1. Animby says:

    Never understood the term “beaver.”
    They don’t look anything at all like a vagina.

    • MJL says:

      Animby, Maybe because they “get wood?”

      • MKS says:

        To MJL,

        The topic itself is stupid. Prominence of beaver in senses of animal, zoology, pelts, hats, fur predates by centuries any equal significance in the language for sexual meaning of beaver (now, however, inescapably and forever linked). Having said that, your response strikes me as clever by a good deal! Like all good humor or punchlines, attacks the sensibilities from an unexpected direction.

    • LibertyLover says:

      I suspect it may be older than we all think. A “beaver” is part of a helmet that covers the mouth. (smirk)

      Other myths from the inet:

      1) It evolved from trappers masturbating with the soft pelt of a beaver.

      2) It is a reference to castoreum; the bitter, putrid smelling secretion produced by the male and female beaver. Which collects around the vaginal follicles of the female beaver.

      I hate to say it, it is a direct remark towards the smell of an unwashed woman’s vagina. Which after quite some time, can begin to resemble this smell. It was a phrase popularized in the 17th century, when the trade of castoreum went from the Americas to Israel, and everywhere in between.

      3) Question: What is a beaver?

      Answer: A furry critter that sits on your face and tries to swallow your tongue.

      4) In the 17th – late 19th century, women were wont to depilate their vaginal regions for both fashionable and health reasons, however for comfort purposes (using the equipment of the day) it was found that some form of covering was required to avoid irritation. The remedial object was known as a merkin. You’ll find this word in large dictionaries described as a female or pubic wig. Merkins were fashioned from fine beaver pelts, hence the modern idiom.

  2. Dallas says:

    ‘Hoo-ha squirrel’ is more Disney friendly and keeps kids giggling.

  3. McCullough says:

    Old joke: June Cleaver says to husband

    “Gee, Ward. Don’t you think you were a little hard on the Beaver last night?”

    “Gee, Ward. Don’t you think you were a little hard on the Vagina Squirrel last night?”

    I dunno….still kinda funny.

  4. sargasso_c says:

    Oh! Totally lost it and laughed so hard I held my head in the toilet for a full 5 minutes. Thankyou.

  5. DogEars says:

    There was (retired now) a well known and respected doctor in Virginia name Harry Beaver. And, of course, he was an OB/Gyn.


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