These are cropping up everywhere. Here are a few of the better ones. Don’t be shocked if he gets his own “reality show” soon.

  1. Dallas says:

    This is hilarious!! LOL

  2. msbpodcast says:

    Yep, Lt. John Pike is not going to be forgotten any time soon.

    The internet is like forever baby. Every potential employer is using it to rule out loose canons now.

    He’ll never get to anybody who might be hiring him now.

    Some low-level peon in HR will ash-can his employment applications before is ever gets seen by anybody higher up because that’s the job of that low-level peon..

    He’s going to have to change his name and maybe go for plastic surgery. (While he’s at it, he might want to get a tummy tuck. 🙂 )

    Kind of like Lt. “Tony Baloney” did the NYPD so proud pepper spaying two female bystanders. Did he feel personally threatened by two women who were standing on the sidewalk? LOL.

    WTF is it with these goons?

    Yeah, I think I’ll throw away career, my salary, my pension and expose my employer to civil rights violation lawsuits, with plenty of video evidence on which to hang myself to boot…

    Rock on camera wielders… Rock on…

  3. Grandpa says:

    They (1%) have their Tea Party(Republicans), we (99%) have OWS(Democrats). Together we can’t agree on anything except to tear apart America and make it better.

    • Grandson says:

      Things have changed since you were a boy, gramps. Democrats and Republicans in office are the 1%, Original Tea Partiers and OWS are the 99%. Quit watching Fox News and MSNBC. Tear this F’er down and rebuild.

  4. abusdriver2320 says:

    That cop doesn’t miss too many meals. I bet he had to hurry to make it to the nearest buffet so he could ‘get his moneys worth’.

  5. Micromike says:

    The Fat Pig is just one more in a long chain of symbols denoting American oppression of citizen/subjects. The talk of revolution is taking on a more serious tone and the ruling class wants more for themselves and less for us the 99%.

    What would a reasonable person do?

  6. im not trying to brag or anything but I got this Meme going. 😉 <– via this template

  7. I would also like to see this Meme IRL, please use this accordingly. LULZ TEHPLANET

  8. Schleprock says:

    Still think the McCrary at Penn State acted differently than the majority of people? Look at the other officers standing there watching this. Police have a misplaced sense of loyalty.

    Try substituting one of the following words for “police” above:
    Sports fans, Democrats, Republicans,Tea Partiers, Catholics, Americans, Iranians, Middle managers,dogs, etc., etc., etc.

  9. seetheblacksun says:

    Oh, he’ll get a “reality show” alright…

  10. NewFormatSux says:

    No they want to occupy retailers on Black Friday. Hope you weren’t planning to buy anything.

  11. sargasso_c says:

    Totally LMAO!

  12. scandihoovian says:

    Act like a pig and be treated like a PIG. I’m glad Anonymous released this idiot’s information. Every single protester should have a camera taping these days, and streaming to the cloud in the event their device is seized (and destroyed).

  13. Schleprock says:

    That would be a great show! If you fail the trial, you get pepper sprayed, water boarded, slammed in the gut with a club etc..
    You could use poor people for contestants, and if they lose, they could clean the bathrooms. If they win, they get to sweep the floors. It’s about the jobs.
    I see Barbara Bush as the host.

  14. jpfitz says:

    Sacrilege, defacing the DSotM Album, Sacrilegious I tell you.

    I can see this is spreading like wildfire. Pigs on the wing.

  15. ± says:

    in case this hasn’t been posted yet, here is the mother lode

  16. TThor says:

    As if Lt. John Pike did this by his own decision? Come on! The liutenant was an ass but it is bosses you need to hunt, and that includes the horrible woman that runs that institution.
    A despicable, cowardly cow!

  17. Dean says:

    Pepper spray is to food as Mustard Gas is to Condiments.


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