This is a single-pipe alpine coaster in Mieders, Austria. You reach the summit via a cablecar and then sit on a small car with a brake lever and off you go. Having ridden it once using a little braking, I decided to try it a second time without using the brakes. This is SCARY! Enjoy the ride!

  1. Bob73 says:

    Looks like a nice ride. What does it cost?

  2. Dallas says:

    The scary part is wondering if a 2,000# elk might be crossing at that unfortunate moment.

  3. After I have seen this…. Disneyland is such rip off! I want to go down like this…

  4. deowll says:

    You just know that somebody from the government is going to say this is to dangerous.

    • steve says:

      DING! “Nanny state” paranoia in under 5 comments! All is right with the blog…

    • Lou Minatti says:

      You are correct. Nanny Government would shut this down in the US the moment a drunktard was injured, ruining it for the rest of us.

  5. fpp2002 says:

    Cool! Looks like something out of a video game. I must go there. Only been to Austria once so this is yet another excuse to visit.

  6. What? says:

    Real trees, real grass, real people, real mountains; Not Disney!

    Reality is better than fantasy…

  7. Chad says:


  8. #11- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    Crap–I wanted to see how the ride ended.

    I went on a similar ride in Austria that was no where near as good. More like a snowboard on a wooden shuffleboard track. Track is engineered to go without brakes–never allowed in the USA==no insurance coverage. An unintended consequence of lack of universal healthcare coverage. THINK OF THE JOBS!!!!! Who cares about FREEEEEEEEEdom and assumption of a good time?

    Same thing was said at the glass blowing exhibit at Waterford. You could nudge the blower out of the way and stick your head right in the forge ((cue Pedro)). My friend said: “Wow, think of the liability.” I did, and cried but it may have been a very small glass splinter?

  9. Dallas says:

    People are awesome. This vid gets good about 43 sec into it.

  10. robertB_AT says:

    hi folks !

    here the link (sorry german only) for the ride:

    quick facts: 2,8km length, 640m difference in height start/finish, 40 bends, max speed ~ 42km/h.

    pricing-model (80 yrs and up free !!!) in €:

    so long

  11. jescott418 says:

    Looks as though its a accident waiting to happen. What do you do when its snowed a foot? i guess the ride gets shut down?

  12. Mr. Toad says:

    Let’s see… what would you do to make this ride even MORE exciting?

  13. Publius says:

    If that was any safer it would be like going to get pepper sprayed and clubbed and punched and hair pulled and shot in the eye with rubber coated steel bullets.

  14. Al says:

    They seem to let multiple people go down the track at once. How did he insure he wouldn’t plow into someone when he did it with no brakes?

  15. Rick says:

    Its looks cool until you realize you’re in a goofy looking yellow plastic cart thats going a lot slower than it felt.


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