And election reforms will never happen, if it’s in no danger of discontinuing. That’s why such candidates as Gingrich are even seriously considered. And why lame issues such as same sex marriage, take priority over budget limits, more employment and taxes. The hot button crap and candidates get the citizens into the voting booths. And the results hurts no one’s wealth, who really matters.
Noob Gingrich is shifting strategy to “yeah, I’m an asshole and I’m proud of it”. This is actually smart as Teapublicans sheeple really want a cocky, arrogant SOB to run things. The recent statesman like demeanor is hard to sustain anyway.
The question is, will it hold with the thinking public? Unlikely.
Mitt Romney is the pick of the litter (garbage), you watch. He will make ‘suggestions’ as to his running mate to seal the deal. A Perry pick will de-pussify his ticket, bring in corporate mafia money, the Christian Taliban and Texas.
With Mother Theresa gone, Noob simply will have a hard time softening his ticket.
I said it before and I’ll say it again: Newt Gingrich is the most qualified candidate to become president. It would seem that we prefer devils and dummies to become our leaders. Therefore, Newt is perfect and now seems to finally be on track towards getting there. He’s also about the only devil in a room full of dummies too (Obama included)!
“I promise you I will leave this country if Gingrich becomes President or if Obama is re-elected”
Bon voyage. Oh and don’t forget to close the door on the way out.
seen you here before.