1. Michael says:

    Two to the head?

    • Richard says:

      That, or he is going to have an accident on a long flight of stairs. Either way, the inquest will find suicide as the cause of death or accidental death.

      • scandihoovian says:

        The plane crash didn’t work. They’ll have to become more creative in the future.

  2. Jetfire says:

    “sieg heil”

  3. PMitchell says:

    Hey I like this guy . Can we hear more from him he sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders

  4. KVolk says:

    Farage rocks…

  5. Cursor_ says:

    What a load of trite.

    Here is this guy a citizen of a nation that is named after a bunch of Germans, The Angles. Inhabited chiefly by French and Germans. With a monarch that is primarily German, Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, changed in 1917 by George V to distance himself from the two other Germanic rulers of the time cousins Nicky and Willy.

    And he speaks of a German dominated Europe?

    Pot meet kettle.


    • dittmv says:

      EU Population 500 Million
      Germany population 80 Million

    • Celery says:

      I doubt Cursor lives in the UK but rest assured, we are not mostly German or French. If you follow that ridiculous logic then we are all South African.

      • So what says:

        More rift valley than south african.

      • Cursor_ says:

        People in the UK have more German and French in them. It is in their surnames and faces.

        Wave after wave of immigration and invasion from 600CE to even now.

        Brits haven’t been real Brits since the Romans left.

        And the rest of Western Europe is Germanic by the way of Frank in them. What do you think France means? Land of the Franks. And the Franks were Germanic.

        And you want to deflect the fact that you not much German?

        The history alone shows the lineage. But it is a bitter pill to swallow when you want to maintain national zeal.


  6. Proud Alien says:

    What exactly are you ranting against, John?

  7. The DON says:

    I like this guy too, and a lot (most) of what he says is true (with some slight exaggerations thrown in for comedic value).

    Being in the UK though, it is very difficult to see why this guy is not well known / loved by the general population. There is little reporting on his actions, and the general consensus from the mainstream media is to show him in the light of being an attention seeker, and not worthy of serious consideration.

    The fact that he predicted the warned us all of the impending doom of the Euro many years ago just goes to show that … hold on, got to go, X-factor is starting.

  8. Chelle says:

    What he doesn’t say is why there is a crisis and who has caused it. Such as a Greek government and system that was corrupt, same goes for Italian mismanagement, and than there is the lot of London Offshore bankers that love to triple their rent to countries only to make money on the head of the regular working man. This type of guy is the worst, not caring about creating a healthy community but trying to destroy it and profit from the downfall. Ugh.

  9. Dallas says:

    I like him alot and we need more like him in our government. He’s like our Al Franken. Instead we have a bunch of passive clones seeking reelection.
    The British Parliament is the best vetting venue around. This is an example.

    • jbenson2 says:

      Farage is a conservative.
      Stuart Smalley is a flaming liberal.

      • Dallas says:

        I didn’t look and don’t care if he’s conservative. He’s probably more like a William F Buckley than the suck asses you celebrate now as conservative idols.

  10. NewFormatSux says:

    The whole continent is going to go Islamic with sharia law, helped along by the EU which criticizes any parties that try to restrict immigration, as being ‘fascist’ hate parties. See Austria.

    That the EU was a bad idea was obvious from the beginning. That it took Greek bankruptcy to break it apart is surprising. Perhaps the recent ruling that water cannot be advertised as hydrating will push the breakup along.

  11. Ranger007 says:

    All of this Euro business wouldn’t have happened if we had just moved a little faster to establish a one-world government. We might call it the “United Nations” and encourage the representatives (duly appointed, at least initially, by their own sovereign nations) to make laws that take precedence over our own. Their collective wisdom would be in our best interests, after all, don’t you think?

    Our loss I suppose.

  12. Anonymous says:

    You know, he (Farge) may have a good point: NON-ELECTED people put in charge of POWERFUL positions is an abomination against a free society! You just can’t make it any more stupid than that for the truly stupid to understand. (And if you don’t even know the definition of “abomination” then you’re even more stupid than I gave you credit for.)

    And speaking of abominations! Anyone paying attention to the latest SOPA issue? If you thought a German dominated EU was something to get concerned about then you ain’t seen NOTHIN!

    SOPA is a proposed bill that is masquerading as a proposed anti-piracy law but in reality will allow other powerful entities (like those EU dummies) to effectively censor web sites like this one.

    And quite frankly, I’m really surprised that JCD isn’t all over this either.

  13. #22- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    That was a barn burner. Good Stuff. When the common currency idea was first implemented I was in Frankfurt. Banks were advertising something like a 15% return on Euro denominated accounts while the same sort of vehicles in the USA were below 12%. I thought about investing in the Euro but I thought the system was not integrated enough to work. then for 20 years, I could have doubled my money compared to investing in the USA. Now, it looks like in a few more months==I will have been proving right. I have to learn to spot bubbles and learn to take advantage of them rather than look thru only to the substance.

    On that meter, I would say it is Greece that is dominating the European Union. They retire on full pensions at age 50 and don’t pay any taxes while the Germans work hard. Who’s your Momma?

    Probably some details need to be dug up. In context isn’t the reference to German Domination one about their culture of conformity and dislike of anything different===you know like that other German Domoniated Union the USof A? But to be fair, the UK and the USA while heavily of German Stock, are not German by way of culture===well except for the conformity and dislike of anything different part. Yes, we are all Germans there.

    Ha, ha. Imagine combining currency but not fiscal control? Its like putting bureaucratics in charge of anything important. Thats ok, what is the redress?

    I didn’t read the article about water not hydrating. Its true that water advertising is mostly fraudulent FUD. So is the complaint against it.

    Same as it always was.

  14. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    Hmmm. The Brits, Germans and French all hate each other. That is indeed news.

  15. Ah_Yea says:

    I give Europe another 20 years before a major war.

    America made fortunes as the supplier of arms to the world. Made a fortune in WWI, fortune in WWII, fortune in Asia, fortune in Africa, etc.

    Time to invest in Arms Manufacturing??

  16. ECA says:

    I find it interesting..
    These unelected persons..

    NOW, if these person had to PUT MONEY into a kitty, that was affected by the occurrences of the EURO…they would PROBABLY make the best decisions, for their OWN good.
    Take PART of a nations GDP, and invest it into the Value of the EURO, and base prices in your nation, on the value of return.
    I think its time for a NATIONAL BANK..SCREW international banking.

  17. Nickelthrower says:


    I own a small company that produces boutique audio gear http://www.blackboxanalog.com We thought about selling in the EU but the regulations there make it next to impossible.

    Where possible, I like to take components that are on their way to a landfill and recycle them into my my microphone preamps. I especially like to do this with surplus military parts as those parts will damn near last forever.

    Because I can not show where these antique components come from, how they were made or the materials that produced them, I can not sell in the EU.

    They claim that they do not want lead and mercury in their landfills but I produce an electronic device that is built so well and is so easy to repair that you’ll have to will it to your grandchildren. Most consumer electronics have a shelf life less than 2 years so I can understand their worry about poisoned landfills but their “one size fits all” approach is not worth my time.

  18. #30- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    #29–Nickle==whats your point? Either you make enough units you should provide the requested information, or you make so few no one should care. Every “exception” to a rule is a potentially a pipeline for fraud. I have no doubt you are not trying to manipulate the system but its the system that needs to be nourished==not every yobo that wants to be treated special.

    Same with false advertising for water.

    • Nickelthrower says:


      It isn’t in my hands as the product was picked up by a retailer. The option to sell in Europe just doesn’t exist because of their rules.

      Look, I lived and worked in Germany for several years but returned to the United States because starting my own business in Germany was just too difficult. Those guys are the kings of bureaucracy.

  19. AdmFubar says:

    he sounds a bit more like Bill Maher

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Bill Maher made a big deal when Gray Davis was being recalled how there should be a new rule of no recalls. I am waiting to see if he will say the same with regards to Gov. Scott Walker in Wisconsin…
      Also, Bill Clinton and Al Gore chimed in against the recall of Gray Davis.

  20. TThor says:

    What a wonderful speech! This is UK’s answer to Ron Paul. So sad there are nobody else in the ‘system’ that is equally vocal. Would assume there are Spanish, Italian and Greek that would have som harsh words to express. But no. All quiet. It is only Nigel Farage that dares to call out the farce that EU is. Good man!

  21. deowll says:

    Good speech. He didn’t mention the tie ins with the American banking system but then why should he?

    2,500 marines means jack to the modern Chinese Army.


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