A sheriff’s deputy was dispatched last week to a Florida elementary school after a girl kissed a boy during a physical education class.

School brass actually reported the impromptu buss as a possible sex crime, according to the Lee County Sheriff’s Office.

The assistant principal of Orange River Elementary School called in the cops after a teacher spotted the smooch Wednesday at the Fort Myers school. In fact, Margaret Ann Haring, 56, initially called child welfare officials, who directed her to contact the sheriff, according to a report.

The kiss apparently occurred after two girls debated over whom the boy liked more. That’s when one of the girls “went over and kissed” the boy. The redacted sheriff’s report notes that Haring “stated there were no new allegations of sexual abuse as far as she knew.”

Deputies do not appear to be further probing the preteen kiss.

Oh the horror!

  1. Dallas says:

    OK , it had to be done


    • The Monster's Lawyer says:


    • #6- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

      Dallas: Great Idea. Horrible execution. Great Post.

      thanks for sharing.

      • Dallas says:

        Thnx. Could of done a better job agreed. I only had a few minutes.
        I need to hurry and buy the dOmain name pepperspraycop !

  2. dusanmal says:

    Perfect example of PARTIALLY true story hyped and spun for worst reasons. Despicable journalism. Missing part:

    “… School says that police and Florida Dept. of Children and Families were called to the school after information about a separate, non-school related situation was brought to their attention, unrelated to the students kissing…. “

  3. msbpodcast says:

    If she’d have drop kicked him in the crotch, maybe … but kissing is not a violent offense.

  4. msbpodcast says:

    Tim Henson in Distorted View Daily is probably all over this like flies over a sub-Saharan African’s child face.

    After all, he knows that Florida is our most fucked up state.

    • notacow says:

      Mississippi is far more fucked up, but the illiteracy rate in that state keeps it quiet while Florida makes all the noise.

  5. NewFormatSux says:

    The Supreme Court ruled that this is a legitimate case of sexual harassment, so schools probably are going to be oversensitive to such things to avoid the lawsuits.

  6. Dallas says:

    Conservatives are out of control

    • jbenson2 says:

      Dallas, you might want to read the full story before jumping to your typical conclusions. The media is the one who is out of control.

      The police were notified when the school authorities found out about a non-school related situation that required legal involvement.

      Sorry if that does not fit your tired template.

      • Dallas says:

        Who and when police were notified is a don’t care. It’s the WHY they were notified!

        Why do Teapublicans hate innocent white children doing what is harmless foreplay?

        • Cap'nKangaroo says:

          After a lot of digging I found this link from the Lee County Public School System dated today.

          http://leeschools.net/info/pdf/Orange River Elem Clarification 11_22_11.pdf

          As far as being able to read “the full story” I cannot locate any story containing the clarifications.

          • Dallas says:

            Good find. It says what it pretty clear to me already.

            The red herring being tossed in here by the conservatives is if the police were alerted on the first call or the second one. Good lord. Busted!

            PDF statement:
            It is true – a physical altercation occurred between two female students that one female student kissing a male student on the cheek (Incident 1)

            I’m gonna pepper spray someone right now

  7. Donaldo says:

    Who in hell said this was conservatives??? Our schools are bastions of leftist union control freaks and bat-shit crazy feminists!

    • LibertyLover says:


      (simulated pressing of the Like button because one doesn’t exist)

  8. deowll says:

    They were rather older than the picture implies and this can get into all sorts of crazy things like disease transmission however if the Principal can’t handle this she needs to be demoted to educational assistant.

    • deowll says:

      To a truly ignorant person. Why are rubber gloves and being issued and Clorox wipes? Why do I spend time wiping off keyboards and mice? Why are you charged with assault if you spit on a cope? It’s fear of blood born and fluid born diseases you ignoramus!

  9. two to the head says:

    This blog now takes 4x longer to load from the net. WAY SLOWER THAN BEFORE.

    Too much crap loading from to many different servers…

    therefore I don’t check it as frequently.

    Used to check in 1 to 2 times a day, more if a good topic was cooking.

    Now. Rarely.

    It’s to frickin slow!

    Sorry JCD and editors but this blog got fucked by the redesign.

    Hope you can straighten it out.

    • orchidcup says:

      Are you on dial-up, or worse, satellite?

      I see no difference.

    • McCullough says:

      My DSL speeds are 15mbps down, 6mpbs up, consistent.

      I do agree. I noticed it as well on my older computers, (I have 10 computers, different OS’s). But on my newest computer i7 processor Win 7, etc. No problems.

      So I agree, There is something about the redesign that affects the speed on older systems.

      I have brought this to John’s attention, FWIW.

  10. pierrelarsen says:

    Military might is no help when auto destructing from within. You Americans are just as crazy as us Europeans – just differently.

    Together we united ding bats are destroying western civilization.

  11. JMJahn says:

    Those two kids were just kissing their future goodby, what’s to get upset about ? Clairvoyance ?

  12. Peppeddu says:

    OK, now to play along, the parents of those children can sue the teacher for the emotional distress she has caused by calling the police.

  13. Benjamin says:

    They probably are mandatory reporters and didn’t want to lose their job about not reporting it like happened to Joe Paterno.

    • Benjamin says:

      Of course they should have left their paranoia at home, but they are Floridians.

  14. jpfitz says:

    “Lee County Sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to Orange River Elementary School after two female students were debating over who liked a 12-year-old boy more. At that point, one of the girls walked over and kissed the boy – leading an assistant principal to call authorities.”


    When in grade school while the teacher was away we played spin the bottle. I can imagine in this day and age a swat team repelling down ropes from a blackhawk hovering above to break up the insurrection.

    Religious Florida nanny state shame shame shame on you. Typical religious right wing reaction. Make war not love.

  15. #37- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    We need to nip this sexual exploration/exploitation in the nibs or it will only advance to playing doctor with all the attendant charges there. Nothing a good dose of pepper spray couldn’t accomplish just as Dallas so adroitly pointed out.


  16. James Harden-Hickey says:

    Folks, the big news here is that the police did NOT deploy tanks and helicopters to control this potentially explosive situation. My God, HOW do we expect the police to do their jobs if they CAN’T deploy tanks and helicopters for EVERYTHING? I mean, it just makes a MOCKERY of their new, all-black, video-game-hero uniforms with all those straps and buckles and Nazi helmets and sniper rifles and grenade pouches and other really butch-looking stuff!

  17. Rick says:

    I once showed my female next door neighbor my weiner when I was 6. She was also 6. I guess that makes me a sexual predator now.


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