1. Read says:

    “What actually goes on inside Herman Cain’s head?”

    Not much apparently.

  2. msbpodcast says:

    Hermans Cain’ view of foreign policy is “How little do I have to pay wetbacks?

    If this twerp became president, I can only hope that he’s not stupid enough to come to any negotiating table…

  3. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    He’s auditioning for Fox.

  4. Dallas says:

    This is a Teapublican top runner. Fuck’n scary

    • McCullough says:

      I agree, it is scary that this guy has gotten so much support. I have lost faith in the ability of the American people to make sound judgements.

      And that goes for both parties, obviously.

      • Dallas says:

        Agree the American sheeple are no longer inclined to choose the best to govern, lead and represent the collective interest.

        It’s now like a football game. Pick your team (or what daddy told you to pick) and defeat the other team.

        • ± says:

          If by sheeple you mean people who vote Democrat or Republican, then you are right on.

  5. deowll says:

    Well at least Cain seems to have been as well informed on the topic as Obama. You might want to go back and play the video clips of Obama on this topic if you think I’m being unfair. This was going to take how long?

    It was also kind of obvious after the fact that the guy running the place did have a base of support and that he might not be any worse than what we helped put in power. The Arab brotherhood wants to establish a pan Islamic world and some of you just wouldn’t fit in.

    Yes the situation was in some regards broken but we have very little evidence that we are better off for our investment of resources. I’m not even sure the locals are going to turn out to be any better off. Time will tell.

    For right now I don’t think Obama and Clinton are reading the Arab Spring any better than Bush read Iraq with his weapons of mass destruction justification for his lame brained invasion.

    Replacing a bunch of secular minded dictators with religious zealots is not a win for the US of A.

    • Dr Spearmint Fur says:

      Yup, Mahmoud Jibril and Abdurrahim El-Keib are a couple whack jobs. Obviously they were educated in some country run by religious zealots.

  6. The0ne says:

    This would’ve been a lot more funny if it weren’t so freaking late being posted here!

    In any case, republicans fueling laughs for me is a great thing.

  7. NewFormatSux says:

    Some guys are really bitter about the authentic black man who grew up in Georgia is a conservative unlike the Hawaii/Indonesia raised Obama.

    As for foreign policy, that reset button isn’t working out too well, but it looks like he is willing to use his programmers to take out Iranian nukes.

    • Dr Spearmint Fur says:

      Whoa. When did Republicans become more whiney and needy than a post-dump Jennifer Aniston?

    • Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

      It would be a lot easier to like the guy if he had more than half a brain, could keep his positions/stories straight for, oh, say a couple hours, if his tax plan wasn’t copied from The SIMs, and if he didn’t have a score of women claiming he’s a pig.

      For a time, he was the process-of-elimination choice, but he’s been eliminated, too. I get the feeling that all the smart Republicans stayed away from the 2012 race.

      • e? says:

        A ‘score’ is 20.

        The actual tally of “women claiming he’s a pig” is one Democrat operative and a couple of vague anonymous allegations of things that made the accusers feel a bit uncomfortable in a general sort of way.

        Anyway, it’s only sex. It’s not like he’s started a war in a foreign country or handed a couple of them over to militant Islamists.

        • Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

          Starting wars is what we come to expect of our presidents these days. These guys with the wimmins…they don’t like to start wars and that’s no good.

          As for Cain’s accusers, given the number of them already, clearly this was the way he lived his life. You can’t simply brush that off.

  8. Likes2LOL says:

    Rachel Maddow discusses her thesis that Herman Cain is actually a performance artist punking America:

    Herman Cain, the practical joke no one is getting

    Made a lot of sense to me.

  9. Howard Beale says:

    he needs to go land of Nod, east of Eden.

    GOP zzzz Ha-ha! zzz LOL zzz

    Huntsman is the only one I’d even look at, hopefully when the Republicans have had their fill of red meat they will pick someone the us independents could consider voting for.

    • Dr Spearmint Fur says:

      Yup, he’s got game.

    • Cap'nKangaroo says:

      The setup of the Republican nomination process nearly guarantees that the winner will be a little to the right of Genghis Khan.

      If Huntsman appeals to independents, those most active in Republican politics in Iowa and South Carolina will do everything in their power to see he loses.

      • Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

        …and there you have the post-Bush GOP in a nutshell: a race to the far right, and irrelevancy.

        Just imagine what shape the GOP would be in had the economy been recovering more rapidly…

  10. #18- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    #7–do-ill==comparing Obama to Cain on the issue of revealed competency regarding Libya huh? Then you tell US to go find the you tubes?

    Have you NO SHAME sir?

    Well, ha, ha. Thats rather stupid of me. No Shame, No Brain, No links.

    typical Puke. Ain’t no changing that.

  11. Rob Leather says:

    Giving him the benefit of the doubt, I thought… he’s making sure everybody is on the same page.. he’s just laying down the details before saying what he thinks.

    Then the theme tune for the “Magic Roundabout” kicked in and he just left the room…. http://youtu.be/PAcnDevkTnc

  12. Dallas says:

    This Cain fumble is a huge relief to the kkk end of the Teapublican voter base. Now they can say they dislike him because he flubbed the critical Libya policy issue!

  13. Sam says:

    Cain strongly disagrees with what the u.s. did to Gaddafi. He was afraid he would say way too much!!! Have you heard Louis Farrakhan on Libya? http://youtube.com/watch?v=OY-_JsNrxiM


  14. NewFormatSux says:

    Let’s see. George Bush managed to attack Iraq with such force that Libya asked for a truce, agreeing to give up its WMD, and Iran suspended its nuclear program. Then Obama comes into office, and he reneges on the Bush deal with Libya, while simultaneously making Iran not scared of him, to the point where they restart their nuke program, and even the IAEA is willing to say so. He withdraws from Iraq in the worst possible way to meet a political deadline, and doing the same in Afghanistan.

    Actually the worst of these is Libya. I don’t care for 100 year bases in Afghanistan or Iraq, and let Israel deal with Iran.
    However, Bin Laden and Al Qaeda have stated that they are still upset over the loss at Venice and the loss of Spain, and consider that all occupied Muslim territory to be recovered. Now Obama has put Al Qaeda at Italy’s borders.

  15. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Actually, this is as lucid as Cain might need to be in order to win his party’s nomination. He may not remember exactly what Obama did, but he knows that it was exactly the wrong thing to do. That’s a message that resonates with Cain’s many admirers.

  16. NewFormatSux says:

    KKK is a Democratic organization. It is this wing of the party, which hates Herman Cain so much. White Democrats don’t vote for black politicians in the primary. Barack Obama may have won some caucuses and perhaps even a primary or two, but overall white Democrats voted overwhelmingly for someone else, with a solid lead for Hillary. His US Senate race, Obama was not the choice of white Democrats.

  17. NewFormatSux says:

    True, but racism doesn’t die that easily, and today’s liberals still carry the same strands. The racism was part of the idea that led to the various ideas of the Democratic Party, and it’s why it can’t be shaked so easily, despite taking up a civil rights agenda. The racism is intrinsic. This is why you see the championing of affirmative action which assumes racial inferiority, as well as pushing for government dependence.

  18. Glenn E. says:

    So good old Herman is the black male version of Sarah Palin. In fact the GOP doesn’t seem to have many other candidates that I’d consider much smarter than Palin, that they favor. The few that are, like Ron Paul, aren’t favored. And practically never gets mentioned. If Paul were in third place, in the polls, instead of fifth. The media would cut off at mentioning anyone below second place. Presently, they cut off at forth place, so can Perry stay.

    Frankly, I’ve become a bit cautious about electing a man whose family name is Cain. Has everyone become bibically ignorant? Why not nominate a Judas, while we’re at it. And really tempt fate.


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