Found by Brother Uncle Don

  1. orchidcup says:

    Eating raw bacon? Have they not heard of trichinosis?

  2. Gasbag says:

    Heart attack here we come : P

  3. Animby says:

    There are a lot of things you can do and overdo with bacon.
    Making an interesting seven minute video is, apparently, NOT one of them.

  4. The DON says:

    Agreed – amusing for about 1 and half to 2 minutes, then just flogging a dead horse.

    About the bacon though…
    The bacon they were using looked like strips of fat with a hint of actual meat. I LOVE bacon fat, but it has to be in proportion to the meat, 50/50 is too much fat.

    I think the main guy is a sensationalist. He doesn’t have a pation about bacon, he has a passion about himself. Not one mention of that greatest of cullinery delights – smoked bacon

  5. jescott418 says:

    Well for your short life I guess you’ll enjoy it!

  6. shooff says:

    So we must upgrade:

    Leftovers today will include a slice of pepper bacon on top.

  7. Likes2LOL says: estimates their YouTube / AdSense partner earnings at up to $2,318,437 /yr — that buys a lot of bacon!

  8. farbauti says:


  9. Dannythedog says:

    The host is kind of an A-Hole, don’t you think?

  10. Johan says:

    Oh EpicMealTime, how I love thee. The way they play psychotic versions of themselves is great!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Can’t you just feel the left ventricle slamming shut?

    And talk about a hangover!

    I always said California was the land of fruits and nuts. Must be something in the water.


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