Wonder why the internet is as free as it is? A lot has to do with this senator who was awarded the Pioneers Award by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. He is responsible for section 230 of the Communications Decency Act which protect ISPs from liability for what users post.
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Congratulations, Democratic Senator Ron Wyden for protecting our internet freedoms from monopolistic corporations and their bribed Teapublicans.
We Love Oregon.
A senator that fucking gets it
What a concept
Big deal. He voted for campaign finance reform, so he gets no free speech credit here. The FEC has already started to require websites that spend more than $250 to file disclosure forms. And of course the campaign finance law says any mention of a candidate within 60 days of an election is forbidden. The idea mentioned above helped out big corporations like the aforementioned AOL.
So, just from reading this weeks posts, and ISP has no liability for what is posted on “their” websites but the Feds can search and seize the ISP’s servers and computers for the very same postings?
Heh, heh.
Kinda of a morass isn’t it?
Really doesn’t strike me as a lot different from the old (now antique) concept of the phone co. as a common carrier. Nobody ever sued Bell because somebody said nasty things on the phone, but they had to give up their records to a warrant. That they gave up those records with a little too much enthusiasm doesn’t negate the underlying principle.
Classifying ISPs as common carriers would be the same, but the indemnity (should) carry certain obligations as well – open carriage and a requirement to provide service where it might not be profitable e.g. – and that is too onerous for todays corporate entities to even contemplate.
All I see is a Senator bought off by the ISPs to protect their interests. Freedom of speech advocate, hardly.
Meh, sour grapes. The EFF is a MUCH better judge of freedom of speech advocates.
Go back to Fox News, there’s something in there about the negro.
You are blinded by your own ignorance, he’s a politician, they never do anything for the people.
Keep drinking the foolaide, you mindless sheep. Some day you’ll wake-up, perhaps even grow-up and realize ALL politicians are liars, cheats and thieves and that neither party is better than the other.
By the way “negro”, really? You Racist butthole…
Ask him how much time he spends with his rich campaign donors instead of with the people that voted him in office…
Multiple times during 2008 & 2009 he was way to busy with his friends to speak for free with his constituents. We finally gave up asking him to speak because we couldn’t afford the $1,000’s it would cost to get his attention.
Now we don’t even bother, but wait until his re-election.
Then he voted for the health care bill with its electronic medical records that everyone hands over to the government. All for research purposes of course, and of course your privacy will be well protected, as its a priority of Ron Wyden.