Support for the Tea Party — and with it, the Republican Party — has fallen sharply even in places considered Tea Party strongholds, according to a new survey.

In Congressional districts represented by Tea Party lawmakers, the number of people saying they disagree with the Tea Party has risen sharply over the year since the movement powered a Republican sweep in midterm elections, so that almost as many people disagree with the Tea Party as agree with it, according to the poll by the Pew Research Center.

Support for the Republican Party has fallen more sharply in those places than it has in the country as a whole. In the 60 districts represented in Congress by a member of the House Tea Party Caucus, Republicans are viewed about as negatively as Democrats.

The survey suggests that the Tea Party may be dragging down the Republican Party heading into a presidential election year, even as it ushered in a new Republican majority in the House of Representatives just a year ago.

Other polls have shown a decline in support for the Tea Party and its positions, particularly because its hard line during the debate over the debt ceiling and deficit reduction made the Tea Party less an abstraction. In earlier polls, most Americans did not know enough about the Tea Party to offer an opinion…

How much this affects Republican chances in the presidential contest next year, Mr. Kohut said, probably depends on which candidate wins the nomination. “If the candidate is of a more conservative bent, he or she will have to deal with this complaint about the Tea Party among the general public, of being too extreme and not willing to compromise,” he said.

“The focus has been very much on the candidate and not on the party, but going into this election the party has problems,” he said. “Which isn’t to say that people are wildly enthusiastic about the Democratic Party, but it hasn’t lost the kind of favor the G.O.P. has.”

Which really shouldn’t surprise anyone – but, still does.

  1. nilum says:

    It shouldn’t be a surprise considering how the Tea Party movement was originally about “taking the country back” and now it’s become blatantly clear that the Tea Party has been hijacked by Wall Street.

    The only people left in the Tea Party movement are those too stupid to see the writing on the wall and the Wall Street cronies.

    • LibertyLover says:

      It also doesn’t help that they found religion either.

      • Dallas says:

        Agree completely! We agreed on something this year and we still have 30 days left!!

        As soon as the religion cancer strikes a noble movement, it’s the beginning of the end.

  2. #03- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    The documented at the time fact is that the “Tea Party” was a Republican Astro Turf project. but dirty tricks can backfire a la Swift Boating yourself. Ha, ha.

    And yet Obama is at 41% approval: the lowest rating at this time of any President in modern history including Jimmy Carter with whom Obama shares many character istics. Amusing.

    Another choice coming up between demonstrated disappointment and a Corporate Raider. Sad. Where is our Savior? Been born yet?

    • Guyver says:

      I have to wonder which candidate is going to play the “Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?” card in complete parallel with Reagan’s criticisms of Carter’s failures.

      • #45- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

        Well, I certainly would if I were Romney. I posted on this very forum 3 years ago that BUSHtheRetard had created such a mess that Obama would not be able to clean it up and would lose in 2012 because of the malaise. I’m no expert, not a politician, not a wonk = but some things are blindingly obvious.

        The American Voting Public is too stupid to think long enough to establish causation and is much more comfortable letting bumper sticker dogma direct their votes.

        Oh for the parallel universe where we all got to live in the worlds we created.

        • Guyver says:

          I posted on this very forum 3 years ago that BUSHtheRetard had created such a mess that Obama would not be able to clean it up and would lose in 2012 because of the malaise.

          Not that Obama deserves any criticisms for his failures due to making things worse by putting this country into further debt, eh?

          Interesting how Obama has spent a lot of his time campaigning on taxpayers’ dollars, twisting things into class warfare, and not being able to run on his own record / “accomplishments”.

          If the guy gets re-elected, it will be for the same reasons he got elected. Flowery symbolism with no concern of his track record or lack thereof.

  3. Traaxx says:

    More BS from Enerd, this is the same line that was be tossed around by the Demoncrats during the last election. What does the Teaparty have in common with WalStreet? Nothing, these are the people ticked off about WalStreet’s bail-out, do all these demoncrats have their Globalist head in the sh*!-bucket. Grow-up – you are part of the problem, you think President Hussein is any different from King George Bush, you’re in a dreamscape deluded from reality. You should look at the legislation being passed and sponsored by the Huessein adminstration.

    Maybe you should start thinking about occupying the Whitehouse instead of just be teabagged by the Whitehouse, what dupes.


    • Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

      I can’t say I’ve heard the tea party say a word against Wall Street since the first few moments of its existence.

      The big money PACs who co-opted the tea party beat that piece of their platform away. In fact the tea party almost immediately became nothing but a wing of the Republican Party complete with the same issues and talking points. Which is why the tea party goes as the GOP goes.

    • nilum says:

      “The only people left in the Tea Party movement are those too stupid to see the writing on the wall” -Me

  4. Dallas says:

    Not surprised. Same thing happened to Ross Perot and actually stuck to the issues. The Teapublicans just crossed the loon threshold led by Bachman, Perry and the womanizer.

    Newt has a chance getting to be less of an asshole but you know he’s about to blow. Mitt Romney needs to kick it up a notch. He’s to bland or hollow. Ron Paul is the best but he doesn’t have the loon vote and Murdoch doesn’t like him so he loses the Fox sheeple vote. Tough race.

    …there’s plenty of time to join the Obama train…..the Soouuul Trainnnnnn !!!

  5. Animby says:

    Oh, Diehard. you are such a tool of the libs.

    1) you can prove anything with a poll
    2) Pew is notoriously pro-dem

    The Pew Center is in the hands of rabid liberals like Maddy Albright.

    I think the only important statement in the article is: “Republicans are viewed about as negatively as Democrats”

    In any case, don’t bet your retirement fund on O’Bama. Wait, might as well. You’ll lose it either way…

  6. JimD says:

    Tea Party = LUNATIC FRINGE !!! No wonder it’s FADING AWAY !!! It’s 15 Minutes of Fame are LONG OVER !!!

    • Guyver says:

      Believing you shouldn’t spend money you don’t have makes you a lunatic? Really?!?!?!?!

      That’s why this country is going in the crapper. People think that unless you have massive credit debt, you’re a lunatic.

  7. AdmFubar says:

    “The Tea Party Zone “Ⓒ (C) T.M.

  8. LibertyLover says:

    The Tea Party started out with a noble goal — stopping the uncontrolled spending in Washington. Not surprisingly, more than a handful of different groups found that idea worthwhile. Among them were Palinistas, Bachmanistas, Perryistas, and, of course, the Religious Right.

    Unfortunately, they brought their baggage with them and soon the message of controlled spending and limited government was lost in the pile of that baggage.

    Ron Paul is the father of Tea Party (though he didn’t actually “create” it), not Rush or Perry or Palin or Beck or any of those other bozos.

    Paul predicted everything we are going through now years ago. Sadly, the establishment likes the status quo and is doing everything they can to hang onto that greased pole.

    • Guyver says:

      Ron Paul is the father of Tea Party (though he didn’t actually “create” it), not Rush or Perry or Palin or Beck or any of those other bozos.

      So you say. This is the earliest influence that I can recollect of what inspired the creation of the Tea Party:

      • LibertyLover says:

        December 2007, on the 234th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, Paul’s “money bomb” brought in $6 million in one day. I remember that day distinctly, because I donated more money at one time to a political candidate than I ever had before.

        It was shortly thereafter, Tea Party Protests started cropping up around the country.

        • Guyver says:

          I think the themes differ, no? Tea Party for dollars versus a Tea Party movement putting out of control spending in check.

          Tea Party is used for numerous things and I’m not so convinced that Ron Paul’s Tea Party for Dollars had much to do with the Tea Party formation of recent years.

      • Smith says:

        Exactly — it wasn’t some damn politician, it wasn’t some religious nut, it was Rick Santelli that inspired the Tea Party movement.

  9. Guyver says:

    None of this really matters since Obama’s re-election is really going to hinge on how bad does the economy have to get before he’s going to suffer from voter backlash.

    Of course the mainstream media will downplay his failures so that the sheeple among us will give him a pass.

  10. greyangel says:

    None of this matters. It’s all camouflage. While we’ve been arguing about republicans and democrats our civil rights and constitution went out the window over the last eight years. Bush and his cronies orchestrated the big push and Obama has been quietly helping it along. It’s too late now – we’ve gone too far to have any hope of turning back. If you keep arguing with each other you can at least pretend to be blissfully ignorant of the things that really matter. Good luck.

    • msbpodcast says:

      Totally agree with you. Dems or Repubes, or even Communist, as long as you’ve got a party, you not having fun.

      Standard rant #14:

      Face it, our politicians are equipped with the morals of gutter cats.

      The problem with republics is the same as with monarchies. After a while, the noble intentions at the start are as dead as the noble individuals which founded the kingdom or the republic. (The methods of creation for either are equally bloody.)

      If we want a representative government, we’ll have to create it.

      The first thing we do is change from an elected to a selected form of government.

      Pick names out an eligible citizen pool and they’re stuck with doing the job for one, and only one, four year term.

      There is no such thing as a career in politics. (The only thing worse than getting stuck with somebody who didn’t want the job is getting stuck with some idiot who did, figuring it was going to lift him a few rungs up the social/economic ladder.)

      Eligibility requirements are:
      • were you born here or are you a naturalized citizen?
      • are you a permanent resident in a village, town or city within our borders?
      • are you above the age of 25?
      • are you healthy enough? (you don’t suffer from any clinical health issue(s) or mental impairment(s) which would prevent you from fulfilling your duties?)
      • have you NEVER served on the government before?
      • have you NEVER been found guilty of a violent crime?
      • have you NEVER been found to be clinically insane?

      Answer yes to all of these questions, you’re eligible for selection.

      Don’t want to be bothered?

      Go live elsewhere!

      That would get rid of all PACs, K Street lobbyists, a lot of graft, waste and expense that WE’RE all paying for.

      • greyangel says:

        Totally agree. Like I said, no turning back now. Just needs to finish the collapse so we can rebuild. Might take a few years…

  11. Skeptic > post # 27,675 says:

    No crumpets. A Tea Party without crumpets is doomed.

  12. scandihoovian says:

    There’s no such thing as a republican or democrat, only plutocrats these days.

  13. Harry says:

    The Tea Party in of itself was not a bad idea, the problem is it was hijacked by the Koch brothers and Dick Armey just like Rove did with the Christian Fundamentalist.

  14. It doesn't matter says:

    “Do you agree or disagree with the Tea Party?”

    What kind of question is that? The “great unwashed” will give an answer, but can they elaborate? Most can’t. Most can’t name the Vice-President.

    Political polls are fun, but their motives are questionable and their results are ALWAYS temporary.

    What a silly world. Party on, Garth!

  15. jescott418 says:

    I do not really like any of the Republican candidates. Ron Paul makes the most sense. But he has his own agenda that’s out there.
    I can’t say Obama has really helped anything in his first term and really expect nothing to change no matter if we re elect Obama or elect a Republican. We will still be faced with a inept Congress and a a Country just tired of it doing nothing. Will that change after the election? I doubt it.

  16. sargasso_c says:

    The Republican Party seems to have distanced itself from the Tea Party in order to appeal to moderate and conservative voters during the GOP convention and candidacy debates. They face an overwhelming defeat in 2012 without the trust of their constituency.

  17. Glenn E. says:

    I’ve said for a while now. that the Tea Party is the GOP’s Green Party. The Green Party derailed Al Gore’s chances, back in 2004. By siphoning off votes for dark horse candidate Ralph Nader. Who you hear nothing about anymore. So I just figured that the GOP set up the Tea Party, to help them lose the 2012 election. But perhaps the current line up of GOP numskulls are believed bad enough to make them lose. Without the help of Palin or Bachman. Because, they really don’t want to be in charge of correcting the mess that Bush/Chaney, left behind. Until Obama takes enough of the heat for it, and manages to straighten out the situation enough for the GOP to come along and take the credit for it. Just as they did for getting the Iran hostages released, that Carter’s admin negotiated.

  18. deowll says:

    I think this blurb was an effort by the lame media to obfuscate the fact that the occupiers efforts to stop shopping on Black Friday was a total failure.

  19. GregAllen says:

    Your fiancé is charming and intelligent but only after the wedding do you figure-out he’s a dangerous lunatic.

  20. Donaldo says:

    If the polls are real, it is only because of the full court press by the news media to demonize the tea party and normalize leftist nutcases. Of course, I have a hard time believing the polls. I suspect they come out of East Anglia…

    • Phydeau says:

      “Leftist nutcases”… who would that be, Donaldo? Are you referring to our president? Who hired Wall Street insiders to run his administration? Who decided it was ok to murder US citizens without a trial? Who started a couple more wars without Congressional approval? Who pushed thru a health care “reform” bill that was a huge windfall to private insurance companies? Who refuses to prosecute Wall Street criminals who helped cause our recession? That leftist nutcase?

      The Republicans have successfully created an alternate reality in which someone who does all those right-wing actions is considered a leftist. And you’re living in it, Donaldo.

  21. Phydeau says:

    Ron Paul wants to abolish the SEC, and let those nice Wall Street Multinational Corporations do whatever they want. What could possibly go wrong?

    Ron Paul wants to abolish the EPA, and let those nice Multinational Corporations decide themselves where to dump their toxic waste. What could possibly go wrong?

    Ron Paul basically wants to abolish all parts of our government that restrain what Multinational Corporations do in their quest for profit. What could possibly go wrong?

    • LibertyLover says:

      No, no, and no.

      • Phydeau says:

        From Ron Paul’s own website:

        Eliminate the ineffective EPA. Polluters should answer directly to property owners in court for the damages they create – not to Washington.

        So if there’s a toxic waste spill in my back yard, I get to sue Exxon. I’ll just have my multi-million-dollar law firm engage their multi-million-dollar law firm. Piece of cake!

        We’ve been over this many times before, LL. I used to get mad at the bizarre things you’ve said, but now I’m just puzzled. I guess you just can’t help it. But I admire your dedication, if not your intellectual capacity.

        • LibertyLover says:

          Right now the EPA answers to the corporations, not to the people they are supposed to be protecting. A Classic Examples is the Erin Brockovich (sp) story. Why didn’t the EPA stop PG&E? Why did they only fine them $20k for violating federal law that should have resulted in a lost permit? Why did the EPA award a PG&E official an AWARD for conservation even as all of this was going on at the same time CA was fining them $6M for a failed pipeline?

          The Sierra Club is suing the EPA over clean air issues. They haven’t ruled in over 10 years to recommendations from several leading scientists.

          Conservation and fishing groups ended up suing major pesticide users when the EPA refused to address the problem.

          The list goes on and on and on and on . . .

          We’ve been over this many times before, LL. I used to get mad at the bizarre things you’ve said, but now I’m just puzzled

          That’s good progress! It won’t be long and you’ll understand how it all works.

          Seriously, you are in love with the IDEA of an EPA that works. I wouldn’t mind an EPA that actually did something productive but it will never happen. It will never work because politics are involved.

          If the Sierra Club can get the problem resolved in SPITE of the EPA, then that is a good example of how it should work.

          • Phydeau says:

            There ya go LL, almost a rational answer. 🙂

            Yes of course, the EPA is corrupted by politics. Everything is corrupted by politics. The solution is not to eliminate these agencies that can work well if the corruption is reduced. The answer is to reduce the corruption so they can do the work that they’re supposed to do.

            And the EPA has done good work over the years. We no longer have rivers running blue, green, red, and yellow according to the day’s pollutants, or bursting into flame. Look at China for a country without an EPA… it’s horrific.

            Libertarians have this bizarre notion that if you abolish crippled regulatory agencies that don’t always work too well, somehow the protections they enforced will somehow still exist. Without an EPA, Exxon will be able to dump toxic wastes with impunity, because no individual will be able to afford to sue them in court because of their huge and powerful legal departments.

            Hey, I have an idea! Why don’t We The People (hint), since we’re interested in Promoting The General Welfare (hint 2), band together and form an Agency (hint 3) that is powerful enough to Protect the Environment (hint 4) against the large and powerful corporations that don’t care who they pollute as long as they make money. Maybe we could call it, oh I don’t know, the Environmental Protection Agency?

            As long as there are large and predatory corporations, we will always need a large and powerful government to protect us against them. And yes, corruption in government exists, and it needs to be fought. But if we cripple the government, we will be at the mercy of the corporations, and we’ve been there before, and it’s hellish.

          • So what says:

            Ah yes the infamous erin brockobitch.


            Try again please.

          • LibertyLover says:

            The answer is to reduce the corruption so they can do the work that they’re supposed to do.

            It’ll never happen as long the the government is as large as it is.

            Why do you think the corporations are bribing the government? Think, Man! They do it because there is so much money to be had by getting things done their way.

            If you truly want a corruption-free government, you need to remove the incentive. Remove the money.

            But if we cripple the government, we will be at the mercy of the corporations, and we’ve been there before, and it’s hellish.

            We are at their mercy now. It’s never been this bad in history. And the government has never been this large in history. Hmm. I wonder if there is a connection.

          • LibertyLover says:

            Without an EPA, Exxon will be able to dump toxic wastes with impunity, because no individual will be able to afford to sue them in court because of their huge and powerful legal departments.

            You are a scared, little man.

  22. MrWindows says:

    I recently attended a Tea Party meeting and it was packed. Of course, it was here in Arizona, and the featured speaker was Sheriff Joe Arpaio, so that might account for it.
    Curiously, there were no outbursts from activists shouting him down…everybody was polite and Sheriff Joe was very entertaining.

    I think this is just more of the same from those that wish to diminish the impact of the Tea Party movement, calling us ‘Tea Baggers’, racists, gun-toting bible thumpers, etc.

    It seems to be OK to have a movement if you are an SEIU union member, or an anarchist occupying a park near Wall Street, or expressing support for ‘greater Azatlan’, but not if you are a tax-paying regular American just trying to peacefully go about his life, making aliving for his family.

    The last time I checked, no Tea Party members have ever been arrested for smashing the windows of stores, turning over police cars, throwing rocks and bottles at police, etc.

    • Phydeau says:

      I think this is just more of the same from those that wish to diminish the impact of the Tea Party movement, calling us ‘Tea Baggers’, racists, gun-toting bible thumpers, etc.

      Uh, dude, there’s ample evidence that Tea Party types have made racist statements, that they’ve had rallies in which it seems everyone brought their guns, and the vast majority of them seem to be Christian Fundamentalists. So your point is…?

      • Al says:

        And where is this ‘ample evidence’? The loony lefties keep saying this, but they can never back it up. The vast majority of them are not Christian Fundamentalists, but even if they were, why would that be a problem.

        Guys like you are delusional. Since you can’t argue with facts, you just make things up.

        Believe what you want, but wait till the next election, the left is about to take a trouncing like never seen before.

        • Phydeau says:

          Al, there is no “left” in American politics any more. You can read my list of the Republican things Obama has done (like bring in Wall Street insiders to run his administration, start wars without Congressional approval) for evidence. The fact is, just because a politician has a “D” after his name instead of an “R” doesn’t make him liberal. You wingnut morons have already won, and you don’t realize it. Obama’s a Republican in all his actions, and he’ll most likely get re-elected because the official Republican party candidates are way too scary.

  23. ABO says:

    Perhaps you would consider a poster who is NOT far left liberal puke like this poster.
    How about a little BALANCE here?

  24. Guyver says:

    Things could be worse. People could be looking at how Obama’s support among Americans is dropping… especially since he has no record to run on. LOL.

    • Phydeau says:

      Unfortunately for you, the support for the Republican party in America seems to be dropping faster than support for Obama.

      Which is actually fortunate for you, unless you’re rich, though you don’t understand it. The D’s are slightly less crappy than the R’s. Both in the pocket of big money though.

    • Rick says:

      Like Ralph Nader quipped once. The best advertising for the Democratic party….is the Republican party.

  25. frankslide says:

    go easy on Ron Paul ….IMHO he is just another lonely old Pittsburgh boy suffering from his traumatic childhood under the Mellon’s of Pittsburgh go easy on the old guy he’s 76 years old and to close to his beulah land…. I think he is suffering from PTSD ….ask him if he remembers Donora Pa smog of 1948 … the 70 deaths are one of the reasons we have the EPA… back in the hills they say the reason we got the EPA was because Stan Musial’s father died from the smog.

    • Phydeau says:

      Just read about that on wikipedia, very interesting. The libertarians always run for the hills when this stuff is brought up. What do you say, LL? Ready to abolish the EPA and go back to killer smogs? Would that make you feel more free?

      • Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

        I saw the Killer Smogs open up for Nazereth, back in the 70’s.

  26. Hmeyers2 says:

    The Occupiers = Fed up citizens without jobs
    The Tea Party = Fed up citizens with jobs

    And somehow our corrupt system has tricked these 2 groups into thinking each other IS the problem?


    • Rick says:

      Occupiers = 99% Citizens who realize the rich are at war with them

      Teabaggers = 99% Citizens who honestly think the rich have their best interests in mind

  27. Lou Minatti says:

    Will the Fleabaggers continue to “occupy Wall Street”? Or have they jumped the shark?

  28. smartalix says:


    Very well said.

  29. Glenn E. says:

    I just have to ask, Who vets these candidates for holding the highest office in the land? And do they? I enlisted in the Air Force, back when Nixon couldn’t be trusted to end the Vietnam War, like he once said he would. Eventually it was Ford won “ended” it. But at the time, the draft was still in effect. And I wasn’t going to college, to get a deferment as a certain republican vice pres did. Anyway, the system vetted me for security reasons, to make sure I could be trusted with sensitive technology. And apparently I was, as I had a Secret Clearance. Years later my parents told me they were interviewed by an investigator. And perhaps others were too. Well I’m Ok with that. In fact I think it’s a good idea. But here’s the big question. Why are presidential candidates checked out like this?

    I mean, are US Presidents getting exposure to Top Secret (and above) information? And yet it seems any boob can run for this office, and after winning, be given a stage pass to top secrecy stardom. And only if we’re very luck, some of the crap in these candidates lives, comes forth before they’re elected. And yet the feds are only worried enough to get up on low rank military grunts. Seems a bit upside down, unless the Presidency really is just a figure head position. Which begs the question who then really is in charge, and making those live and death decisions? I seriously doubt it would be Herman Cain, or Michelle Bachman.

  30. Hmeyers2 says:

    “Which begs the question who then really is in charge, and making those live and death decisions? ”

    Please do not use expression if you do not know what it means.

    To “beg a question” means evade a question with circular logic.

    You are dumbing down the internets. Please don’t.


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