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Art By: Nick the Rat

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  1. EnemyOfTheState says:

    That canister needs a “Raid” label

    • msbpodcast says:

      I’m glad to read that you are so supportive of higher education.

      These aren’t the homeless, they’re university students surrounded by other cell phone toting students.

      See how far the other cops are? That because they know what Lt. John Pike has in mind and they are not getting any of that stuff on them.

      Too bad for Lt. John Pike he just picked on people whose hacking skills are much beter than his own.

      He can be utterly destroyed with some key strokes punched in with out a trace in by someone even slightly vindictive.

      He may find himself without a home, a car, a driver’s licence, a bank balance, a 401k, but named on the No Fly list and with arrest warrants in three neighboring states.

      Mexico is always an option for Lt. John Pike. Maybe the Zetas are looking for a torturer.

  2. #2- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    Great Pic. I saw a can about 1/1oth the size and thought it was huge. completely appropriate and within guidelines I assume.

    Ha. I want to take some time to process that. Didn’t we invade Iraq to stop the use of chemical weapons against peaceful citizens?


    Nevermind. We’re Exceptional.

  3. Harry says:

    I guess the first amendment should just be torn up and discarded.

  4. Kenno says:

    There are always two sides to an issue.

    The newscast I saw did show them sitting there peacefully enough, but they were blocking traffic, refusing to move, and therefore breaking the law. Lawbreakers must expect consequences because other people also have the right to proceed without being blocked by protesters.

    Break the law – expect consequences – grow up and quit whining and running to yer mommy when you don’t get your way!

    • Observer says:

      You say there are always two sides to an issue, then you proceed to trash the protesters. So, dickhead, are there always two sides to an issue, or not?

      • Martin Malone says:

        Yes, The other side they did not show on national TV was the fact the Cop went up to the protester siting on the ground and asked him to move along or he/they would be sprayed..the response was a resounding “Fuck you” when these pricks block a public sidewalk, and invade my rights as a taxpaying citizen, now my rights are being trampled. “Unlawful assembly” “Unlawful assembly is a legal term to describe a group of people with the mutual intent of deliberate disturbance of the peace. If the group are about to start the act of disturbance, it is termed a rout; if the disturbance is commenced, it is then termed a riot.
        Cant they keep moving carrying signs, being respectful, etc. No they wish to camp on public property and be part of the problem, not a solution to it. How much is this costing the taxpayers in resources by all these police departments.
        I fully understand they are upset, so am I. I know they are frustrated with it all, but I sure does not give them the right to violate my rights to access public buildings freely as intended.

        • Observer says:

          Another swing-and-a-miss. Apparently there aren’t two sides to this issue. The protestors are completely wrong and the cops are completely right.

          • Martin Malone says:

            Oh the protesters are all in the clear and can do no wrong..Swing and a miss? crazy talk!!

        • Observer says:

          I’m so sorry your rights were trampled, Martin. Did you manage to get past the protestors blocking the sidewalk?

          • msbpodcast says:

            Take a look at the situation, its a nice day, there are hundeds of students on the lawn next to students with phones obviously smarter that the canister wielding cop.

            The is even asphalt visible on either side of the walkway. Even I could get by leaning on my cane.

            They weren’t even really blocking the walkway.

            This was campus cop troll bait and the trolls fell for it.

    • Your Owner says:

      So who’s going after the crooks on Wall St. etc who have been breaking the laws for years and years and years? You say “break the law, expect consequences”, but what you mean is “break the law in a petty and meaningless way as to block a road for a little while and expect massive over reactions and blood. However, break the law in a massive way that affects millions and millions of people when you are filling your own pockets, and don’t expect any consequences”

  5. Accremonious says:

    As a long time observer of news events, I rarely recall any protest type movements that have successfully effected any significant changes by demonstrations, sit ins, or rioting, for that matter, in the “free world”! What is always available and under used, is joining a political party, then getting your issues on the adgenda, or even starting your own party. Prime example of this is our current Canadian Prime Minister Sevie Harpoid, who has hijacked the Progressive Conservative Party by merging it with his Reform Party to form the Canadian Conservative Party, then conning the masses into giving his new party a majority in Parliament.
    Judging by the current amount of Occupy Protest movements in Canada, the jury is still out on how long his majority will last in future elections. When only 46% of the unemployed are elligible for Unemployment Insurance it appears that the Occupiers have a case, but don’t understand how to implement change! Stay tuned as they say!

  6. B. Dog says:

    Rhodium is an element often used to plate white gold.

  7. ECA says:

    Median income??

    Dear dave,
    you have been involved in science.
    HOW does science do estimations? for TRUE averaging?

    how about this?..
    Take all your numbers, and average them..
    Then take an Equal part off the top and bottom, and do the average again.
    Take another Equal percentage off the top and bottom..average again.
    Compare the averages..if there is a big swing in the numbers, something is OFF.. The gov. estimates dont do that.

    This is like adding 1000 people getting $10 for a job, and the boss getting $1,000,000..Average wage? $1008 each? it dont work.

  8. ECA says:


    It used to be..
    we policed ourselves..
    WE HELPED the police and, most times, something was done..
    IF NOT, then word was spread around and EVERYONE knew what was happening, and whom to avoid. LOCALLY.

    our rights have been removed.
    Cops dont even Investigate/watch/check on what is passed to them.
    COPS have 1 job..ARREST someone and let the Jude decide.

  9. ECA says:

    you must be a registered party member…
    to attend any of those meetings.

  10. Blind Justice says:

    Nice photoshop job on the picture showing the pepper spray container “supersized”.

    And remember to have all your protestors sprayed or neutered.


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