
  1. Dallas says:

    A little painful to watch and he should have written them on his palms like Palin would have. Can’t wait for Jon Stewart, Bill Maher,..

    …If I were moderator:
    Which is the third, Rick? Which one? Which one? Dept of Motor Vehicles? Which one? Which one? Which is the third? We can’t proceed with debates until you name the third. Which one? Viewers want to know… Which one? It’s not the EPA. Which one? It’s not Men’s Department. Which one?

  2. Mick Nash says:

    I’m glad for this. Finally Admiral Stockdale can be let off the hook for the worst debate flub in American political history.

    Rick is a useful idiot.

  3. LoneSQRL says:

    Rick Perry might be the perfect candidate. Republicans forget important things. Ask Ronald Reagan.

  4. McCullough says:

    Just a lovable gaffe, kinda reminds me of a former president, what was his name again, uh, uh, uh.

  5. god says:

    Which part was a surprise? That he’s from Texas, a Republican?

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Borrowed from another blog:
    Ron Paul could have whispered, “Fuck you, Detroit” and Perry would have automatically repeated it.

  7. Dallas says:

    Don’t want to spread rumors but an open box of tampons was spotted in Rick Perry’s car.

  8. Animby says:

    Jeeeez. I’m no Perry supporter but I’d like to see any one of you guys stand up in front a couple million people and speak off the cuff. I’ve drawn the occasional blank in front of a couple dozen people! True, if they were allowed to have notes, he should have written it down. Like O’bama does for every little talk he gives. .

    Oh, they aren’t allowed teleprompters in the debates?

    • McCullough says:

      Maybe, but compare this incident to his incoherent ramblings in New Hampshire last week.

      This guy specializes in shooting himself in the foot.

    • kerpow says:

      Bullshit! He can’t remember because its not sincere. He’s only jumping on the bandwagon. Ron Paul wouldn’t have forgotten the agencies.

    • tcc3 says:

      Being president is hard. If you cant stand up and “speak off the cuff” about policies you supposedly believe in, you’ve got no business seeking the office.

    • Tj-the former catholic says:

      I think most of us can relate to what happened to him.

      I can also relate to the kicker who shanks what should have been a winning field goal.

      The problem is that Perry keeps shanking these debates. Sooner or later you come to the conclusion that you can’t depend on the guy to come through in the clutch and you find somebody else.

    • So what says:

      Speak off the cuff my ass. They train for these things. They have handlers that grill them in mock debates before they debate. The idiot knew he was going to a debate. Gee my message is about the overwhelming amount of government regulations. It my be a good idea to be able to speak about what I would change if I were president. The guy is another fucking idiot and given the current state of the voting public he has an even change of winning.

  9. DocColorado says:

    My thoughts were “Where is his teleprompter like Barry uses?”

  10. seetheblacksun says:

    Funny how he has to turn to Ron Paul to help bail him out after he tore into Paul at the Reagan Library debate. Karma.

  11. JimD says:

    DUMBER THAN PALIN !!! NOT Presidential Timber !!! More like a STEAMING DUNG HEAP !!! Sayonara, Rick !!!

  12. The0ne says:

    Keep them coming Rep! My year is looking grim but these debates are a joy for me. Hopefully stupidity doesn’t win or rather the less stupid would. Go whomever that may be *cough-ron paul* cough.

  13. Howard Beale says:

    Comedy writers most see pArry as the gift that just keeps on giving.

    oh and Animby Obama did just fine in his 2008 campaign debates without a one of those teleprompter that ALL Presidents use for public speeches

  14. Rob Leather says:

    Love how it’s Ron Paul who dives in correct him and put his idea over.

    That’s pretty funny.

  15. jpfitz says:

    “The DFW is suffering from another orange ozone health warning, where electronic billboards on the highways advise us to limit our outdoor activities. Incredibly, those warnings are all too common here and around Texas.” Just one statement at an EPA hearing this year.

    No wonder Ricky want’s the EPA “restructured”. Stay indoors and hope the wind blows the pollution to neighboring states. How does staying indoors keep your air clean and breathable, unless you have some expensive air filtration for your home your shit out of luck.

  16. #23--bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    KERPOW has it exactly correct and Animby continues his downward plunge into Conservative Perfidy.

    Compare Parry’s senior moment with Romneys right after: Romney initially misstated how long he had been married for====but Romney “knows” how long he has been married unlike DumbAssTexanRick who couldn’t remember three things so he was able to correct himself. Dolt.

    By the way, it is on par with DumbAssTexanRick for FlipFlop Romney to proclaim that he is the most consistent and firm, or whatever he lied, person running for President.

    Ha, ha. They are all Dolts and worse are the idiots posting here who won’t admit the simple truth piled up in front of them.

    We are all doomed.

  17. Uncle Dave says:

    I still subscribe to the notion that the Republicans want to throw the election and candidates like Perry are doing nothing to dissuade that idea. Nominate someone the rest of the country can’t seriously vote for so that Obama gets reelected.

    Assuming JCD’s prediction that 2013 will be when the real economic shit hits the fan, Obama would then take the fall for it rather than the Republicans.

    On the other hand, the Republican party seems to be such a conflicted mess that this may be the best they can come up with.

  18. Micromike says:

    Whoever gets elected will be an ignorant sack of shit, like this guy, and he will know he has to do what he is told, like Obama.

  19. bobbo, HEY!!!===I'm having a "moment" says:

    If I were a USA Politician, why would I ever want my party “in power?”


  20. Richard says:


  21. Richard says:

    Personally, I would replace these with one.

    Economic Adjustment Office
    Economic Analysis, Bureau of
    Economic Development Administration
    Economic Research Service
    Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs
    Economics and Statistics Administration

    Call it maybe:

    Bureau of Lying about Economics

  22. two to the head says:

    I think somebody has been spiking the punch bowl. Just like they do to all the presidents. Seriously. I think the CIA runs the whole show, but we will never know…

  23. GregAllen says:

    Wow, didn’t think it could be done.

    A GOP candidate who makes Sarah Palin not seem so dumb.

    • Dr Spearmint Fur says:

      The Tea Party screwed the pooch by tossing up joke candidates. Now comes the Gingrich run at Romney.

  24. GregAllen says:

    Good thing for Perry, conservatives _prefer_ their candidates dumb.

  25. Animby says:

    Uncle Dave – good point. The prediction is that China will become the world’s leading economy during the next administration, too. Maybe the Repubs don’t want THAT on their resume, either.

    Of course, similar things were said about the McCain candidacy and … oh, wait.

    You know, there are a lot of smart, non-slimy, non-fundamentalist people in the USA. Seems like a couple of ’em ought to be Republicans!

  26. #35- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    #34–Animby==isn’t asking for non slimy candidates for political office kinda like asking for peaceful freedom fighters? Hmmm, no punch there. How about: like asking for healthcare providers who take chickens? Lawyers who do pro bono on cases that never get publicity? etc.

    But seriously–isn’t that Huntsman? Which is why he is at 1% in national Republican Polls (8% in New Hampshire). I could see him giving Obama a run for nomination had he changed parties when joining his Adminstration. Ha, ha. Imagine THAT!!!!…… If he knew early he wanted to run.

    A sterling candidate, except he’s too liberal for the party that nominates him.


  27. caranpaima says:

    Speaking of teleprompters…. Perry’s blunders were anticipated for quite a few:


  28. KMFIX says:

    Of course this guy wants to get rid of the department of education… No explanation necessary.

  29. Glenn E. says:

    President Oops, that’ll be his handle someday (if elected). First Obama, then Oops? Is America being punished for some reason.

    So he does know (or can’t name) which three dept.s he’d eliminate. But just so it’s three of them. Any will do, I expect.

    Problem is, they’ll just end up being replaced with some others. Like the Dept. of Red China, for a start.

  30. Dr Peppermint Fur says:

    Well at least he didn’t do anything stupid like confusing the 16th and 18th centuries. Now that would be like, you know, totally embarrassing.


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