And beer bongs rectally as well, and lets not forget trying to get a buzz from ‘drinking’ Vodka through eyeballs.

  1. e? says:

    Cool! Great instructional video! It could have gone a bit more into the mechanics, but my friends and I should be able to figure it out.

    Thanks JCD

  2. Dallas says:

    This explains why Tampax is applying for a liquor license.

  3. themaddog1068 says:

    Wow I hope they don’t get the Beer Bongs confused??

  4. BigBoyBC says:

    Coming to a Starbucks near you, “Espresso Enemas”, for that extra special caffeine buzz…

  5. scandihoovian says:

    Goes great with bath salts!

  6. jim says:

    The next party I go to I’m bring my own beer bong.

  7. Rebeljt says:

    Its not your mothers tampon.

  8. Brian says:

    Is it just me, or the fully geared police officer patrolling the corridors of the school is just too scary?

    • jpfitz says:

      Brian, No, it’s not just you. I am disgusted that a Peace Officer wears riot gear to a school for their protection. It’s freakin scary, and where’s Officer Joe Bolton when you need him, not some roid freak playing babysitter.

      Police state in action training the kiddies for what’s to come.

      The school nurse would have been a wiser choice to disseminate the perils of putting drunk tampons in an orifice. Reporting on this also serves to educate the kiddies on how to. Great reporting news media, lets see how many youths learn from the report and then stick one where the sun don’t shine. Holy f’in bat poop. I was sure this was the Onion.

    • George says:

      “Is it just me, or the fully geared police officer patrolling the corridors of the school is just too scary?”
      Yep. it’s just you pussy!!

      • jpfitz says:

        George, What kind of schools did you attend. Did it have Cops patrolling or safety monitors? I’ll go out on a limb and guess… Cops.

  9. Animby says:

    This will probably turn out to be as big a hoax as the eyeball version.

    Besides, everyone knows, alcohol enemas are the way to go…

  10. GregAllen says:

    At any point, does the doctor say he’s actually seen a case of this?

    This seems like another one of those alarmist stories the local news just love.

  11. A guy says:

    I wish I had a vagina.

  12. kerpow says:


  13. spsffan says:

    I’ve just lost my taste for Bloody Marys.

    • jpfitz says:

      spsffan, That’s the funniest reply I’ve heard for a while here on DU. I’m stealing that one if you don’t mind.

      • spsffan says:

        You’re welcome to it.

        Actually, I posted before watching the video. I thought that the kids were dipping the tampons in vodka and then sucking on them. I didn’t realize they were inserting them! Even Worse!!

  14. Joe says:

    Parents be warned! 2 people did this on the internet, so EVERYONE is doing it! Lock up your kids!

  15. #19- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    #15–spsffan==that was a good one. I was going to say “I’ll have a vodka with a vagina chaser.” but the order is out of whack. I hate these technical drinks like tequila and salt and limes.

    Kids. What ya gonna do?

  16. #20- bobbo, OCCUPY DVORAK: what if "we-all" number our own posts and post seriatim ourselves? says:

    and of course, the answer is: drink.

  17. fpp2002 says:

    I first heard of this on “30 Rock”, when Liz Lemon asks Jenna, “What’s wrong? Have you been soaking your tampons in vodka again?” I wonder if this is the source…

  18. msbpodcast says:

    Well, there does the problem of sneaking in enough drinks to get her drunk.

    You both can split a box of Tampax™ and a 40 ouncer of Grey Goose™.

    Even the high school prom can be fun even without a bottle in view.

  19. eBiker says:

    OMG , cant believe they put that on the news…. straight vodka
    up anus WILL eat your colon…. u will be poopin blood in no time at all !!!!
    not to mention it’s gonna burn like hell on either hole…
    anyone that tries this will be very sorry.

  20. Beanbag says:

    Snatch & go?

  21. ECA says:

    It might just be me…
    but, in my time, didnt we have OTHER things to do while in school?

    And a buzz that lasts(probably) only a few hours(then feel ROTTEN)(while still in school) is NOT a good thing…where are the refills??

    I can see a line in the Gym for another BONG HIT..

  22. AdmFubar says:

    i bet those gals dont get yeast infections

  23. rider1 says:

    LOL I love these scare stories.

    I mean it must be true because we all know you can’t just drink the damn vodka.

  24. PMitchell says:

    I call bullshit how does the girl get that tampon up there after it is soaked those things blow up huge and get soft

    • ubiquitous talking head says:

      It only works for the sluts. The ones who normally can’t use tampons because they fall out.

  25. Wait till next spring break – this will be the rage
    Date R_pe with vodka soaked tampons
    Watch out I guess
    Its amazing how far some people will go to get high
    Get me to the beach please

  26. Peppeddu says:

    Prohibitionism has historically failed, and this is proof.

    You certainly won’t hear these stories from kids in Europe, and most, if not all of them would laugh at their American counterpart for doing something like this.

  27. Gasparrini says:

  28. ben-in-the-woods says:

    Reminds me of back in my way-ward youth when, um, friends used to put LSD directly into their eyes for a quicker buzz ….

  29. realproblems says:

    anyone want to do any tampon shots with me?

  30. jing says:

    what a great!!!!


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