So the boss is blaming everyone but herself and wants to roll out a committee to study the issue. As an alumni of the University of California system I have to wonder where they get these dipshits. She should apologize and then resign. Few highly paid do-nothing bureaucrats (Katehi = $382,000) have any sense of honor. This observation applies in all fields of endeavor where bureaucrats move to the top and get good at blaming everyone but themselves.
Related link: Lawsuits expected shortly.

  1. Hooner says:

    From whence comes all this concern about health and safety? The same people, who deny the American people health care and send our children to fight unnecessary wars, are now the champions of public health and welfare. This is the new logic that is being applied to prevent peaceful protest in America.

  2. Joe Pocolardee says:


  3. Glenn E. says:

    Apparently we’ve moved (slippery slid) into the era of getting tasered, clubbed or chemically assaulted, for carrying out a peaceful protest. A lack of patience, by the campus president, is all the justification needed to employ pepper spray on seated students. Or embarrassing an institution, by protesting its actions, in public. Rather than in a court of law, where they can keep it out of the press and the public’s eye. But such suits cost money, students don’t have. Take years to be heard. And usually ends up defeated by the one side’s many lawyers. And the cost which gets passed on to the students’ tuition fees. So it’s faster and cheaper to just sit and lock arms. And let the news media do its job. But I wonder if said media would have even felt obligated to cover the protest, if the pepper spray hadn’t been used? And now the controversy is about that, and not what the protest was about. Clever issue dodging, eh?

  4. Peppeddu says:

    4:30 “Technically speaking the police followed protocol”

    Next time could someone explain Chancellor Katehi the Statutory interpretation of the law, and the Subjective enforcement principle?

  5. #5- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    #4–Peppedu==you beat me to it. Stopped watching a minute later. Question: do you feel the police acted appropriately? // Yes, they followed protocol.

    Next statement was: “protocol is not appropriate all the time

    WHAT THE FUCK????????????

    The answers together make it sound like she thought the question was “Did the Police operate the Pepper Spray Cans correctly.”

    That double speak achieves Newtonian Levels of Bull Shiate!! I thought College Presidents were selected on their ability to lobby washington for money, or the donor base for money?

    I’m sure she can say whatever the Big Money wants to hear. Tough being in the public.
    Ha, ha.

    What is not corrupt?

    • Animby says:

      Bobbo – exactly how much is a “Newtonian Levels of Bull Shiate!! ”

      Just curious.

  6. Animby says:

    I can’t link to it but one article I read suggested the pepper spraying was well within policy. I believe the quite was something like: It’s safer to spray them than to pick them up because protestors don’t have handles.!

    I’m going to cast my vote for the prez candidate who promises to bring some common sense back to law enforcement. Repuked or Democunt – I simply don’t care.

    On other news – we’ve celebrated the tenth anniversary of the wonderful boys (and girls) in blue – the TSA. Ten years, 65,000 employees, 75 BILLION dollars and not one single terrorist interdicted. That’s what I call success! On the other hand, they have been very good at discouraging tourism into the USA. Despite the best exchange rates in years, tourism is down 5% this year and that 5% means JOBS – lots of ’em.

    Hmmm. Napolitano isn’t very smart – maybe she got tourism and terrorism confused…

  7. Publius says:

    Create a steering committee to create a committee to look into the problem to create guidance for someone else.

    Wow that’s a good plan, Bureaucratus!

    The plan is, “it’s not my job to actually do anything,” she says.

    • JohnnyBGoode says:

      The poor cop will be punished into early retirement with a full pension. Yup, he’ll be just gettin’ by.

  8. JohnnyBGoode says:

    Did all bureaucrats go to the same Orwellian double-speak school? Maybe most of them read 1984 as a handbook!

  9. Dallas says:

    Oh please. prob making $500K/yr when you include kickbacks, she’ll throw her own mother under the bus.

  10. Patrick says:

    I’m guessing the interviewer is a student, so I will cut her some slack, but she really needs to work on followup questions. She can’t let Katehi slither out of her responsibility!

  11. McCullough says:

    She sounds like Countess Dracula.

  12. jescott418 says:

    It might have been peaceful if they would have followed the direction of the Police to stop blocking a public travel way. Which I believe is why the Police acted. Why can’t protesters simply obey current rules? Nobody wants to prevent their free speech. But when your ask to move. Why don’t you move? This was obviously as much the protesters fault as anybody else. If you had seen Police wrestling and beating them people would be all upset too.
    I saw a couple really smart kids get up and move away just before the Police officer started to spray. Its too bad they were a minority who had sense enough to know when enough was enough.

    • JohnnyBGoode says:

      I wonder how this country would have turned out if the colonists had just “obeyed the current rules?”

      • McCullough says:

        Don’t bother, some people will never get it.

        • jpfitz says:

          jescott418 says:”I saw a couple really smart kids get up and move away just before the Police officer started to spray.”

          Obeying the rules will not get your message heard. It’s called civil disobedience for a reason.

  13. msbpodcast says:

    I can’t listen to that woman…

    First, from the sound of it, the university had a diversity quota to fill and the daughter of the Greek cleaning woman who used to tidy up the old chancellors desk became available. (Its called English woman. I had to learn it as a second language, my wife had to learn it as a second language and we both speak it far, far better than you do. [What else isn’t she capable of doing? {Obviously her job!}])

    Second, she’s trying to blame everybody but herself.

    Sorry but as long as you have the title, part of your job is to throw yourself on the live grenade and take one for the team.

    That mealy-mouthed BS attitude might be fine in in the Parthenon (and look at the fine shape the Greek economy is in,) but in this country, the buck stops at your desk.


    Incompetence is not rewarded at UC Davis.

    I wish that the banksters would apply that same principle as well…

  14. Micromike says:

    My son works in the California college system and over the years I have been astounded many times at the unethical doings of college administrators he has encountered. In a world of corrupt professionals the education system certainly has no shortage of them.

  15. EnemyOfTheState says:

    A selected portion of the larger group is gassed. Ring any bells? Obey your orders.

  16. Miguel says:

    Heck! She doesn’t sound American one bit!

  17. NewFormatSux says:

    It’s her fault for not kicking the kids out of school. Kick a few out and the rest would have packed up and gone back to the dorm.

    • Cap'nKangaroo says:

      And speeders, shoot a couple and people will start to pay attention to speed limit signs.

      Proportionality matters.

  18. #23- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    Oh Animby—you know I’m using the idiom of student to master, not volumetric objectivity.

    Silly Rabbit.

  19. John E. Quantum says:

    She sounds to me like a kindergarten or first grade teacher rather than a college president. Perhaps she takes the Fox News view that well, pepper spray is really just a vegetable product. Actually, so is ricin. Everyone is just lucky that the police don’t have drones (yet).

    • Mextli: ABO says:

      Drones can’t compare to the good old water cannon and the cannon keeps the streets clean while it works.

  20. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Did you know she has a blog? With the title “The Chancellor offers some common sense.”

    here is a link to her last postings including “The Civility Project” from Oct 26, 2011.

  21. Somebody says:

    It’s time for Gov. Moonbeam to swing into action!

  22. jpfitz says:

    Couldn’t watch more than a few minutes of her pussy footing. She’s (Katehi) a Tool. Same old same old.

  23. Fletch says:

    She has no shame! She needs to be pepper sprayed!
    Allow this to happen to our sons and daughters. Simply put – unacceptable!

  24. LtSiver says:

    John: Agreed. Unfortunately these highly paid dipshits work everywhere, and usually in management. And government or private, they get bailed out and paid even more for getting bailed out.


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