A crowd of UC Davis students confronted chancellor Linda Katehi in the wake of an incident that occurred between protesters and campus police on Friday.

According to reports, police unleashed pepper spray on a group of students protesers who were part of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Video footage of the protest shows that students were sitting quietly when police began to show off a can of pepper spray before dousing the students.

Katehi held a press conference on Saturday to address the incident. Students began to surround the building in protest and she reportedly refused to leave amid safety concerns. Finally, the students cleared a path for her to exit. As she walked back to her car, surrounded by students, some began to ask her questions, which she mostly brushed off.

Double the fun by playing both videos at the same time.

  1. PMitchell says:

    dumb ass kids dont follow the law, dumb ass kids get pepper sprayed , how hard is that for the OWS morons to understand

    • The Defender says:

      Dumbass PMitchell doesn’t understand Constitutional right to peaceful assembly.


      • PMitchell says:

        no you dont understand the constitution and the law try this

        also for future reference make sure you can spell before you call some one a” dumb ass” it is words


        • PMitchell says:

          Mr defender please explain why you think the right to assemble trumps all other laws and do you feel with your logic that I should be able to go to the Oval Office of the President and sit in and protest the Obama care law with Impunity

          • memesis says:

            Oval office no. White house yes and as often as possible. I have not been there for a number of years but there use to be a couple guys living on the side walk across the street from the white house protesting They where there for years. Does anyone know if they are still there?

            By the way just because someone is bad at spelling doesn’t mean there point is moot. I scored a 1550 on my SAT’s 16 years ago missed one question on my ASVAB cant spell for shit though does that make me a moron?

            We do have people who buy the government to do there bidding on a daily basis right in Washington they are called lobbyists. So, just because its law doesn’t mean its right.

          • PMitchell says:

            why not the Oval office, couldn’t it be that it is considered private property like the property the protesters were sitting on blocking normal traffic.

            The dumb asses scream about a constitution they know nothing about, there is a right to private property and they are on private property and last I read that trumps the right to assemble

          • memesis says:

            Your right it is public property however someone does live there. I think everyone has a right to a private living space. Of course I think all politicians should be run out of town.

    • notatall says:

      I’m curious…when you were in grade school did you root for the class bully when he picked on kids at recess?

      Pick on those kids for, well, being dumb ass kids if you like. But do you get some kind of sexual turn-on from watching cops attack people who are defenseless and as harmless as Hindu cows? Is it a domination thing?

      • Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

        It’s a “failure to conform” thing. Conformity is strong in authoritarians, and a huge percentage of conservatives are authoritarians.

  2. Buzz Mega says:

    Note to UC Davis Chancellor: Fire the cop who did that. Set the example. Sit with the protestors. Agree with issues in you that overlap with issues they’re touting. Find that common ground. Talk to them.

    It’s a no-brainer. Except that you must think in order to act this way.

  3. memesis says:

    I wish the protesters down there where black or southern rednecks or something? They would not put up with that and would beat the crap out of those police. Its time to start using force on police that use violence on the people there suppose to protect. Ya, there will be casualties but what is your freedom worth to you?
    I dont agree with the ows movement but at least there F&%$ING trying! Why don’t you look in the mirror and ask what you have done to help society besides buying things and watching TV?

    • Sam says:

      Someone with the intelligence that you claim to have (in a previous post) would endorse the kind of violent reaction that you would expect to cause harm to public servants and citizens alike?
      In regards, to your previous question – Yes, you are a moron. Promoting and supporting damage to public and private property, injury to people who are just doing their job, and out right ignorance is moronic.
      What have you done to help society besides buying things, watching TV, and reading blogs.
      Please share that information with us instead of running your test taking credentials.
      We need people who can make the changes that need to be done legally. Most of those kids were there just to be on TV or to at least say they were there in class the next day.
      The overall objective of making change is lost when the violence begins.

      • notatall says:

        “…endorse the kind of violent reaction that you would expect to cause harm to public servants and citizens alike?”

        Perhaps you could point out the public “servants” in that video for us. I’m seeing black/brown shirt wannabes, but no servants.

      • memesis says:

        If you must know.
        I am an artist. I create stories and art that makes people question every day normalities that societal evolution forces us to live. I try to get people to question everything instead of blindly believing everything they read see watch or are told.

        I was not telling my scores to puff myself up I think those tests are a joke all they do is test how well you can memorize things. Not critical thinking. I was stating it for this reason just because you cant do something doesn’t mean your no good at other things.

        I live by the phrase “the things we own end up owning us”. I own a computer, phone, materials for creating art, car, cloths, and a couple books. The phone, computer, and car are essential for work. Else I would not have them.

        I grew up homeless on the streets until the age of 13. I never watched TV until I was 13 or 14. I thought immediately it was a joke. Because from my standpoint no one lives like that and why do I want all that crap there selling. I just wanted food.

        I read this blog because I listen to noagenda. I don’t necessarily agree with everything they say but they question everything and try there best to get you to think about everything you are consuming.

        I ask you this one thing do you want to feel safe or do you want to feel free?

  4. Holdfast says:

    PMitchell I do not understand. Do you have laws against protest in the USA? I thought that the right to protest was one of the basic tenets of being free.

    • Richard says:

      I would say it’s a clear violation of their first amendment rights, but the attitude of the country has changed quit a bit in the last 30 years.

  5. Milo says:

    When did everyone become such slack assed cowards? Cops used to beat people up, university officials used to confront protestors, and protestors used to provoke a beating to shame the authorities.
    You say you want a revolution? Well you know, someone has to do something!

  6. Dallas says:

    Disgusting use of force against university students doing what is as American as Apple pie. These Klingon goons in their star wars suits need to to prosecuted,

    • tcc3 says:

      Don’t be silly, Dallas. Klingons have a code of honor.

    • BigBoyBC says:

      Apple pies are not American, Klingons are from Star Trek not Star Wars. As usual you can’t get your fact right.

      • Dallas says:

        You seem like you’re good at trivia! Just leave the big think to liberals. We’ll save your ass from yourself

        • BigBoyBC says:

          Delusional as always, thinking you’re smarter and know how to take care of others better…

          Keep drink’n Barry’s FoolAide, and blaming everyone else for whats wrong in the world, some day you’ll grow-up and realize YOU’RE THE REAL PROBLEM!!

  7. John E. Quantum says:

    I think the police just got tired of listening to the idiotic chants and left. I wonder who gave the order to use the pepper spray?

    Every police officer gets pepper sprayed at least once during training so they know how fun it is to be subjected to it. Closest thing there is to becoming a hag fish. Gives the protestors bragging rights.

    Joking aside, it looked uncalled for to me.

  8. notatall says:

    The funny part comes in a few years when all these “losers” and their generation take over and all of a sudden, cops wonder why their pensions were defaulted on and why all of their benefits were dropped.

    Think these kids are too “liberal” or “progressive” to do that someday…? Underestimate them at your peril, donut-chokers.

    • msbpodcast says:

      What makes you think their pensions are not going to be defaulted on right now?

      If the choice is between some dumb cop’s retirement and some rich person’s interior decor, the $10k ottoman is likely to be purchased and the old ex-cop is going to get the bum’s rush.

      • notatall says:

        Maybe because the dumb cop was the one getting his rocks off with the pepper spray, night stick, rubber bullets, flash grenade, etc. Maybe to send a message to the other dumb cops that the price of “just following orders” of the $10k ottoman club and brutalizing the unarmed and defenseless is being penniless in your golden years.

  9. Sargent Pepper says:

    There’s a temporal element to all stand-offs.

    Somebody’s timer goes off or somebody blinks and what usually unfolds is not pretty or defendable. You can’t hold your breath forever.

  10. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Reminds me a a pepper spray incident in Northern California. The protesters were in the council chambers protesting (nonviolently) timber harvest of Redwoods, I think. Since aerosol spraying would have rendered the room unusable until it dissipated, the Sheriff had his officers soak Q-tips or cotton swabs with the pepper spray and then swab the sitting protesters’ eyes.

    The county was taken to court over this as being “cruel and unusual” but the courts found in the county’s favor. It always struck me as being more about immediate punishment of the nonviolent protesters than about crowd control.

  11. Badda bing says:

    Well what the hell, you mean when a cop asks then tells you to move they actually mean it.

    Guess they should have stayed in class. No sympathy.

    The world is a cruel place all I get is an education and an I phone 3, where the fucks my I phone 4.

    Their grandparents at least had a reason to protest. Over privileged brats.

    • Cap'nKangaroo says:

      So I take it that you would be perfectly fine if the cops used firehoses and let loose police dogs on the sitting protesters too?

      • notatall says:

        Careful , Cap’n…you’ll give him a hard-on with that kind of talk.

      • Badda bing says:

        Not at all. The water will dilute the pepper spray, and the dogs might get sick chewing on the the ipads.

        I do expect that when my money goes to support education that those receiving the money actually attend class.

        At least the idiotic tpotty actually has talking points to their protests.

        What are these little fuckers protesting? That life is unfair. Some people have money and they don’t. To damn bad, life is NOT fair, you have the same ability to succeed as anyone else. Success is earned not given. Stand the fuck up and earn your success. Look to your idol Steve Jobs, he went out and earned it no one gave it to him. He managed to get the little fuckwits to buy everything with an I, iphone, ipad, ipod, imac. Look at all the money he made, look at all the money he gave to charity, oh wait that’s right he didn’t, that’s Bill Gates, you know, the antichrist poster child for big buisiness.

        • McCullough says:

          Badda bing SAYS: “To damn bad, life is NOT fair, you have the same ability to succeed as anyone else. Success is earned not given.”

          So the banker bailouts were FAIR, that white collar criminals who get away with murder should be tolerated? They EARNED their huge bonus while their company tanked? Really? They earned their ability to succeed? How fucking stupid are you anyway?

          Crawl back under your rock. You are a moran.

          • Badda bing says:

            oh boo hoo, just because you are not smart enough to play the game you want to change the rules. They used the system to get ahead sounds like they succeeded. Now go post some more liberal tripe.

          • Badda bing says:

            Oh that’s right you already did.

        • McCullough says:

          Oh, so I am a liberal now, interesting. I knew you were an idiot, thanks for proving my point.

          • Badda bing says:

            Oh your gonna make me cry. The big bad man called me an idiot on the internet. How will I ever survive? Keep buying those lottery tickets you might even be successful one day.

    • steve says:

      I never understand this default answer. Why do you just assume that nobody works to put themselves through college anymore; that everybody under 30 is automatically spoiled and obsessed with getting a new iPhone?

      Is there something I missed out on that says this generation of kids magically have more money and privilege than you did in college?

      • So what says:

        I don’t necessarily think its a default answer. Did/do you receive financial aid? I did, I also worked a 40 hour week to pay for college. That aid money came from both grants and loans which came from taxes. I would say that I had some responsibility to ensure that I earned that money by attending classes and maintaining at least the expected GPA. Maybe that was just my own ideology. Today I see a number of younger students-by younger I mean twenty five to thirty-when I teach technical materials classes. The common theme is that if its not on the test they don’t care. They don’t appear to have the drive or the will to succeed let alone excel. They want to be given the benefits of the skill with out obtaining the knowledge. Its surprising how often I look out over a class and see people playing with their phones. They usually don’t pass the exam either.

        The OWS movement does seem geared towards the concept of entitlement. Perhaps this is just the result of the spin of the media coverage. What exactly are they protesting? I have yet to hear any real arguments. Yes, much of the wealth in this country is tied up in a very few. Is this fair? if not, why not? Did they not work for it? Is it wrong to be successful? Is it wrong to reap the rewards for being successful? Is it wrong to want to keep what I may have earned through the abilities that I have cultivated? Why should I give some of what I have gained to someone else?

        Because I don’t like it or its not fair that someone else is successful and I am not, seem awfully childish excuses to protest. It seems more than just a bit hypocritical to want to succeed in something and decry those who have.

        As far as the video, its missing a great deal of context it starts at the point of pepper spraying I would like to see some video of the 20 or 30 minutes leading up to this point. If someone has an article or other video please post a link.

        • Cap'nKangaroo says:

          I have not paid much attention to the protesters, but what I have heard is great disappointment with the bailout of the banks and with the tax rate of the richest Americans in this time of huge budget deficits. Also great anger that some of the richest, most successful corporations pay little to no corporate tax (think GE).

          Some of the things the more moderate protesters would like is for the top individual tax rate to go to 39% from the current 35%. And for some of the more glaring tax loopholes to be closed. And for the corporate lawmaking (read lobbying) to be reduced.

    • Johan says:

      First of all: It’s not up to you to decide what is good reason to protest and what is not.

      Second: Are you kidding me? Your rights are being taken away one by one, and, as it seems, all of your politicians are corrupt. I’m not saying us Europeans have it better, but f*ck man, people in the US should be rioting!

      • So what says:

        So its a lot like Europe, minus the idiotic violence. Stay in your own yard little yappie dog.

  12. White dog says:

    Student loans now fund campus police swat units with riot gear. “Peace officer” is now an oxymoron. And look it up, the “lieutenant” who sprayed these kids was paid over $100,000 last year. And you wonder why the cost of education is exploding. College has become a warehouse for our human resources where they pay for their own upkeep. What a system.

  13. BigBoyBC says:

    Videos never lie, but they seldom tell the whole truth either…

  14. msbpodcast says:

    I call BullShit on her being scared to leave her office because of the students.

    I suspect she’s more scared of the campus cops, those fine specimen of human decency, who would show no hesitation at pepper spraying anything they don’t salute, meaning anything not in a uniform with bigger ropes on its shoulder.

    Good thing they didn’t play Bruce Cockburn’s “If I Had A Rocket Launcher“. You’d have a real riot on your hands.

    As it is, that cop had better watch his back and his credit rating. You don’t want to fuck with people who are computer wizzes.

    He might want to make sure he never rides alone in an elevator either. It would be trivial to hack a modern elevator to bounce him around between floors until he looks like an egg: broken…

  15. nilum says:

    Umm. I don’t really have any sympathy for someone who tries to justify police brutality.

    It doesn’t look like she has a logical basis to be afraid other than the fact that she knows sticking up for those officers was the wrong thing to do and her paranoid mind is creating delusions of expectant retribution.

  16. John E. Quantum says:

    So What says “The OWS movement does seem geared towards the concept of entitlement. ”

    Not all those kids are stupid and greedy. Some are protesting the fact that the deck is stacked against them.

    • So what says:

      “The OWS movement does seem geared towards the concept of entitlement. Perhaps this is just the result of the spin of the media coverage.” There fixed it for you.

      • Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

        I find the contrast between the real media’s coverage and the “Fox News” coverage to be amazing. Like two entirely different events were happening.

        Key point: the real media doesn’t even understand the movement, yet the “Fox News” coverage pretends to know exactly what they stand for and that it’s bad.

        Here’s where much of this media coverage originates.

  17. EnemyOfTheState says:

    I was just so proud that my son (a UNLV student) was taking a girl to see The Ron Paul Road Show in Las Vegas. I even coughed up money when prompted, for a great evening afterwards.

    I found out my kid takes ALL his dates to see The Ron Paul Road Show…to get laid!

    It may be “stacked against” them youngsters but do not despair, some have their priorities in order.

  18. NewFormatSux says:

    Kick them out of school. Not only were they in violation of school policy, they clearly didn’t understand the Constitution, and need to go to remedial school.

    As for the pepper spray, they shouldn’t get credit for civil disobedience if they can’t handle mild treatment like that.

  19. Anonymous says:

    It’s amazing how truly stupid people can be. Guess that’s why some of them are at SCHOOL!

    What’s worse are those cops! I bet that fat lazy one with those 3 cans of pepper spray would have used a stun gun or a tazer if he had one. He might have even used his service revolver if there were a way to do it and not kill anyone or at least not get caught. It’s also a good example of how one “doughnut-boy in blue” can tarnish the image of the other cops when he/(she) amps it up a few thousand degrees by one stupid move.

    (And on a side note, it’s also amazing just how often dumb/guilty cops have facial hair too. And since no department in America allows full on beards so it’s as if these dummies are trying to hide or something. Therefore, never trust a cop who doesn’t shave his whole face.)

    My how things have NOT changed in 40+ years. Looks like we’re headed for another Berkley massacre — or worse!

  20. NewFormatSux says:

    Having government handing out student loans, makes these kids think that the campus is part of the government.

  21. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    These protests are a smelly, important part of democracy. It stretches things and Americans are entirely too complacent these days.

    Incidents like this are ugly, but I’m impressed with how little violence there has been so far.

  22. NewFormatSux says:

    Out of money, an OWS protester uses an ATM and it asks if he will accept a $1 fee. He knows the money will just go to a greedy, corrupt bank. Does he hit “Yes”?
    Sure, it’s his parents’ card anyway.

    A priest and a rabbi walk into a bar; an OWS protester walks into a baton.

    Roseanne Barr, Anne Hathaway, Michael Moore, Kanye West, and Susan Sarandon attend protests against economic inequality.
    Roseanne Barr, Anne Hathaway, Michael Moore, Kanye West, and Susan Sarandon attend protests against economic inequality.

    John Keynes, Friedrich Hayek, and Karl Marx walk past an OWS demonstration. “Idiots,” says Hayek. No one disagrees.

    A weary OWS protester returns to college.
    Roommate: “How are you?”
    Protester: “Not so great. I have body lice, the flu, and a screaming case of gonorrhea.”
    Roommate: “You caught the flu?”

    What’s the difference between Barack Obama’s nebulous whatever-you-want-it-to-mean 2008 campaign and OWS?
    Three years.

    What’s the difference between intentionally provoking a caged bear in a zoo and intentionally provoking a tired cop at UC Davis?
    Bearbaiting is illegal.

  23. Cursor_ says:

    Is it going to have to come down to a Kent State incident before the US finally wakes up?

    The authorities are out of control.


  24. NewFormatSux says:

    Kent State at least shut down campus protests, combined with eliminating the draft of course.

  25. jescott418 says:

    Free speech is one thing. Doing what these students are doing does nothing. They are just annoying and creating unrest. What ever happened to just having a peaceful rally? Because they do this just to get sympathy from the media filming it. I do not blame the Police for spraying them. It seems like a better way then wrestling with them. Nobody is worse for wear after the effects wear off. You can always get up and walk away peacefully.

    • Cursor_ says:

      Are you some 85+ year old guy who thought the very same thing during Vietnam?

      Because if you were not around back then and think this, then there is something really wrong in your head.

      Or would you rather people don’t make a scene because it makes you uncomfortable?


  26. haymoose says:



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