Having tried some of these crazy hot peppers, I do feel his pain. It’s one of those things you almost have to train for.
Video – Rookie Takes on the Worlds Hottest Pepper, Pepper Wins
By McCullough Saturday November 12, 2011
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Who wants chowder?
The effects of very hot capsaicin (the hot stuff in peppers) can
be countered with food high in calcium caseinate like ordinary milk. My kids useto stuff a piece of bread in their mouth to absorbe the hot stuff before they started crying with pain.
The merciless peppers of queziltacatanango. Grown in the jungle primeval by the inmates of a guatemalan insane asylum
I used to eat hot foods often; now I’m out of pratice and it is too painful. Those were the days.
Spices are no problem. (Whatever he’s having, I want some, just not raw and alone like that. The guy’s an idiot. 🙂
I make an appetizer* that is a pleasure to eat. Consisting of hummus with Thai peppers, Kim Chee, Wasabe, daikon and paprika that is actually quite tasty (though some people run from the dining room screaming silently clutching their throats. [I call them wimps.])
What hurts is chemistry as its happening.
I used to eat a pizza and follow that up with an ice cream cone. Try it… (If you’re under a certain age, its no problem. After I hit the magic cutoff age of 40, it was like I’d swallowed a ball of nails… [I was confirming it for my older friend Mark. My stomach hurt.])
12oz. can of chickpeas, (reserve some of the liquid,)
1 clove garlic, finely minced,
1 lime, juiced,
2 tbsp tahini,
2 tbsb extra virgin olive oil,
1 tbsp Thai peppers,
1 tsp Kim Chee,
4″ long string of Wasabe from the tube,
1 tsp daikon,
1 tsp paprika for added color and flavor.
Mix in a quart chinese food container with an immersion blender using the reserved juice to adjust the consistency.
Cut nan bread into pieces and lightly toast.
Transfer some hummus into a dip container and ENJOY.
A man throwing up in a rubbish bin. Classy, Dvorak. Real classy.
You were never 12. Or if you were, you’ve forgotten.
12 year old’s come here often do they?
Apparently not . Just grumpy old men with hemorrhoids.
Yes. Let’s just reduce this Blog to the lowest common denominator.
Speaking of hemorrhoids, sometimes those peppers are lot spicier coming out than going in!
I’m based in Thailand, these days, and many like their food really spicy! I love it! Until the “end” result hits during a jungle trek. You got any idea how rough a smooth banana leaf can feel after a spiced splat???
I gave you my recipe (reply to What above.) Now you gotta give yours. 🙂
I must have an asshole made out of seasoned cast iron. I’m still waiting for an afterburn.
It’s only spicy if you have to put your toilet paper in the freezer the next day.
What a wuss! 😉
I grew some Bhut’s (I’m assuming these were Ghost Peppers in the video) this summer & have anise stockpile in the freezer. I put them on everything!
On the downside, you can’t really cook indoors with them. I made the mistake of frying one up with a burger & it was like the entire house was filled with tear-gas. It was insane! So now if I’ want to fry with them, I do it on the grill outside while wearing a mask.
For some reason the only time I’ve had them seem almost unbearable was when I put one on a hotdog in place of the usual sport-peppers. Maybe it was just an unusually hot one, but that about brought me to my knees.
The thing that gets most of the people I see on youtube eating them is NEVER eat on on an empty stomach, or you will get doubled over in pain. Even eating a piece or two of bread beforehand will save you.
Oh wow… I’d forgot about the time I sautéed some habañero peppers in the kitchenette we had in Battery Park City.
It was the first opening in our apartment so people were tearing up the instant they were coming to our house that evening.
It was a great evening. The music was great, the wine flowed, people were real friendly, clothes went to a minimum and nobody wanted to leave.
I should have realized why.
The peppers were hot and the closer you got to the front door, the hotter it got… 🙂
I have a freezer bag full of small crinkled peppers my Uncle gave me. A half pepper to a stew pot is as much of those things as I want. I’m not about to touch one of those things straight.
msbpodcast says: “Spices are no problem” Thanks for that. Sounds delicious. Sadly, the Chink restaurants here do not use the food containers you refer to so I guess I can’t make it at home.
I missed your reply due to Dvorak’s wonderful new nested replies crap. Not that anybody in charge of the blog seems to care…
Haha!!! This is my NPR station and I heard this report on the way in to work last week! Made my wife and I laugh so hard! This pepper is up for the hottest pepper in the world in Guinness Book of World Records, it’s 1000 units hotter than the current champ or something like that. It’s grown in North Carolina.
If you smoke or drink you might need hot peppers to get ANY SENSATION out of your taste buds, but if you don’t, you don’t need to TORTURE YOUR TASTE BUDS with this crap !!! As I do not smoke or drink, I avoid hot and even WARM PEPPERS !!!