But I ordered the unsweetened soap

Found by your Uncle Dave in a motel in Monterey, CA.

  1. Rob Leather says:

    Oh, so I guess that the sugar acts as an exfoliation agent.

    But weirdly, that brought back memories of my my grandfather who used to wash his oily hands using soap and sugar.

    • msbpodcast says:


      ByTheWay: The sugar acts as an abrasive under oil but dissolves completely under water.

      The two separate physical properties are also used in making pastry frosting; dissolving sugar in butter and then adding water to make a substantial frosting glaze? That’s how/why it works. (It also tastes goo-oo-od 🙂 )

      My maternal grand father was quite a handyman. He used “Gunk” hand cleaner.

      He invented the snow plows that they put on the front of the electric trolley cars in Montréal.

      My paternal grand father was a Spanish Civil War draft dodger, (which is where we got the survival gene in our family. [It has served me well. {I’m still here ain’t I? 🙂 }])

      He was a chef who used to attack his complaining customers in his restaurant with a cleaver, (which is where I got a temper that took me years to master. [It earned me the nickname Toto La Terreur {I used to fly into incoherent histrionic rages whenever I was thwarted.}])

  2. AlanB says:

    Get it while you can because they’ll soon switch to high fructose corn syrup.

  3. sargasso_c says:

    It would be very acidic, you wouldn’t want to get some in your eye.

    • deowll says:

      Point taken. Citrus is acid.

      Might use it on your feet to get a mild peel, remove dead skin as in exfoliate or something.

  4. seetheblacksun says:

    Reminds me of Engrish.com, but without the humor.

  5. On a Car Vacation says:

    Well I guess in the future there will be quite a lot of things we either did not know or were misinformed of
    Its best to take all of this with a grain of salt – or sugar
    Lets get in the car and go !


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