Earlier this year, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) demonstrated its vision for the “checkpoint of the future” — a series of neon-lit tunnels, each equipped with an array of eye-scanners, x-ray machines, and metal and liquid detectors. Heralding an end to “one size fits all screening,” the association says that passengers will be assigned a “travel profile” and ushered into one of three corridors accordingly.
Feeling guilty? Got something to hide? A team of UK-based researchers claim to have developed a thermal lie-detection camera that can automatically spot a burning conscience.
But it’s not just contraband smugglers who should fear the arrival of this sniffing super-breed. Lee’s next clone will be a high-performance “quarantine dog” — gifted with an enhanced capacity for detecting the presence of disease in humans.

Don’t you feel safer already?

  1. deowll says:

    They are getting closer to being able to actually tell what you are thinking.

    Of course if you have multiple personality disorder or completely divided hemispheres or some such then things still might not work.

    Another issue is that much of what people think seems to be repressed and never actually reaches the level of consciousness.

  2. #02- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    Still not “what” you are thinking but rather “how” you are thinking: eg recalling an event or imagining an event: the difference between telling the truth and lying. Process not substance and more than just an image.

    All on feet of clay.

  3. Dallas says:

    Israeli style profiling makes sense. When you’re on airport ground you are subject to profiling as soon as you drive in.

    It’s the best way to protect the sheeple and much preferred over all the stupid contraptions and grandma searches.

  4. JimD says:


    I think I’ll stay home !!!

    • msbpodcast says:

      I think I’ll stay home !!!

      That is exactly what they want.

      Why should you want to fly around, possibly to where the 12,400 live? (They use private jets, private air fields and never so much as see a TSA crotch sniffer except when said crotch sniffers smartly salute or tug at their forelock at the passage of their betters.)

      Flying is limited to the 1%ers (who are stuck with the express lines.)

      The 99%ers are in for an increasingly restricted time.

  5. greyangel says:

    Actually, I love the dog idea. A well trained sniffer will tell you more than those silly scanners and far less intrusive than being manhandled by a human. Like everything else though it’s not so much the substance but the execution that will usually let you down. No perfect solution as long as people are allowed to screw it up and no safety valve that they can’t bypass. We should all stop acting like cowards and just admit that life has risks. Deal with it.

  6. soundwash says:

    lol.. all this crap is just a cover.

    These machines are being developed and installed so when our long space family comes down to say “Hi” -the current ruling reptiles that have enslaved us for the past 12 millennia or so can easily spot them, claiming that *they* are here to enslave us..

    har har..

    -Tinfoil anyone?


  7. soundwash says:

    Actually, (if they really work) i vote to first have these installed split-screen like, on C-SPAN, all electoral campaigns and presidential speeches.

    -now *that* would make for some good entertainment..


  8. Animby says:

    deowll, as an aside, let me say the rapidly developing consensus is the sciences of the mind, is that there is no such thing a multiple personality. This is quite devastating to an old friend of mine in Chicago who makes quite a living treating such patients. -So it goes…

    I have no objection to thermal scanners though the true believers (i.e. would-be martyrs) and sociopaths would not heat up for the cameras while poor schleps who recently took a vitamin pill might exhibit a niacin flush. At least they are not radiating me. No big deal. A lot of countries already scan all arriving passengers thermally. They are looking for fevers, not lies, and that’s not very accurate, either. I got stopped in Malaysian once because of a sunburn I picked up while scuba diving.

    As for sniffer digs, I’m in favor of them. Drugs, bombs, sure. Sniff me. As for sniffing out disease? Weellll, sure, why not. It just seems to me that there are so many diseases. I assume they’ll only be trained to sniff out communicable diseases but, still, does someone with the measles have the same olfactory symptoms as anthrax? And, do dogs sniffing out contagion have a short life span? Bring on PETA lawsuits. (As an aside, I once had a dalmation who was afraid of menstruating women!)

    I waiver on the idea of profiling. I’ve run into it many times and even the best English speakers are seldom “native” English speakers. Can someone who does not have colloquial language skills be truly effective in interviewing a traveller? Once, at Schiphol Airport, the line of English speakers was so long, I claimed to speak Spanish. My interview was very short and pleasant. Still, I foresee a a Yemeni terrorist with limited English be profiled by an Ebonics muttering TSA temp.

    Soundwash: no politician could withstand that kind of scrutiny!

  9. Glenn E. says:

    Lie detection is a myth. And yet the media continues to sell it on Tv and in movies. And it’s supposed to be illegal to use it, in most US states, to screen for employment. But apparently branches of the US Gov, are exempt. But it has never uncovered a single spy, or sell out government agent. Probably because they had ways of getting around the test. Or not getting tested at all. And by the same token. Anyone who would be a serious threat to the public safety or the economy. Is going to have a way of not taking the test, or faking it. Just in case it DOES work, in some crude way. But really. It’s just another prop, in security theater, that does nothing. Accept cost the taxpayer.


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