1. Rick Haskins says:

    DoD/CIA’s new waterboarding technique for future terrorists.

  2. jpfitz says:

    Shut up seed and grow or I’ll water (board) you.

  3. pwuk says:

    Someone used the wrong testube at Monsanto labs.

  4. Mac Guy says:

    This is how the DNC grows its next generation of voters…

    • msbpodcast says:

      Well, its marginally better than the RNC which is the manure in the kid’s diaper.

      But it makes no difference. They all smell like shit, look like shit and talk shit.

  5. Ralph Schiano says:

    The federal government develops method to grow new Human Resources. They won’t need YOU any more, SLAVES.

    In the morning!

  6. LoneSQRL says:

    Baby on (water)Board

  7. seetheblacksun says:

    Future Jerry Springer guest…

  8. dadeo says:

    New potted plant features self-watering system and bonus: it makes its own fertilizer!

  9. The DON says:

    Mary, Mary, Quite contrary,
    How does your garden grow?

  10. Dallas says:

    101 102 uses for Ducktape

  11. Ian says:

    When I grow up I want to be a weeping willow.

  12. Buckwheat says:

    Baby Mandrakes from the world of Harry Potter?

  13. Jackie says:

    “But I don’t wanna grow up!!”

  14. scandihoovian says:

    The perfect solution to drown those sorrows out.

  15. Tr0yJ says:

    A new ‘Plants Vs Zombies’ advertisement campaign crops up.

  16. Donal says:

    Illegal grow op

  17. AsylumWarden says:

    Oh look… another opportunity to attack X political party instead of just having some fun!

  18. Howard Beale says:

    Anne Geddes it’s all your fault our parents to this sort of thing to us.

    I hope your happy.

    • Howard Beale says:

      opps sorry i didn’t see that Ted had already made the Geddes connection.

  19. hop's daughter says:

    “why do I always get “picked” to be the flower!?!?”

    thanks for all the love D-uncensored crew!

    Cristina Hopper-Fischer

  20. nilum says:

    “Waterboarding: The Early Years”

  21. Cry Baby says:

    “Just add water. This plant makes it’s own fertilizer.”

  22. UncDon says:

    “Waaaaah! I wanna rum, not water! Waaaaaah!”

  23. Gasbag says:

    Grow you bastard grow : P

  24. Hyph3n says:

    Michelle Bachman’s Home Water Boarding Kit… when you NEED to know who took the remote!

  25. Mini-me, you’ve been the same size since 1970…all your clothes are wearing thin…..so is my patience…a dose of fertilizer washed down with this water should make you grow into the man you should be.

  26. wirelessg says:

    Occupy Flower Pot

  27. “This is not how I grow. STOP! pouring water on me” 😀


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