A Miami Gardens transgender woman is facing charges of practicing medicine without a license after police say she injected a patient’s rear with everything but the kitchen sink in an illegal cosmetic surgery procedure.

Oneal Ron Morris, 30, was arrested Friday after an investigation by Miami Gardens Police and the Florida Department of Health.

According to police, the victim saw Morris in May and was injected in her buttocks with a substance consisting of cement, “Fix a Flat,” mineral oil and super glue.

  1. #1- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    Body dysmorphic syndrome. Article doesn’t say but I wonder if our victim du jour is happy with her/his/its looks?

    I’m surprised the victim is still alive. The body gets all uppity about what it allows to be injected into it.

    Yes, probably happy with the results.

  2. Rich says:

    Big Butted Wo… err, whatever.

  3. jbenson2 says:

    #3 – She/He should move to a more friendly location. I think she/he would blend in very nicely with the other kooks in California.

  4. Mextli: ABO says:

    Oh, Shake shake shake, shake shake shake
    Shake your booty
    Shake your booty

  5. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    This is so totally bogus, who would ever consider such… Oh, Florida. Never mind.

  6. Animby says:

    Whooooeeeee !!!
    Now that am some hot lookin’ piece of bootie dere. She am her own best advertisingment.

    When did the Hottentot look become fashionable?

    BTW – when they say she injected “cement” do they mean some sort of glue or the stuff you make concrete with? I mean, I’ve known some hard-ass women but…

  7. deowll says:

    The article I read had a longer list of ingredients including cement.

    They should not have dropped the health classes in a bid to out do every other nation on every subject taught anywhere.

    I know what is claimed but many of those nations lie and abuse people and drop them off the official lists of living humans.

    Others who are held up as role modals are going extinct and being replaced by immigrant populations.

    Blah, most of the first world is heading for the sewers in the next 30 or 40 years. I don’t have clue who might end up on top by then. Correction. Islam.

  8. BigBoyBC says:

    I thought the picture was the victim, was I shocked when it turned out to be the perpetrator. You got to be some kind of moron to seek a cosmetic procedure from someone who looks like that…

  9. Likes2LOL says:

    Gives new meaning to the phrase “junk in the trunk”…

  10. jescott418 says:

    I thought Black woman already had big butts? This lady looks as though she is birthing a baby from her rear?

  11. Dallas says:

    Obviously mentally disturbed and conflicted with her sexuality. Sad.

  12. Donaldo says:

    After switching out your genitals, this is actually pretty tame.

  13. Rich says:

    JCD, we all love you just the way you are. No reason to go to such extremes of body modification.

  14. What? says:

    That chin, ugh.


  15. Rabble Rouser says:

    There’s a reason it’s called FloriDUH!

  16. Likes2LOL says:

    Butt Implant Doctor Puts Concrete in a Woman’s Face

    A transgender woman is irate after her face was destroyed by a fake doctor who charged discount prices for botched procedures using deadly and toxic substances. Rajee Narinesingh said that she trusted Oneal Ron Morris to give her facial injections, not knowing that Morris was injecting tire sealant and concrete into her face.

    “It becomes so dire that you want to match your outside with your inside that you’re willing to roll the dice and take your chances,” Narinesingh, 48, told CBS Miami. “As a transgender person, you’re thinking, ‘Oh, my God, I can start to look like I want to look like and I don’t have to spend a lot of money.’”


  17. Rick says:

    Its easy to criticize a victim for this, but look at it empirically….should a person who is pretending to be a doctor take advantage of a mentally ill person for profit?

    Thats absolutely outrageous, and Oneal Ron Morris should be put in jail for 20 years, he’s obviously repeat offender who preys on the mentally weak.

  18. John says:

    omg its really crazy :O

  19. That is indeed a malicious act of malpractice. The cement solution injected is toxic.


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