1. Tommas says:

    Mom? Dad? …not again!!!

  2. Nolimit662 says:

    A member of NWA after retirement……and many Michael Jackson like surgeries later.

  3. 1% says:

    Can you tell, that this is San Francisco?

  4. dadeo says:

    I’m so old I forgot to paint the O in until last!

    (so photoshopped :p )

  5. #5- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    #3–1%==Nice nom de flame and appropriate here. Cantilevered Bay Windows. Could be SF.

    Of note with the OWS–so far, outside of Oakland, the Message would have been “Save the Cops.” Such flower power.

    I agree that Peaceful Protests only works 1% of the time, if that.

    #4–dadeo==I suppose the space for the “o” was photo shopped too? (Irrelevancy/off). Doesn’t look like a standard spray can in his hand, the spray paint is quite neat too.

    I am always duped by photoshop. No doubt, as had to be pointed out by comments, the spray can in the Pepper Spray Posting just below is also photo shop. Ha, ha. Is it a good thing to be SHOVED to distrust everything you see? Maybe so.

    Well lets see. The cost of admission here is a caption:

    Liberals. What Ya gonna do?

  6. Its not me says:

    Mort, it’s COPS, not CODS. Here let me show you!

  7. AC_in_Mich says:

    Occupy the Senior Center!

  8. Bert says:

    So they don’t like the TV show… ?

  9. canamrotax says:

    Occupy Berkley turns ugly…

  10. seetheblacksun says:

    How long is this going to take? Why red?

  11. Gary says:

    Vampires out in the daytime?

  12. sargasso_c says:


    • The Monster's Lawyer says:

      Those damn Cods. You can’t make a proper spotted dick with them.

  13. Gasbag says:

    Granddad remember the sixties : P

  14. Jess Hurchist says:

    60’s generation of protestors hits 60

  15. Dallas says:

    No more Coffee Cups! Get more Mugs!

  16. CheapGuyCt says:

    John and Adam circa 2022;
    John’s showing off his new blue wardrobe.

  17. UncDon says:

    Social commentary during difficult times: If cops had more sex, they wouldn’t be so tense, and not pepper spray or tase as often as they do.

  18. Bryce says:

    No comment necessary. Picture speaks for itself.

  19. deowll says:

    This was supposed to have started as opposition to some government policies by people who thought the answer was to give the government more power.

    Now you have a bunch of lack wits fighting it out with local cops and local governments who may share the views they claim to support but have no use for people who act like they were raised by apes.

  20. Somebody says:

    Y’all are a bunch of whoosies. Old school it would have been:


  21. EstCstCrkPt says:

    John and the Misses: OWS Oakland represent.

  22. Rob U Blind says:

    Cartman:”goddamn hippies”


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