Click to embiggen

THE might of the US military has arrived in Canberra ahead of President Barack Obama’s visit to the national capital on Wednesday.

A C-17 Globemaster which is believed to have on board the President’s Cadillac limousine, dubbed the Obamamobile, touched down on Saturday.

The car travels the world with the President and can reportedly repel any kind of attack, including one using chemical weapons. A US Marine Corps Black Hawk helicopter was patrolling over the nation’s capital yesterday and US officials have been in Canberra for days planning the trip.

  1. Raimo Haanpää says:

    From a safety perspective does it really make sense to have a long car like this? We already saw what happened in London

  2. seetheblacksun says:

    Well he definitely needs it.

  3. Chris says:

    It’s only weakness: it gets stuck on steep ramps…

  4. the dude says:

    max speed 60mph??

  5. DogEars says:

    Secret Service has their own driver training center.

    “embiggen” ???

  6. UncDon says:

    Does it have fold-out helicopter rotors for emergencies?

  7. Animby says:

    By the time you figure in the jet fuel to transport the monster, this car probably has the biggest carbon footprint of any street legal vehicle in the world.

  8. Benjamin says:

    I would think that after Obama’s preaching about the environment that he would ride around in a vehicle that gets better mileage than 8 mpg.

  9. msbpodcast says:

    I can just see Obama in a Prius

  10. HB fan says:

    Dick Dastardly and his Mean Machine.

  11. kerpow says:

    I guess the more bombs you drop on others the more bombs they want to drop on you.

  12. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    What? No spinners or curb feelers?

  13. Dallas says:

    Clearly this vehicle carries not only on the most powerful man on earth, but it’s most valuable.

    I bet it has a pop-up turret in case Obama sees a terrorist or pirate.

  14. Micromike says:

    How will it stand up to a Phoenix missile launched from a drone, the same ones Obama uses to do murder by remote control? Sooner or later there will be tit for tat and none of our elected officials will be able ride in convertibles.

  15. deowll says:

    RPG-7 A cheap and effective solution to a simple problem.

  16. Animby says:

    Dallas? Was that really you? Thank you for my morning laugh.

    • Dallas says:

      There’s always humor in truth. Who’s your pick as the most powerful, valuable person on earth?
      The Mormon ?
      Sex predator Cain?
      Parolee Newt?
      Yabetcha Palin?
      Bad hair weave Trump?
      Loon Bachman?
      Oops Perry?

  17. Animby says:

    Deowll: Don’t answer the door. That’s the Secret Service knocking…

  18. The Watcher says:

    Waste of money….

    Even many Democrats agree that we’d be better off without him….

    Much better….

  19. No point to killing him, ten more trigger-happy, creepy, lying sock puppets would pop up to replace him within ten minutes. I mean Joe O’Biden is next in line and that would be a huge downgrade having a drunk retard as Potus.

  20. NewFormatSux says:

    The real Obamamobile is a tiny car that gets the government mandated 62 miles per gallon, and very expensive.

  21. deowll says:

    They should already know the problem exists. My stating the obvious doesn’t change it nor does it constitute a threat.

    I figure the only reason some terrorist with access to such weapons hasn’t taken out Obama is even they don’t want Biden to become President. I hope they both die of old age though in my view they’d really feel more at home in Cuba, China, or Russia.

  22. sargasso_c says:

    For confused Americans, Canberra is the capital city and federal capital of the great nation of Australia. AUSTRALIA. Is not the 51st US state. You visit Aussie, take a tip, bring sunnies and jandals. Not black hawks and limotanks. Tankolimos? Whatever. And beer.


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