1. jescott418 says:

    The best thing the protesters could do is not to show ugliness in their protesting. Obey laws, respect authority and present their voices peacefully. I saw that at first but then it went terribly wrong and I saw their motivation become more about attacking authority and standing their ground then about their message. Went you act professional people listen harder about your message then about your actions. Just the opposite has happened when you become resistant and violent. Your message does not even make it to the media. The media reports on the violence not your message.

    • jpfitz says:

      @jescott418, For the most part the protesters have been peaceful. Sitting in locked arms not violence. Oakland has had some scuffles with protesters trowing bottles at police.
      So I don’t know what you mean by your statement “their motivation become more about attacking authority”.

      Anywho up with the peaceful civil disobedience. These young and old people have very real gripes and I commend them for their peaceful behavior in the face of violence at the end of a baton by the police.

      • Mextli: ABO says:

        “Oakland has had some scuffles with protesters ….”

        Ha, scuffles! They shut down the Port of Oakland and not by linking arms together. Starting bonfires, throwing chunks of concrete and molotov cocktails, and blocking streets sounds extreme to me. This is a game to most of them not a protest.

        • msbpodcast says:

          Who were these violent looters/rioters exactly?

          Tho police has been using agents provocateurs, sometime out of uniform cops, to justify moving into a location and cracking some heads.

          They feel specially empowered to do so because they aren’t shooting these people in the face with .38s, like the old Pinkerton strike breakers of a hundred years ago and leaving the dead and the dying in their wake.

          Of course the battle in the courts and in the court of public opinion is lost already, but the cops, rent-a-cops, mercenaries and cop wannabes don’t care.

          They’re self-justifying sociopaths.

        • Steve S says:

          Meh. It’s Oakland. What do you expect?
          If you ever had to drive through there you would understand. Of the hundreds of cities I have driven through for my work, Oakland is the only place I have seen numerous burned overturned cars on the streets.

  2. jpfitz says:

    Corporate America wants you. So take out that student loan, buy that house with a mortgage you can afford (chuckle). Oh, though when the cost of your education rises 80% over 3 years not to worry there are great jobs waiting for you in criminal justice.

    And when your house is being repoed, not to worry the bridge down the road makes a good shelter.

    Spend, spend, spend and be a good patriotic American citizen. Also protest only in the free speech zones. This summer will tell what’s what.

    • msbpodcast says:

      Also protest only in the free speech zones.

      LOL what free speech zones? Speaker’s corner near the Canadian parliament in Ottawa?

      The US has no such tradition. Its a culture of “Suck it up and try not to bleed out on the way home.

      This summer will tell what’s what.

      Next winter, not next summer, is going to be the time for a massive migration from the suburbs in the colder climes to squatters camps around Atlanta (a 500 acre farm on the outskirts should be cheap enough to buy.)

      People are going to make their own law, justice, enterprises just like they did and still do in the areas around Jo’berg.

      Police will definitely not be a presence in those townships. Being an official big city cop is a death sentence there.

      The major difference is that there’s no daily commute to jobs in the big city.

  3. LtSiver says:

    I’m scared that this guy will be classed as a lone wolf terrorist and shipped off to gitmo. He only gets his news from the internet, he lives alone in the mountains, it all fits that profile. He may even have a pocket constitution too! And maybe he supports Ron Paul!

  4. Buzz Mega says:

    Where’s that story about how Fox News viewers end up testing lower in current affairs knowledge than people who view all the other news sources including those who view NO TV news?

    • Kiwini says:

      “Where’s that story about how Fox News viewers end up testing lower in current affairs knowledge than people who view all the other news sources including those who view NO TV news?”

      Dear BM- The answer you’re seeking is located somewhere on our star’s seventh planet.

  5. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    The “Occupy” protest movement is still spreading, and now people are beginning to set up tents and form lines outside Best Buy to insist that holiday merchandise be sold at rock-bottom prices. We can only hope that the protesters’ voices are heard and Best Buy gives in to their demands before violence breaks out.

  6. Rick says:

    Cities are wasting millions on police phalanxes, going after protesters who are little more than litterbugs.

    Wanna save money? Drop them a few porta pottys and dumpsters, problem solved.

  7. About the media blackout the other day in new york city. I thought their is something in the constitution about freedom of press. Last time I looked their was. I think the reason for it is to prevent the government from twisting the truth whenever they feel like it as was the case in new york city at about 12.00 pm the other day. Boy oh Boy thats what really keeps the power of government in check Freedom of the press and freedom of speech.


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